Best cat toy balls according to redditors

We found 255 Reddit comments discussing the best cat toy balls. We ranked the 61 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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Top Reddit comments about Cat Toy Balls:

u/fry_that_kimchi · 101 pointsr/AskWomen

There are food dispensing cat toys that make your cat work for food. The ball is even adjustable to make the puzzle easier or harder to get food out of.

u/salire · 53 pointsr/TheGirlSurvivalGuide

Your questions aren't silly! It's great that you're thinking about how you can make you both comfortable before you dive into a new situation. Always set yourself up for success! :)

> do I buy a litter box/food/scratch-post before I plan to bring a cat home?

That's generally a good idea, yes. Means less stress for both of you as you're scrambling to get everything ready for him. You might ask the shelter what food the cat has been eating, as cats can get an upset tummy when switching brands/types. Not a big deal, but he will have poops that are a bit stinkier/liquidier than normal poops. That should alleviate within the week. You can lessen the tummy troubles by doing a more gradual change, mixing the food he is currently on with the food he will be on more and more, until he is eating what you want him on. But you can honestly just do the change, too, and just deal with the sadpoops for a little while.

I suggest a couple of different scratching posts, if you have the space! Cats like having options, like a horizontal post and a vertical one. Cats also like being high up, so if you can swing a tall post with platforms, he will probably like that.

Get two litter boxes! A lot of people don't realize it, but the rule of thumb for number of litters you should have is NumberOfCats + 1. So, 1 cat + 1 = 2 boxes. Clean them often. Cats are very clean creatures (especially compared to dogs) and are MUCH more likely to have accidents when they feel they do not have a better option than peeing in your bed. That's not their fault. You wouldn't want to step on your own pee/poop either! If you have problems with litter getting kicked out of the box, a litter mat can be helpful.

> Do I need to buy a carrier for the cat?

Yep. You'll eventually need to take him to a vet in all likelihood, and a carrier will make that so much easier, as most cats despise the car. I recommend a hard carrier. The softer ones seem nicer in general, but the hard carriers are easier to clean out, and you never know how a cat will be in the car until... well. They're in it. One of our cats poops and pees every. single. time. So he always gets the hard carrier.

> Should I contact a vet before I get the cat?

The shelter might require you to have a vet already, so I'd probably at least pick one out from google search. They might require you to go get a checkup, but probably not. That's more of a rescue thing, I think. Most shelters have their own in-house vet, so it's not really necessary. Don't be afraid to contact the shelter if he seems to be coughing and wheezing. Upper respiratory infections are very common in shelter environments due to the crowded nature of them, but they are also very treatable, and the shelter will be able to give you medication for him.

> How do I train a cat?

Someone mentioned Jackson Galaxy, who I generally agree is pretty good for training if you have some problems. But most of the time, cats are pretty out-of-the-box ready pets. That is to say, if you have an environment that is good for cats (where you let them have some space, where you don't make a huge amount of loud noise, where they aren't prodded and poked at constantly), they generally don't need training. We've fostered tiny kittens that automatically knew how to use the litter box. We also have boy cats who were not fixed until well into adulthood and have never had problems spraying.
It's instinct to go in the box, especially once they're fixed and don't need to mark territory really.

> For those of you who own a cat/cats, any advice for this first-timer?

Give both of you time to get to know each other. Don't force it. He will come to you, given time and space, and you'll be able to cultivate a better relationship built on trust and mutual respect if he knows that you won't force him to do things that he doesn't want to do (especially at first--think about it like building a friendship with a person; you would trust your friends to do things that you would never trust a stranger to do, and it's the same for him).

Cooing and gentle words are generally pretty good for coaxing, as is letting him smell your hand/something that smells like you before you approach for pets. Think about it like introducing yourself. You wouldn't go up to someone you didn't know well and just touch them without at least saying hi.

Every cat I have ever known, male or female, fixed or not, will pee in a pile of anything if it is left long enough. They see it as 'trash,' and I think it just registers as litter. So, if you are the type to leave clothes on the floor... I would try to stop that.

Keep nails trimmed. Scratching posts are for sharpening nails, which is an instinct that they have to fulfill, and you're giving them an outlet for. Some people think it's for 'filing' the nails down, but it's not. It's for keeping them sharp enough to get prey. You'll have to trim them.

And this is just my own personal opinion, but... young--but not kitten--boy cats are best for first timers. I have one girl, and I absolutely adore her, but she is very high maintenance/prissy/touchy, whereas my three boys are all pretty chill. Each cat is different though, so obviously your mileage may vary! It's just something I've noticed in general in my time of owning and fostering cats, that boys are more laid back/forgiving than girls (and thus I think a little easier for a first timer). Young adults are also great for first timers because you have less accidents (though that's generally not a big concern anyway) and they're more able to be on their own for longer periods of time. Older adults/seniors are great too if you want a really, really chill, more stand-offish cat, or if you want a cat that you'll have for <10 years, but if you want a little more energy and time, a cat that's about 1-2 years old is a GREAT way to go.

Some toys that are great for cats include the classic laser pointer, the feather toy, catnip toys, and crinkle balls.

Cats prefer to drink away from where they eat, so place his food bowl and his water bowl apart from one another! Some cats also prefer running water to still water, so if you notice your cat likes drinking out of the faucet (or if you just want to spoil your cat like I spoil mine...) you can get a water fountain for him!

