Reddit Reddit reviews Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, 32 Ounce - 1 Pack

We found 14 Reddit comments about Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, 32 Ounce - 1 Pack. Here are the top ones, ranked by their Reddit score.

Grocery & Gourmet Food
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Cooking & Baking Vinegars
Cooking Oils, Vinegars & Sprays
Apple Cider Vinegars
Pantry Staples
Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, 32 Ounce - 1 Pack
Rich in enzymes & potassiumHelps maintain healthy skin and helps promote youthful, healthy bodiesHelps control weight and promotes digestion & ph BalanceRelieves muscle pain from exerciseBRAGG 32 fl. oz. Bottle
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14 Reddit comments about Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, 32 Ounce - 1 Pack:

u/Ljohnson72 · 8 pointsr/malefashionadvice

To anyone looking to up their skincare, I highly suggest the line from Baxter of California. Been using the face wash, toner, moisturizer, night cream AHA, and facial scrub for a few weeks now and it's great.

Also, I recommend doing a weekly clay mask. Get some calcium bentonite clay and mix with equal parts raw apple cider vinegar and let dry for 15-20 min. Wash off. Have glorious skin.

And in regards to cologne: Tom Ford Private Blend. You won't regret it.

u/tokisushi · 7 pointsr/rawpetfood

Salmon Oil

  • Benefit : Good source of Omega 3s and 6s, good for coat and skin health

  • Necessary?: Unless you have a steady source of grass fed proteins, it is highly recommended.

  • Use: Daily to several times a week, follow the recommended dosage on the bottle unless otherwise instructed. Avoid feeding multiple oils in one day/meal to prevent tummy upset..

  • Recommended Brand: Grizzly Salmon Oil - many salmon oils have soy in them, Grizzly does not.


    Pollock Oil

  • Benefit : Good source of Omega 3s and 6s, good for coat and skin health

  • Necessary?: Unless you have a steady source of grass fed proteins, it is highly recommended. Pollock Oil is a good substitute for Salmon Oil.

  • Use: Daily to several times a week, follow the recommended dosage on the bottle unless otherwise instructed. Avoid feeding multiple oils in one day/meal to prevent tummy upset.

    Recommended Brand: Grizzly Pollock Oil


    Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

  • Benefit : Good for coat and skin health, frequently used as a dietary supplement and ointment for dogs who suffer from skin allergies. Some people will also use it for flea control.

  • Necessary?: Many people wont feed it because it is a plant based oil. It is not a necessary part of the diet.

  • Use: Added to food Daily to several times a week - Feed 1tsp per 10lbs of body weight. Can also be used as an ointment.

  • Recommended Brand: Nature's Way Extra Virgin Coconut Oil


    Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Benefit : Balance PH level, promote digestive health and treatment of parasites.

  • Necessary?: It is a plant based product which may bother some PMR feeders - the uses (especially external) are worthwhile for many, however.

  • Use: Added to food a couple times a week - 1tsp per 50lbs of body weight. Can also be used to bathe (instead of shampoo) and used to treat fleas.

  • Recommended Brand: Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar



  • Benefit : Support digestive health and nutrient absorption

  • Necessary?: Some variety of Pre/Pro-biotic is recommended, especially for dogs new to raw or dogs with sensitive stomachs.

  • Use: Added to food daily - follow recommended dosage on the package

  • Recommended Brand: Wholistic Digest All



  • Benefit : Ensure all necessary vitamins and minerals are included within your dog's diet

  • Necessary?: Some people opt to feed vitamins, others don't. I like the peace of mind of adding in a multi-vitamin a few times a week.

  • Use: Added to food daily or several times a week - follow recommended dosage on the package

  • Recommended Brand: Solid Gold Seameal - this contains plant products which some PMR prefer not to feed. There are other options out there if you choose not to feed plant products.



  • Benefit : Anti-inflammatory properties can help with allergies and joint health/pain. Also supports digestive health and can boost the metabolism.

  • Necessary?: No. Some people use it to support joint health with/instead of glucosamine, it is also used for dogs who suffer from allergies.

