Reddit Reddit reviews OpenGL SuperBible: Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference (6th Edition)

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6 Reddit comments about OpenGL SuperBible: Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference (6th Edition):

u/MrBushido2318 · 20 pointsr/gamedev

You have a long journey ahead of you, but here goes :D


C++ Primer: One of the better introductory books.

The C++ Standard Template Library: A Tutorial and Reference: Goes over the standard template library in fantastic detail, a must if you're going to be spending a lot of time writing C++.

The C++ Programming Language: Now that you have a good idea of how C++ is used, it's time to go over it again. TCPPL is written by the language's creator and is intended as an introductory book for experienced programmers. That said I think it's best read once you're already comfortable with the language so that you can full appreciate his nuggets of wisdom.


Modern C++ Design: Covers how to write reusable C++ code and common design patterns. You can definitely have started game programming by the time you read this book, however it's definitely something you should have on your reading list.

C++ Templates: Touches on some similar material as Modern C++ Design, but will help you get to grips with C++ Template programming and how to write reusable code.

Effective C++: Practical advise about C++ do's and dont's. Again, this isn't mandatory knowledge for gamedev, but it's advice is definitely invaluable.

Design Patterns: Teaches you commonly used design patterns. Especially useful if you're working as part of a team as it gives you a common set of names for design patterns.


C++ Concurrency in Action: Don't be put off by the fact I've put this as an "advanced" topic, it's more that you will get more benefit out of knowing the other subjects first. Concurrency in C++11 is pretty easy and this book is a fantastic guide for learning how its done.

Graphics Programming

OpenGL: A surprisingly well written specification in that it's pretty easy to understand! While it's probably not the best resource for learning OpenGL, it's definitely worth looking at. [edit: Mix it in with and arcsynthesis's tutorials for practical examples and you're off to a good start!]

OpenGL Superbible: The OpenGL superbible is one of the best ways to learn modern OpenGL. Sadly this isn't saying much, in fact the only other book appears to be the "Orange Book", however my sources indicate that is terrible. So you're just going to have suck it up and learn from the OGL Superbible![edit: in retrospect, just stick to free tutorials I've linked above. You'll learn more from them, and be less confused by what is 3rd party code supplied by the book. Substitute the "rendering" techniques you would learn from a 3d book with a good 3d math book and realtime rendering (links below)]

Essential Mathematics for Game Programmers or 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development: 3D programming involves a lot of math, these books cover topics that OpenGL/DirectX books tend to rush over.

Realtime Rendering: A graphics library independent explanation of a number of modern graphical techniques, very useful with teaching you inventive ways to use your newly found 3d graphical talents!

u/slime73 · 5 pointsr/gamedev

Why are you linking a guide from 1997? Graphics programming has changed a lot since then, and you'll learn (and then have to un-learn) bad habits by using techniques from the mid-90's. :(

For modern OpenGL tutorials, check out these:

And some real books:

u/mispeeled · 2 pointsr/opengl

Besides the other suggestions in this thread I'd also recommend the OpenGL Superbible.

Even though it's OpenGL 4.3 and c++, it's still an excellent place to start

u/phao · 2 pointsr/learnprogramming

For C++ and OpenGL, not really focusing on games, you can go for the Superbible book ( There is the Arcsynthesis tutorial like someone else already suggested ( Someone suggested NeHe's tutorials on OpenGL I think ( Those are pretty outdated, you probably shouldn't be looking at those. At least that is what everyone else says out there.

You should be careful with your wording though, IMO.

Are you interested in learning how to create 3D games? Or are you interested in learning this somewhat particular way of programming 3D games with C++/SDL/OpenGL or C++/DirectX coding everything else having just that?

If you want to learn how to build 3D games, then there are other directions you can look at which are way more pleasant and good enough for many games (several commercial successes included). For example, many outstandingly good looking 3D games were built using Unity. There is also the Unreal Engine.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to learn this somewhat specific C++/<something 3D> way. It can be highly educational I guess. But be aware that there are easier paths if your goal is to build a 3D game, and not to build one in a particular way.

u/sign_on_the_window · 2 pointsr/cscareerquestions

University of Texas in Austin does have game development courses so you're in good hand there. Their CS program is fantastic. Austin is in a good location with tons of start ups so finding a job after graduation shouldn't be too difficult. I would be aware that living in Austin is expensive compared to San Antonio. As long as general courses transfer nicely and you can afford it, I think you're good. I believe they still teach Java in their intro courses.

C++ and OpenGL is generally safe for any type of game. I recommend OpenGL Superbible . It's for OpenGL 4.3 and covers shading language GLSL as well. I believe code works for any OpenGL 4.X versions anyways.

If you want to stick to a particular engine... Unity (mostly C#) is kind of the go-to for 3D game engines. For 2D, I personally prefer SDL 2 (C++) since it integrates with OpenGL very nicely.

If you want, you can pick up languages after your intro course since learning Java will make learning other languages easier. There is a Data Structures and an Algorithms course following intro course. Those are pretty important.

u/0xfefefefe · 1 pointr/learnprogramming

Unity teaches you to script, game engines are much, much more complicated. I can give you some cool resources though.

If you can afford it (and try to, it's incredible), pick up Game Engine Architecture. It gives a high level overview of an engine and then goes into depth on some hard problems like animation or skinning. For rendering code, I can't recommend the OpenGL SuperBible enough.

You can probably write your first engine in C# or python, but realize that they won't be fast enough to truly render 3d and do more work than that. But I'm starting on my second engine now and it's so different just based on what I've learned from the first.

As for how long, don't think of it like that. Break the engine down into modular parts and write those, then integrate them. I'd start on rendering because it's guaranteed to get you the most excited, and a simple rendering system shouldn't take more than a month or two, especially if you start with the OpenGL SuperBible's code base. Let me know if you have any other questions!