Finally, if it's not working out for some reason, like your personalities just don't mesh well... take him back. I know it sounds hard, but it's best for him if he is in an environment where he is understood and his needs are met. There's no sense in forcing both of you to be miserable. Some shelters let you do a foster-to-adopt sort of thing, where you sort of try each other out for a bit. I like this option, because you hope for the best, but it feels a little bit easier to tap out if you need to. Either way, there's no shame in tapping out. Sometimes things just don't work the way you thought they would.

Sorry for the novel, but I wanted to be as thorough as I could. My parents recently got their first cat, and it's been... an ordeal for them, getting used to it.
It's great that you have some experience with cats though, so I think you'll be fine! Seriously, cats are sort of the next level up from a goldfish as far as easiness. Should be fine.

I hope you and your new furbaby are super, super happy together! :)

u/IG-64 · 41 pointsr/funny

My cat does this too so we ended up getting him one of these which is essentially a food-dispensing pokeball

u/littlest-topo · 16 pointsr/TwoXChromosomes

This is geared toward dog owners, but "Impulsive Rehoming Phase" can happen to any pet owner. ( You're certainly not alone (even if you don't feel impulsive).

Can you pinpoint other specific behaviors that are annoying? Your example of meowing makes sense, because presumably you work very hard and are tired, so your son's nap is your only time to relax. Plus, cranky baby. Discrete behaviors can be modified (whereas general feelings of annoyance cannot).

First, is your cat healthy? Illness or stress can cause your cat to vocalize excessively. Adding a baby to the home is definitely stress (as can be moving furniture, etc). Is your cat using the litter box normally? Missing the box can be a sign that it is dirty or that your cat has a UTI. If the vet gives a clean bill of health, you can help stress by using a calming pheromone plug-in.

Make sure you are providing your cat with enough enrichment and opportunities to exercise. For example, interactive toys, a bird-watching window, scratching posts, vertical spaces, or even a catio.

Finally, schedule in some TLC. If you have a cat that enjoys grooming or petting, carve out 10 minutes to do that activity (or even 5 if it is a long day). You might find that not only does it meet your cat's needs, but it helps to redevelop the bond that you once had with your cat, but aren't really feeling lately.

I've gone off a bit on a tangent, but a behavior counselor can help you identify plans to solve specific behavioral issues (if you can identify them), if you can't solve them on your own. Hopefully that would result in a happier cat and a happier mom.

u/Zoethor2 · 13 pointsr/Pets
u/nexuschild · 11 pointsr/PressureCooking

They set up a European distribution out of UK for 220v versions. For the Netherlands you can get it from Amazon Germany for the correct plug.

u/RuxConk · 10 pointsr/PlantBasedDiet

Another reason to love my instant pot!

If you don't already have one I highly recommend it, they're actually on sale on UK amazon right now.

u/reddit_is_not_evil · 9 pointsr/therewasanattempt

> Mine puke when I put more food in their bowl.

One of ours did this. He would gorge on the new food and vomit it up five minutes later, to the delight of our other one. This fixed that. Now he only vomits hairballs and people food, when he is able to sneak some.

>My gfs cat pisses high in the litter box

We had this problem too, and one of our cats rejects covered litterboxes (probably the same little shit who pisses too high). These fixed it.

u/The_Minstrel_Boy · 7 pointsr/todayilearned

I got a food ball for my cat. She has fun knocking it around, and it stretches her meals out for half an hour or so. She meows less at night ever since I got it for her.

u/sciencekitty · 7 pointsr/AskVet

Preface: I am not a vet! I'm just a pre-vet student who has successfully gotten her chubby kitty to lose weight, so take my advice with a grain of salt...

Do you free feed or do you only give the recommended amount per day?

If you free feed, kitty is probably still eating as much as he wants and the weight may never come off. I would recommend switching to a regulated amount per day (I quickly looked up the feeding directions and it looks like you should be aiming for about 2/3rds cup daily; however, you should confirm this with your vet) if you haven't already.

In regards to wet food, try out several brands and see if you can find one he likes. My kitties are mostly fed Weruva or Best Feline Friend, but I've recently had to switch back to Hill's Ideal Balance wet food for just my Siamese because she is super picky.

As for exercise, you should be playing with him several times a day to the point where he starts lightly panting or flops over and refuses to move. I enjoy using the laser to run my kitties up and down the stairs and around the house. My kitties also lose their little minds for Da Bird, so you may want to check out your local pet store for something like this to encourage your kitty to use all his energy going after a toy.

When I was having my kitty lose weight, I would use this to feed her her small daily ration of dry food, so she actually had to work a bit to get her food and couldn't just sit there and gobble it!

Hopefully some of my experiences will be of help for you guys! Chubby kitties are stubborn, but once you find the right balance of food and exercise, the pounds will start coming off! Good luck :)

u/Cynnith · 6 pointsr/Pets

Have you considered a foraging toy with a few treats in it between meals? Something she can knock around to get treats out of? It might help distract her from the plastic. Something like this.

u/theyear1200 · 6 pointsr/Pets

Your best bet is to feed him his meals in some sort of food puzzle.

I alternate my scarfing stray between these:

Food Tree

Fun Board

Treat Ball

And then sometimes I feed him pellet by pellet by literally just throwing his food down the hall for him to chase. He loves this, it gets him some exercise, and it forces him to eat much more slowly.

u/good_for_me · 6 pointsr/fatlogic

Look into getting one of these:

My cat has lost a bunch of weight with it. She hears the food as it rolls around, so she doesn't whine for more :)

u/banana_kat · 6 pointsr/Pets

If you get a second cat you've got to name it Tomato.