  • Use: Added to food daily or several times a week 1/8 - 1/4tsp per 10lbs of body weight


    There are likely others/other suggestions for brands, but this is what I regularly supplement with. I know many PMR feeders will avoid plant based products, but I don't mind them so much for supplementation.
u/Thoriel · 7 pointsr/SkincareAddiction

I use Aztec Clay mixed with Apple Cider Vinegar! I'm guessing there was something added to the mask you used that was what broke you out. Clay masks shouldn’t normally cause break outs

u/mmhmoist · 5 pointsr/entwives

I definitely think if you stopped in January, with beginning to try in May, your system should be clear.

I like to do a natural detox about everything 3 months (when the seasons change), for 3-5 days. You could add several different types of detoxing after you quit smoking to really, really clean up.

I add a spoonful each of bentonite and psyllium husk to a glass of cranberry juice. (It can be any juice, but cranberry is strong - to mask out weird tastes - and it's known for being "good" for feminine issues. And I love the taste.) It's super sugary though, and cutting sugars is a good part of a detoxing, so I'd water it down. Mix everything up well with a spoon, and drink up.

You could also add Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) into your life, if you haven't be acquainted already. It's amazing.
It's can be crazy disgusting at first, but the results are wild. It will absolutely impact your:

  • digestion
  • bowel movements (can cause diarrhea if you take a lot at first; work up to 1 shot glass of it)
  • energy

    It's recommended before you eat in the morning and/or afternoon. A shot every morning will start to make changes within a day. Do half a shot to start, mixed with water. You'll want a chaser of at least more water, if not something juice to get that taste out of your mouth.
    I used to do this as part of a healthy weight loss plan. It helped with my appetite and digestion, and honestly gave me a lot of diarrhea. I realized I was just taking too much, so cut back, and it now really helps if I'm ever constipated. You will likely really want natural and safe ways to help with constipation with your preggers. You will likely be crazy constipated often.

    Lastly, a actual "detox" kit is always good. These are my 2 favorites, but there are more out there that are good. Inner Cleanse is the cheaper (1/2 the cost), and it's gentle. Like ACV, it can cause diarrhea. Read and follow the directions.
    The other one is Raw Cleanse. It's more complicated and I found it pretty gross, but if you can stomach the process (or find a middle ground with it, like adding juice), it's quite effective. Both of these kits are different, but their ingredients have detoxing elements that nothing else so far has offered.

    Also, I recommend drinking kombucha at least weekly. IMHO, this is one of the best brands for kombucha (besides locally made goodness). There are a few other brands that are good, but watch our for the sugar.

    So, if it's not apparent by now, all of these detoxing, in some way, stimulate you to ultimately poop a lot. Trying all these different ways of detoxing will not only detox you up, but you can find one detox that you prefer, and then do that one occasionally. I do a super big detox, as in all the things described above combined, maybe every 18. mos - 2 years, and then just one of those (cranberry juice blend or detox pills) every ~3 months.

    Hope this helps! Congrats on planning a family. <3
u/spaok · 3 pointsr/4hourbodyslowcarb

I like Bragg's apple cider vinegar, 1 part to 2 or 3 parts olive oil on salads.

If you like spicy stuff, you can also make pique with it really easily and it's good on practically everything.

u/_monsoon_ · 2 pointsr/indonesia

>Itu kosher, sea, sama table salt beda flavournya ya?

beda bro ku. secara texture table salt fine banget dan jadinya gampang larut. kalo kosher dan sea salt, biasanya lebih coarse. lebih besar2. kl dari flavour memang perbedaannya subtle banget sih, tp harus coba biar tau. nah kalo mau incorporate keduanya, bisa aja. biasanya untuk seasoning di awal pake table salt, lightly aja, terus nanti pas udh selesai masak sebelum di serve, di tabur lagi, bisa ngasih texture crunchy jg.


>Ada recommended savory/salty/fried food to try making?

ada, ini gampang bgt dan lumayan cepet.

(gue agak cringe nama namain makanan gini, cuma ya gue coba describe aja yak. mudah mudahan ga bingung)


Pan seared boneless chicken thigh, with garlic, rosemary, and lemon.



