Reddit Reddit reviews The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd Edition)

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The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd Edition)
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4 Reddit comments about The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd Edition):

u/duggieawesome · 3 pointsr/ruby

Sounds like you want to grab the Pickaxe book. It's a tome, but it'll take you through the Ruby way of doing things. The Ruby Way is great and easily accessible, but I don't believe it's been updated for Ruby 2.0.

Lastly, you can always skim through the Ruby docs.

Edit: You should also check out POODR. Great way of learning how to refactor!

u/kgoblin2 · 2 pointsr/ruby

Best Patterns:
The patterns are honestly not going to be that different, you just have more tools in the toolbox; and generally it is much easier and possible to keep everything very simple. The biggest mistake I see other Java folks make regarding Ruby is they make too big of a deal about solving particular problems, not realizing that while Java may need a 3rd party lib & 1000's of lines of code, Ruby can do it with maybe a 100 or so.
Bear in mind I have a different perspective from a lot of Rubyists on this topic, eg. I strongly disagree with the party line on Dependency Injection being useless/unneeded in Ruby land (most of the rationale I have seen for said statement displays a lack of understanding on what DI is and why it is useful). That is a bit of the Java side of me infecting the Ruby side.

I can recommend 2 books in particular:

  • The Ruby Way 1st edition of this book was what really got me into Ruby & what I could do with it when I started ~10 years ago. Note that it is written with the assumption you are already strongly familiar with the basic Ruby syntax
  • Metaprogramming w/ Ruby this will take you on a whirlwind tour of Ruby's metaprogramming aspects, which are what really set the language apart from everything else, and specifically give it a leg-up over java in terms of programmer productivity.
u/chunky_bacon · 2 pointsr/programming

The Ruby Way. Best Ruby book out of the 10-12 on my shelf. (Have not read any of the three books in the article).

u/[deleted] · 2 pointsr/ruby

sorry to hear you're having trouble; i get my ass kicked all the time.

if programming languages were like poems, i'd liken things like C# to an epic and ruby to a haiku. both are packed full of meaning, but the approach toward expressing it is radically different (imho: just an impression, keep the hatches battened down). the ruby community focuses very much on readability, in the sense that code sometimes reads more like pseudocode, or even just regular text, than i've seen in other lanaguages. this focus on readability is tightly coupled with a preference for terseness wherever and however possible: things like dry (don't repeat yourself), etc. are heavily emphasized.

sometimes it feels to me like i'm meeting a new person when i learn a new language, tool, etc.: it can go well or poorly, but regardless it takes a while to learn each other well enough in order to communicate effectively. the only way to expedite the process is familiarity. if familiarity is in short supply, patience appears to be the only way forward. disagreements will arise, but i try to look at those as opportunities to potentially broaden my perspective.

i'd recommend just taking some time in a low-pressure environment to work through some examples (small, easy ones just to get the feel for it) and read things like the pickaxe or the ruby way. eloquent ruby is on my reading list as well.

as far as editors go, i tried aptana (eclipse), rubymine, etc. i finally settled back on vim, with a few plugins to help along. so far, i've got pretty much everything i need out of an ide - granted, i do tend to use nix as an IDE. if you'd like some more information on that, here's a blog post i wrote a while back about my setup then. it's for ubuntu, but some of the gems, etc. it references may be helpful. of particular note is rubocop, which is a linter for ruby. about the only things i don't have via vim (either as part of default vim or via plugin) is code-completion (honestly don't use it that much) and a built-in debugger (again, nix as an IDE, plain old ruby debug gets me by. yes, pry. i know.). for built-in debugging, there's vim-ruby-debugger, and for autocompletion there's youcompleteme. i haven't personally used those plugins yet, but they're on my list to try out. there are probably others as well.

hope this helps.