No advice on whether or not to get a second cat, but on entertaining your cat when they're home alone:

-Leave the TV on Animal Planet

-Get some treat balls or puzzles to hide in different places around the house every day

-Rotate which toys are out instead of having them all out at once. That way they stay new and exciting.

-Get your kitty some nice window perches so she can look out the window.

u/KatanaTheAwesome · 6 pointsr/WTF

I don't know about the bowl, but this works pretty well for my cats. The chubby one has been losing weight, and the other one can't eat it all too fast now.

u/conparco · 6 pointsr/Siamesecats

Firstly, make sure to post pictures when you bring him/her home!

Siamese cats are very smart, and that means they bore easily. My kitten (~9mo) loves to play fetch or with the feathers on a stick because we are interacting with him and paying attention to him while he plays. But really, each of my Siamese cats (like all cats) has had his or her own favorite toy, so get little things here and there as you see them and just note what yours likes! These are my kitten's favorite. He is seriously obsessed. I get them much cheaper from a pet store near where I live. But my older guy prefers these, which I find at Wal-Mart.

I would suggest making a "warm box" with a heating pad under a soft blanket and maybe something over the top so you kitten can hide in a warm and cozy place, especially when he/she is stressed out after the move.

Another thing that I would consider an essential is some sort of perch for your cat to get up off the ground and observe the room, like a cat condo or something similar. I made one out of scrap wood and carpet, so it doesn't have to break the bank. :)

SCRATCHING POSTS! I personally do not have the patience for putting the little nail caps on them, but I find that if they have different options for scratching, they resort to the furniture less.

I am so excited for you! Your new kitten will have a great and loving home and your life will never be the same, I promise!

ETA link to nail caps

u/theRacistEuphemism · 6 pointsr/Pets

Agreed on including some wet food, and males are especially prone to urinary problems so get that extra water in wherever you can!

I have a 9.5lb female (so probably smaller than your cat will be if it's a Maine Coon :P) who gets about 2oz - just under half of a 5.5oz can - of wet food twice a day, 12 hours apart. At the end of the night, I give her about 30 pieces of kibble hidden all over her tower, in toys, in her carrier, and in a kibble ball just to keep her busy when I go to bed.

I add water to her wet food to boost her hydration even though she's a good drinker if she's had dry food. When I lived with a middle aged male cat who already had kidney failure and constipation, I would make his wet food into a soup and luckily he ate it right up. I'm a big fan of taking advantage of wet food to get them to drink as much as possible even if the resulting soup looks nasty. :P

In my experience, grain-free foods (and lower carb/higher protein in general) have led to smaller poops and more satiety. I don't mind feeding wet foods that contain some rice, but I avoid corn like the plague because I found those made for the stinkiest poops. I got my cat as a student, so I took to feeding the Petsmart brand Grreat Choice's pates and cases of Friskies pates from CostCo and Petsmart's Simply Nourish kibble. All very affordable and pretty good quality especially for their prices, but I throw in some splurge brands like Petcurean Go! to mix it up too.

u/Insomniae · 6 pointsr/singapore

Shipped from AMZ UK. US version won't work due to 110V. I bought it during Prime Day sale last year and with saved about 20£ all in all from the normal price (it was 40% off iirc but the shipping costed a bomb)
Edit: Their Prime day offer is still available apparently

u/Pseudo_Funk · 5 pointsr/Pets

My cat was the same way before I got him this. He would be a hellion if his bowl was empty but once I switched to the ball and he actually paced himself with his food and even lost some weight.

u/AllForMeCats · 5 pointsr/AnimalsBeingBros

I just got both of my cats to stop chewing up the house! I was waking up every day to 3-6 piles of cat barf with plastic/ribbon/unidentifiable object in them, and I got fed up. Their thing was (mostly) plastic, not cords, so I can't guarantee this'll work for you, but it's worth a shot.

I completely switched over to feeding them in one of these kibble balls. They get all their kibble in the ball now; I put in 1/4 cup twice a day (for two cats). I also feed them wet food once a day.

The other thing I did seemed really obvious after I'd thought of it - I bought chew toys. My cats love them. Their favorites are turkey tendon and cod skin, but beef esophagus is also popular. The only tricky part is securing the treats so they can chew on them - I wedge the cod skin in the corner of one of their scratching boxes and staple the beef esophagus to the side. The turkey tendon is light and flexible enough that they can hold it down with one paw while they chew!

I seriously can't believe how much of a difference this made. My house went from a cat puke minefield to a livable space. My stuff isn't getting chewed to pieces any more. My fat cat is actually exercising instead of begging me for food all day! I really hope it works for you too.

>He has gotten the cold shoulder for a week now

One more thing - negative reinforcement doesn't work with cats, and he definitely won't remember bad behavior from a week ago. Side note, this website mentions bitter apple spray, which you may want to try applying to your cords!

u/librarychick77 · 5 pointsr/CatTraining

Your boy needs to RUN.

He's an adolescent (actual maturity is between 2-3 years) and has lots of energy. You're his only outlet, so it's up to you to give him appropriate ways to drain his energy.

Use a distance toy like this to run him until he's panting twice a day.

Then you get to work his brain.

If you're feeding him dry food from a bowl get one of these instead. Also, check his food for added sugar. I usually recommend grain free as well.

Look into clicker training for cats, catification for your home, and a bird feeder for outside a window.

Smart energetic kitties are fun, and he's trying to play with you because he likes you. Stop punishing him for trying to play, it won't work and it's not fair.