  • Paha Ayam tanpa tulang yang masih ada kulitnya. (kenapa ga dada ayam? paha ayam lebih banyak fat content nya. lebih juicy. dada lebih banyak protein nya, lebih gampang keras)
  • Lemon 1/2, peres ke air 1/4 gelas.
  • bawang putih 4 siung, cingang/ geprek
  • bawang bombay 1/2, cincang.
  • Dried Rosemary
  • Salt (any kind)
  • Black pepper (di grind dulu, atau beli yang bubuk)
  • (optional) bubuk cabe rawit/ Cayenne Pepper Powder.
  • Olive oil/Vegetable Oil (i use soy)
  • Butter


    Pastiin daging ayam mentah harus punya plate nya sendiri. yang lain di taro di cutting board/ satu piring gapapa. biar ga terkontaminasi salmonella.



  1. siapin ayamnya, kalo beli di pasar biasanya gue cuci dikit pake air minum. jangan air mentah. terus gue pat dry pake paper towel. terutama bagian skin nya. pastiin air di permukaan ayam di lap semua.
  2. biar matengnya rata, biasanya ayamnya gue pound dikit dibagian yang ketebelan, tp ga ekstrim sampe gepeng. biar even aja tebelnya. jd gue cover pake plastik, terus gue ratain pake meat tenderizer. kalo nggak ada bisa pake ulekan. tp ini optional. ga juga gapapa.
  3. lo lumurin ayamnya pake garem, black pepper, sama rosemary. garemnya kira kira max. satu sendok teh. black pepper sama rosemarynya kira kira satu sendok teh juga.



  4. panasin wajan, kasih minyak secukupnya, kayak dua sendok makan gitu lah. tergantung ukuran si paha ayam segimana. tunggu sampe mulai keliatan agak berasep.
  5. ayam ada dua sisi, bagian atas yang ada kulit, sama bagian bawah yang ga ada kulitnya. taro ayam bagian kulit dulu, terus diemin jangan di bolak balik selama sekitar 5-7 menitan. apinya kecil/ sedeng aja biar ga gosong. ini tujuannya biar kulitnya bisa kering.
  6. selagi nunggu si kulitnya crisp, gue biasanya tabur bubuk cabe dikit di bagian ayam yang ga ada kulitnya.
  7. kalo dagingnya udh keliatan mulai agak putih di bawah, gue masukin bawang putihnya. gue taro di sekitar ayamnya. ini biar minyaknya di infuse sm bawang.
  8. kalo bawangnya udh agak kecoklatan dan wangi, lo pencet2 kayak di peres gitu, terus angkat dr wajan. habis itu sisa minyak bawang tadi gue sendokin terus gue tuang ke ayamnya.
  9. setelah 5-7 menit, harusnya si kulit udh bisa bisa lepas dan kering. balik ayamnya. tunggu sekitar 2 menitan atau coba lo teken aja, misalnya udh agak firm. itu harusnya udh mau mateng. lo angkat dari wajan, taro piring. terus diemin sebentar. kalo mau bisa tabur garem lagi diatas kulitnya. udah jadi deh ayamnya!


    nah di wajan nya kan ada sisa sisa yang tadi. minyak, kulit2 ayam yang nempel, dsb. itu bisa dipake.

    masih di wajan yang tadi,

  10. masukin bawang bombay cincang yang udh disiapin, tumis sampe agak layu dan translucent.
  11. tuang air lemon ke wajan sedikit2 sambil terus numis, terus naikin panasnya pelan2 sambil lo scrape si bagian2 yang kering dan nempel di wajan td.
  12. kalo udh semua air lemon ketuang, sambil terus di aduk, masukin butter satu sendok makan.
  13. kalo mau bisa tabur dried rosemary lagi.
  14. tumis sampe dia mengental/ reduced sampe setengah. cobain. kl kurang manis/ asin bisa tambah garam atau gula merah(atau madu) sedikit. jadi deh saus!


    nah carb nya bebas, bisa pake ubi, kentang, nasi, roti, pasta.

    kl kentang atau ubi biasanya gue kupas, rebus biar starch nya ilang, gue angkat terus gue tumis tumis pake bawang putih, garem, sama dried oregano. udah gitu aja.

    (biasanya kentang sama ubi gue campur, biar balance ada manisnya)


    sayurnya bisa pake salad. jadi selada/ lettuce fresh, diaduk pake vinaigrette.

    resep vinaigrette:


  • 2 siung garlic, cincang
  • 1 sendok makan Dijon mustard (penting sebagai emulsifier, biar bahan2 nya bisa kecampur)
  • 1/4 gelas apple cider vinegar, (ini keras bgt, boleh dicampur air)
  • 1/2 lemon, di peres.1-2 sendok makan madu,
  • 1/3 gelas olive oil
  • garem sama black pepper, secukupnya


    campur di satu toples/jar/ botol. kocok2. diemin 30 menitan. jadi deh. udahnya kuat di taro kulkas kayak.. 1 bulan- 2 bulanan lah.


    met nyobain! kl bingung you can PM me.
u/AEnoch29 · 2 pointsr/carnivore

Apple Cider Vinegar

Results may vary but it's been touted to help with GERD. Once I'm in better shape and at my target weight I plan on making the experiment to see if it works for me.

u/Yoyochan · 2 pointsr/SkincareAddiction

Lately I've been using the commonly recommended Bentonite clay + Apple Cider Vinegar mask. I've been using it every other day for a week and it has surprisingly dimished my sebaceous filaments and also helped zap a few stubborn pimples I had. It has also really brightened up my skin's general look and evened out my skin tone quite a bit.

I tried this mask a few times a while back, but I think my clay:vinegar ratio was too heavy on the clay end, and it irritated my skin. Now I've been using a lot more vinegar and mixing it to a fairly thin consistency (almost pudding-like), and then layering it until it's thick and opaque. I leave it on only until it begins to crack a bit, and not until it completely dries. I rinse it off in the shower and gently break up the softened clay by using circular motions with my fingers. I used to attempt to remove it with a washcloth but that just added to the irritation.

Depending on your tolerance you might be able to use this mask daily if you leave it on for a short time (10 minutes max) and are gentle with your removal.

On the note of slowing down aging, be sure to use a daily sunscreen with a 30+ SPF. That's your best bet of reducing skin damage and wrinkles long-term.

u/drogean2 · 1 pointr/Gastritis

i learned recently that unfiltered apple cider vinegar can work amazing for any kind of gastric issues (gerd, acid reflux, etc) and natural coconut oil can help if its bacteria related

since you cant swallow pills, Braggs apple cider vinegar probably the most natural organic stuff out there.

tastes like ass but you mix 2 tablespoons with a glass of juice/water daily and youre good to go

best of luck

u/drewbage1847 · 1 pointr/Homebrewing

All you need to make cider vinegar is cider that's done fermenting and some "vinegar mother". You can easily get that by getting your hands on some vinegar with live mother: Bragg Cider Vinegar. Just introduce a small portion of the raw vinegar to your newly boozed up juice and let it go for a month or two.

Also, don't do this near your other fermentations... unless you really like vinegar.

u/ur2fat4u · 1 pointr/acne

Hey man, I feel for you, I really do. I started recently doing an Aztec Clay Mask which has done a lot to reduce the redness of my skin and even out my complexion. My acne is not as bad as yours but I still have it. I highly suggest looking into trying out the mask. It has worked wonders for a lot of people and there is a visible difference after the first two tries. Here are the links and please let me know how it goes for you.

Mix the powder with...

u/RemielRS · 1 pointr/Warts

You mean use the cotton ball to apply it onto the wart, and then tape over the wart? Would this stuff be ok?

u/IDFKwhereGilliganIs · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

A Annnnd here we go again


























u/TheFiksman · 1 pointr/CrohnsDisease

Hey there!

For acne treatment, try the following combo. It works wonders. Mix them together, and apply the paste to your acne sensitive skin at least once a week. Leave on for 10~ minutes or so, and wash off.