Take it from someone with 4 cats who fosters kittens, your boy will calm down some. But he needs to be burning more energy to be tolerable until then.

u/NeedingVsGetting · 5 pointsr/CatTraining

My vet calls that "scarf 'n barf"

I have 4 cats and one of them was my "gorger". Our vet recommended these to stop the scarfing. They work beautifully!!

That, and slo-bowls

And Puzzle Bowls

Keeps them all from scarfing it down so they eat slower, don't "scarf & barf", and it reduces desperation at the next meal time.

u/twanky · 5 pointsr/Pets

Try putting a portion of her food in a toy that requires activity to dispense such as this. It may help increase activity and reduce eating out of boredom.

u/DrTinyCat · 5 pointsr/NatureIsFuckingLit

Enrichment! That's the word!

Unfortunately her little kitty brain is too small to find treats that aren't shoved in her face. I've been toying around with the idea of a treat ball, though.

u/catcaste · 5 pointsr/casualiama

These are great ways to deal with feline separation anxiety, if you can afford one. If you can't, you can also make them.

Basically, put it down before you leave a room, show your cat it, get him interested in it. Then leave. Do this a couple of times a week for a month or so and he'll stop associating you leaving with being anxious and upset.

u/emailrob · 5 pointsr/CasualUK

If we're talking about slow cookers, then praise be to the gods of pressure cookers!

Instantpots have gotten VERY popular over the pond here, but they are not cheap. However they're very versitile, moreso than a slow cooker

u/Qukel · 5 pointsr/Polska

Instant Pot. Hybryda szybkowaru, wolnowaru oraz kilku innych funkcji. Mnóstwo przepisów do znalezienia w necie, każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie, urządzenie zapewnia ogromną elastyczność w kuchni. Obecnie w super cenie 70€ (może się nieco różnić przy zamówieniu). Warto dokupić przezroczystą pokrywkę jeśli będziemy częściej korzystali z funkcji wolnowaru.

u/zakkyb · 5 pointsr/Cooking

It's £70 in the UK

Buy it before we leave the EU lol

Instant Pot Duo 7-in-1 Electric Pressure Cooker, 6 Litre, 1000 W, Brushed Stainless Steel/Black

u/1bdkty · 4 pointsr/CatAdvice

absolutely. However a cat needs more stimulation than once every couple of days. Get a wand toy (like Da' Bird ), get some treat balls ( ) that you can put treats in for him to find. There is this butterfly toy that is very popular and pretty cheap ( $9.99 US) that most cats seems to love. Pet him, brush him, just talk to him (read him a book or reddit posts you think are funny or homework or whatever).

He probably don't want to go out but is bored. Cats can do fine inside and live long happy lives. Just find what he likes to do and make sure he gets his favorite activities.

u/carpii · 4 pointsr/Cooking

I got an Instant Pot recently. I love it so much I'm evangelising to anyone who will listen, and also lots of people who won't

One of these would let you get rid of your rice cooker, slow cooker, pressure cooker, with less space needed.

Maybe even your hot pot, Im not actually sure what a hot pot is :D

  • I also replaced my container blender and food processor with a Bamix stick blender.

    As a blender its great and just sits in its stand taking up no room.
    It comes with little containers and blades for when you need to chop onions and stuff, but in all honesty by the time you've washed and cleaned those containers, you may aswell have just chopped it manually with a knife and chopping board, which is what I do

    I don't use a panini press, but I have a cast iron griddle pan plus a flat Lodge pan. Feels like the griddle wouldn't be that much different if you apply pressure, and is at least multi-purpose instead of a big single-purpose device taking up room.
u/skyroket · 3 pointsr/DumpsterDiving

Maybe find a tin of some sort and roll strips of corrugated cardboard around inside.

u/VanGoFuckYourself · 3 pointsr/Delightfullychubby

I had a fatty that looked just like this. May I recommend one of these:

It worked wonders to get his weight down and teach him not to hork his meals down super fast.

Edit: actually, this is the one I used

u/svsixfiddy · 3 pointsr/funny

Get yourself one of these:
Makes your cat work for his food and does not allow for over eating. Your cat will thank you.

u/andreablondie · 3 pointsr/Pets

I would have the vet check him for any underlying issues that might cause him to feel hungry.

After that, it sounds like he's just used to inhaling his food too quickly. You can do things to help slow him down. There are slow feeder bowls to help force him to eat more slowly. There are toys that force him to play as they doles out one or two pieces of kibble as they are batted around. You can eve do something as simple as putting a clean golf ball or two into his food bold to force him to eat more slowly.

As for him eating the food he just puked up, that's perfectly ok as long as its just his food and not a hairball or something else. My cats do this once in a while. I find it gross, but think of it this way: they're just getting a warm meal instead of a cold one.

u/ave23v · 3 pointsr/cats

If he eats dry food, maybe look into something like this :

Also, quality of food may be a factor, wet food is better than dry food. If you need to stick to dry food, grain-free is better than regular (cats can't digest carbohydrates in grain and it just turns them fat).

u/fisheye32 · 3 pointsr/cats

May I suggest this?

u/2bass · 3 pointsr/aww

This is the one we use. He's had it for a couple of months and it's still in good shape considering he abuses it and sends it flying across the room constantly, and it was like 8$. Plus it has adjustable holes so you can make it easier while they learn to use it then harder after and it works with different kibble sizes.

u/ambergeva · 3 pointsr/SiberianCats

Food puzzles ! I give our girl a treat dispensing ball with treats in it to keep her occupied - keeps them mentally stimulated and gets a bit of exercise in too. We have one that you can change the difficulty level in, and I also put a small weight in it to throw the balance off and keep it unpredictable for her.
We started her on easy puzzles like a toilet roll with the ends covered and a hole in it to get her used to having to fossick / problem solve. Then you can move onto more advanced puzzles !
There are a whole bunch of websites if u want to make your own out of boxes etc, otherwise there are some very cheap ones on amazon.
This I the one we have and mishka loves it

cat puzzle

u/[deleted] · 3 pointsr/pics

This thing is awesome for fat lazy cats. Put entire meal in toy. Sit back and relax.

u/heresyandpie · 3 pointsr/Rabbits

Try doing some basic environmental enrichment:

There's no need for their veggies to arrive in a bowl- hide little stashes of them around the home for them to find.

Try taking paper bags, putting some hay and a few treats in them and twisting them shut. I just made Vivian a few that had a handful of pellets, two different kinds of hay, and a few freeze-dried cranberries mixed in. She goes nuts trying to get into the bag to get the goodies. You can do the same thing with cardboard boxes.

I'll also sometimes dangle their veggies. Use wire or natural-fibered twine (i like hemp or jute) and attach it to the veggies. Suspend it from a door frame or door knob and make it so they have to stand up to eat it.

Try offering a dig box on occasion. Dirt, shredded paper, sand- whichever.

Try cat toys like this one. Put their pellets in there with one or two little treats and let them roll it around to get their food.

Like others have mentioned, move their boxes around. Build them little forts to explore and rearrange. Pick up half of their normal toys and put them away for a little bit. Swap some out once a week.

Keeping any animal entertained is all about making them use their brain. Food's an easy motivator. Changing the basic layout of their toys or simply cycling through them keeps everything fresh for them.

u/dashingzola · 3 pointsr/teefies

They’re foam. Link below. The foam can break up a bit if they play too aggressively with them, so I keep an eye on that and toss them if it happens because I’m worried Zola might swallow some, but I’ve never seen any evidence of her eating them.

u/meat_tunnel · 3 pointsr/bengalcats

My Savannah loves these crinkle balls, he'll play alone for hours by himself. Also, straws that I tie into pretzels.

u/ketobandeeto · 3 pointsr/CatAdvice

Most cats love these balls make sure to get the 1.5 inch sized balls because the smaller types are choking hazards. I have a tent here made of a flat sheet draped over 4 stools and my cats love to have me throw the balls on top of the tent, and then they run and pounce down onto the tent, collapsing it and furiously chasing the balls as I rain down more balls.

Also anything with feathers goes over big with my guys.

u/Poloniculmov · 3 pointsr/Romania

Amazon, modelul îl iei în funcție de ce mărime ai tu nevoie,eu îl am p-ăsta.

Vezi că nu funcționează ășa, în afară de supe, la toate felurile de mâncare o să trebuiască să faci prep work, să călești lucruri, nu e ca-n filme.

u/A_Stinking_Hobo · 3 pointsr/MealPrepSunday

I’m pretty sure it’s a brand on its own, the one I’ve got is this one Instant Pot Duo V2 7-in-1 Electric Pressure Cooker, 6 Qt, 5.5L 1000 W, Brushed Stainless Steel/Black, 220-240v, Stainless Steel Inner Pot

u/TarmacFFS · 2 pointsr/Gunpla

I use the following rogether:

Round Bamboo Skewers (100, 15" X 5mm Diamter)

iExcell 200 Pcs Silver Tone Metal Alligator Clip Crocodile Clamps

They fit very snug and work great.

I use these to hold the skewers:

Bergan Turbo Scratcher Replacement Pads, 2 Pack

u/msroxrae · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

~I wub my animals~

I love my cat! Her name is Ella and just turned 3. I've had her since she was 6 weeks old. I trained her at an early age to love water and so she likes to sit near the bathtub (or in it) when I'm taking a shower or bath. She is a biter, loves to pretend to be all sweet and then attack your finger when you are least expecting it. She also greets me at the door when I come home everyday and we have an agreement that I get to squeeze her once a day. (Squeezes consist of literally picking her up and squeezing her).

She loves thinks that make noise and I think these would be perfect for her!

u/oldpplfreakmeout · 2 pointsr/secretsanta

My cats love this thing. It's one of those food dispensing balls that they bat around, I call it the cat piñata. One cat even refuses to eat out of her food plate if there's still food in this ball. You'd think she'd prefer to get her food the lazy way, but nope...

One of my other cats loves this little beaver guy. She tosses it up in the air and tries to catch it. It's her absolute favorite toy, she carries it all over the house.

Her sister loves this one. I don't know what it is with them and beavers but they both love their beaver toys more than anything else I've given them. I think it's the crunchiness that attracts her to this one, she likes to carry it around and then plop on top of it and rub herself on it. I don't know.

Their mom loves the toy that comes with this scratching mat. The scratching mat itself is actually pretty great too, they love it and sometimes use is as a sleeping pad.

u/Fourberry · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Yeah, I'm linking cat toys because it's close to their "gotcha" day. :)

I spotted the boys being cute last week. Sometimes they roughhouse, sometimes they're sweet.

Happy Anniversary!

u/kyrpa · 2 pointsr/papillon

This might be a little weird, but my Pap absolutely loves those little foam balls that are usually sold as cat toys. They're the perfect size for him to fetch.

u/panteelines · 2 pointsr/Eyebleach

This is adorable, but cotton balls (and Q-tips) are very dangerous for cats. They get caught in their mouths, and they’ll choke. Make sure toys are big and solid enough they can’t fully get them in their mouths. I buy these foam balls, and my cats love them:

u/lo-lee-ta · 2 pointsr/Rabbits

Does she gnaw because she wants out, or because she's bored? My bunny will shake her cage in the morning to be let out, and in general because we let her out on the bed once and now she always want to go on the bed. Sadly the playpen blocks her way and we don't want her on the bed :p

Do you have hanging chew toys to kind of distract her from the areas of the pen she usually gnaws at?

Cat toys work well for buns. I use this or this. I don't necessarily like loading her up with treats so I just pour some of her dinner pellets into these.

u/iaspeegizzydeefrent · 2 pointsr/somethingimade

They actually make toys similar to this for weight loss/exercise. My girlfriend is a vet and highly recommends them for overweight cats.

u/Grimm_mii · 2 pointsr/Pets

another option could be a puzzle feeder like this

or this

you can also make your own puzzle feeders from cardboard tubes or plastic water bottles

ETA: I use an automatic feeder for my cat's breakfast. The neat thing about it is that they come to associate food with the machine and not you directly, so they beg less (and don't wake me up at 4am to eat)

u/gamesterette · 2 pointsr/catproblems


This is the one I have.

PetSafe SlimCat Meal Dispensing Cat Toy, Blue

This one looks like a good option.

Amazon has a ton of them. Just search for "cat treat dispensing toy"

P.s. hopefully these links work. I've never shared links here before.

u/kolkolkokiri · 2 pointsr/Siamesecats

I assume he's a kitten? Up to three months old cats generally are super bitey because they are infants learning their litter mates limits and sticking everything in there mouths. This will likely end by like 6 to 10 months naturally, still worth training though.

Dogs and cats have kinda similar bite inhibition training (aka the big ones being dramatic like owie or like no bad and shoving off with a paw) so the dog may help but I would not keep them around each other without someone to keep an eye for a while.

I think that's enough but for the first 8 months his energy will be endless. So don't feel bad he's up at 3 am like hey play? You essentially have a 6 year old on a sugar high.

Depending on the size of dogs I'd get some toys, and a way to keep a dog out of a room like a baby gate or area so you can leave small cat toys out. For a kitten I highly suggest a box of random assorted toys to find what they like, and avoiding cat nip filled ones. You don't need all these but if your family wants to get the kitty presents for Santa these are my suggestions at a young age.


  • If your parents allow it maybe a climbing wall will make your cat happy as fuck.
  • Most cats in my experience prefer both those cardboard scratchers and one solid almost unmoveable one. Like the couch. Save the couch, get a wall mounted one or one that is weighted to keep from moving. Double sided sticky tape, or aluminum foil are both good things to keep a cat from going on something you don't wanna.
  • If you study at home lots or your cat likes cuddling you while on the computer get a shallow box or tray and fold an old shirt in it. They will like it better then most beds. Otherwise those USB heated pet pads will be super popular but obviously only if you trust cat not to chew on it. A cheap desk hutch also seems to work well as most cats will be happy to look down on your homework.
  • PS when you move if you get the generic cheap IKEA cube shelf / bookcase / tv unit there's DIYs for a cat climber that's hidden and stuff.


  • Bouncey springs milk jug rings and hair elastics (be careful with these) are super popular with younger cats because they move erratically.
  • Myler balls are super popular with one of my cats, paper bags and those cat tunnels that make crinkle sounds are also good.
  • A treat ball is a super great way to get some silence while studying.
  • They make laser toys that sit on a shelf and randomly turn on and off but my cats weren't interested. If you can borrow one before buying as those toys are 20$ to 40$. But a kitten might enjoy it more.
  • That ball with a tail will be adored I'm sure, they also sell remote control mice, Hexbugs for cats and other battery operated toys. These again should probably be used under supervision.
  • If your cat likes hunting, get a catnip kicker or fill a sock with batting and maybe a toy that makes noise. This is basically a long thing big enough for the cat to do those bunny kick things. It's a fucking sock, just sew closed a sock.
  • [Over the door cat toy](Ethical A-Door-Able Bouncing Mouse Cat Toy is probably also good.

    This is super long but tdlr, your doing good, he's a kitten, he wants to play a lot when he's nibbling, here's a shit ton of cool cat stuff.
u/halfdoublepurl · 2 pointsr/whatsthisplant

I have a moron kitty as well - he likes to chew on plastic bags and packing tape. The other will use larger pots as a litter box, so I have to be sure any big pots are full of uncomfortable things like sansevieria.

Destruction like the carpet and tearing pots apart sounds like lack of enrichment/mental stimulation. Consider multi-level cat furniture or shelves and some fishing toys or laser lights to get them going. Stuffing their food into treat balls that slow release the food can help as well. Good luck!

u/Bellygareth · 2 pointsr/france

Les trucs qui roulent c'est des trucs comme ça le chat doit faire bouger la bouboule pour récuperer ses croquettes donc il fait de l'exercice et il mange moins comme un gros morphale.

u/chrbronte · 2 pointsr/catcare

That sounds incredibly frustrating! Maybe try a slow feeder or a treat ball. Cats are hunters so making them work for their food can help them eat slower and keep them entertained. I hate to suggest buying something new when money is tight but my treat ball was under $7. I don’t use a bowl for dry food at all anymore, I have a few different types of slow feeders.

Here is the treat ball I have: treat ball

Good luck!

u/Relenq · 2 pointsr/cats

My cat has a roller track that he can use autonomously. We don't tend to see him use it that often nowadays, but he does occasionally play with it in the mornings while he's waiting for us.

He also has a tall cat tree where he can sleep/watch out of the windows, and he often uses the windowsill in our study to watch for birds. He also has his pick of cardboard boxes scattered around the apartment and often chooses to play/sit/nap in them on his own.

We also have a tunnel feeder, and a treat ball -- both used to keep him occupied and thinking at meal times.

u/666catlady666 · 2 pointsr/CatAdvice

Congrats on your first cat! How old is he? How much would you say you're feeding him these days? I'm just wondering if he would be alright eating two small meals- perhaps you're still giving him more than he actually needs. Cats are pretty small, after all. The typical full grown cat only needs about a cup of food every day.

You could look into getting a second person involved so he's still getting small meals but that way one person doesn't have to constantly stop by to feed him. There's also toys you could buy that slowly dispense food while the cat plays with them, although if he's not particularly active he might not be interested in something like that. (Heres a link to one:
There are also food dispensers that run on a timer although they tend to be more expensive (

Hopefully one of these is able to help!

u/KimbyPie · 2 pointsr/pics

PetSafe SlimCat Meal Dispensing Cat Toy, Blue

u/Saxon189 · 2 pointsr/progresspics

There's a link for the ball. That's surprising she looks like my cats twin. Do you live in England? My cat had a kitten when she was between 1-5 years old, While she was still a stray. Maybe we have some relatives?

u/bleusucre · 2 pointsr/AskVet

Try putting it in a food dispenser. He'll have to push it around to get the food to fall out, burn some calories, and it'll slow him down if he eats fast.
Something like this:

u/RedPanda5150 · 2 pointsr/aww

Similar idea: my cat eats all of his dry food out of a treat ball like this. Not sure if it would help with the multi-cat problem, but it does slow him down and it gives him something to do while I'm away at work.

u/applejade · 2 pointsr/Pets

You definitely need to stick with some sort of reduced food regimen. I wouldn't be surprised if domesticated animals don't get how to hunt anymore... I mean, can YOU hunt down a moose for dinner? =)

Maybe you're switching up the food locations too quickly for him. You could try less random locations around the house to "hide" the food. Pick a few set locations. Take him to it at first. Make sure he remembers where they are. Then switch it up after he's getting it. It might take him a month to get it. Give him time. You may never be able to just randomize the locations without showing him.

Maybe try a food-dispensing toy like this or this or this - Edit: that last one seems to work the best, based on the reviews. Try looking locally or more internet search. But don't give him more than the 1/4 cup daily.

He might not recognized the wet food as food, or he doesn't like that brand. I'm not sure if it works to slowly add some wet food to his dry food to make him understand that it's still food.

See if he'll chase a wadded up paper ball or tin foil ball. Try to make him bring it back for a kibble =) See if he'll chase string. The idea is to try to make him run. A friend of mine had a cat that would chase a chain so I'd sit cross legged on the floor and drag it along the floor in a circle around my body. The cat would chase it around and around me while I kept switching it from one hand to the other.

u/Foostering · 2 pointsr/aww

I tried treat balls similar to these:
meal ball
treat egg

He thought those were ok but he really loves when I put the treats somewhere he can put his whole arm in (I don't know why) like this:
mouse maze

He gets really into it and will dive bomb the maze and shove his arms as deep inside as he can. It slides around on the floor with him. The larger holes means some pieces come out very easily but enough get stuck/move around that he spends 20min+ trying to get every last piece out. He even uses his paws to cup pieces and lift them out.

u/sigamalito · 2 pointsr/Pets

Walking is an excellent idea, particularly for an active breed like a manx!

I would also suggest a few extra things :

  • interactive feeding toys. She will have to use her brain to get food out of a toy, and that will make her less bored and get some energy out. Just be sure to adjust her regular feedings so that she isn't getting extra calories, or even replacing the food dish with an interactive toy or interactive dish.
    Example 1 .example 2
  • The SSSCAT training aid these work well to set boundries within the house for some cats. You could consider placing these next to your vents.
  • Try to wear her out mentally and physically. I'm betting she would probably be a good cat to try to clicker train to do tricks. Clicker training can be excellent physical and mental stimulation. It sounds weird to train a cat and I've never done it with mine, but I see people who do it all the time online. Karen Pryor (she popularized clicker training) has a ton of cat training tutorials.
  • This tape : Sticky Paws can be put on the slats of your vents. Most cats don't like the sticky feeling on their paws and will stop messing with what you put on them....this didn't work for my cat. My cat just licks the tape.
u/krlpbl · 2 pointsr/aww

Get her something like this, which drops a treat but requires your cat to actively work for it.

u/babbybrix3 · 2 pointsr/CatAdvice

I am by no means a cat expert, but I have the same issue with my two newly adopted boys! At first I tried to feed them in separate rooms, but my slow eater was just not understanding what was going on.

At the moment I feed one in his crate, and he seems to be more comfortable that way. I also got something similar to this for the chunky speed eater. He gets most of his dry food this way. He figured out how to use it immediately and it forces him to eat a lot slower. While he's busy with the feeder ball, my other boy can eat at his own pace and in peace.

u/1ndicible · 2 pointsr/cats

I would say you have found one contributing factor: if he is asleep the whole day, he has energy to spare in the night.

I do not know how much available income you have and what your living conditions are, but cats usually love to climb, explore and peek at active things. So, a cat tree and access to a window overlooking an active street could be beneficial.

Other games? Well, a feather attached to a string and a stick (think fishing rod with a feather as bait) is usually a good way to play. You can be on the couch, as long as you shake the feather, he will go for it. Cats are hunters. Anything that stimulates their instinct to run after things, grab them and beat the tar out of them will be good.

Another possibility is to maybe reserve an hour on a weekend to really see what motivates him. If there are some treats he likes, there are toys which dispense these treats when they play with them. For example:

One last sneaky thing: there are substances which cats absolutely love, which make them a bit crazy. We all know catnip, but olives, for example, can have good results (source: my dear old lady, who went completely berserk for olives, confirmed by the vet, as olives are an aphrodisiac for cats. Since yours is snipped, no issue with that.). They make them a bit rowdy, but if you have some time to play with him, this can be a way to put him in the mood - and once he is played out, he will be tired enough to sleep the whole night.

All in all, I think your cat is a bit bored without you, so he is active when you are present. Problem is you do not have the same schedule, so you might have to find ways to keep him occupied when you are absent or to really optimise your time together.

u/whtnymllr · 2 pointsr/cats

This worked well for slowing our cat’s eating down.

Catit Treat Ball

u/TheLawIsi · 2 pointsr/cats

I bought these so my cats could play in the dark as well.

u/LaLocaChristina · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

These are green and they glow!

u/PeapodPanda · 2 pointsr/Pets

These are my cat and dogs favorite because they're soft so they're easy to pick up but they bounce and roll all over (silently)
PetFavorites trade; Foam Soccer Balls Cat Toys - Pack of 12

u/Aerys1 · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

HUG HUG HUG! crinkle balls

I promise extra treats and skritches for my two This is them discovering a new toy. Piddy is the black n white, Pooka is the torti

u/banach90 · 2 pointsr/cats

How about springs such as these. They can both spin and bounce. If she's not into mice, you can also try plastic balls (some of them with jingle bells inside like these) or crinkle balls since some cats enjoy the sounds they make.

u/JLG22 · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

First cat is Sun. Hes a chubby mommas boy. He snuggles with me every night. He's 12. The second cat is Maya, she has a huge personality. She cant meow, she just squeeks. Its adorable. She also has this thing with her arm that it always has to be stretched out. Its so long! Haha. My linked item is a treat ball to get your cat working for their treats. I think it would be great for Sun, since he is super lazy.

u/-jFk- · 2 pointsr/Kochen

Danke für die Antwort, die Website macht ja wirklich einen informativen Eindruck und die Dame ist auch positiv eingestellt. Ich hab jetzt erstmal den 5l Pot von Andrew James ins Auge gefasst. Bin mal gespannt, wie es wird.

[Edit:] Nachdem ich den unten verlinkten Serious Eats Artikel zum Thema gelesen habe, den ich zwar nicht wirklich toll geschrieben fand - zu überheblich und teilweise merkwürdige Argumentationen - aber der zusammen mit den Kommentaren ausgereicht hat, mich jetzt doch wieder zu verunsichern, habe ich jetzt dieses Gerät ins Auge gefasst. Das ist ein programmierbarer Schnellkochtopf, Slow-Cooker, Reiskocher, Warmhalter, Dampfgarer. Kostet zwar etwas mehr, aber dafür kann man eben doch deutlich mehr damit machen.

u/GehtWeg · 2 pointsr/de

Auch wenn das jetzt mehr nach bezahlter Werbung klingt:

Besorg dir einen Instant Pot.

Ich habe fast alles andere an Pfannen, Töpfen etc entsorgt und koche nur noch mit dem Ding und noch dazu so ziemlich alles. Sobald man sich einmal da reingearbeitet hat und täglich sein Essen damit macht fragt man sich wie es überhaupt ohne geht. Absolut fantastisch.

Die Rezepte sind in großen Fan- und Facebookgruppen für wirklich alles zu finden. Die Handhabung ist idiotensicher und man muss sich keinen Kopf mehr machen, dass Essen nicht gelingen könnte wenn man alle Schritte bedacht hat. Es ist wirklich wie automatisch Essen zubereitet bekommen.

u/Heirsandgraces · 2 pointsr/instantpot
u/2-3-4 · 2 pointsr/slowcooking

I love the Instant Pot that can sear, slow cook, and pressure cook. I even make yogurt with it. It is a wonderful device.

u/CarolinaHome · 2 pointsr/instantpot

The voltage could be adjusted for but the frequency of 50Hz would mess with the computer and timing. Will not work. But they do make models for that electrical system:

u/itsmebrian · 2 pointsr/PressureCooking

Don't know if you've already bought one, but Instant Pot does have one for Germany and it's on sale for Black Friday.

u/universalinvariant · 2 pointsr/cats

Hi! 2 weeks later and I actually found and purchased a 30 pack on Amazon for less than $10. It looks like they're often called "sparkle balls". Remembered that you kindly shared your source, so here is the link!

u/DarkToreadorRed · 2 pointsr/cats

My cats love craft Pom poms like these

They have them stashed all over, so I ended up buying some more. But they prefer the original Pom poms, which have lost their sparkle.

u/cryingviolinist · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

My cat destroyed all of her Mylar Balls, and she could really use some more.

u/nerdalertdirt · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

My name is Flynn Rider. I want to be friends with Hanners and Viktor. If I had to choose, I'd love to spend time with Viktor because I need some new cat friends. My mommies are driving me crazy! I can't have any fun ever :( I would love one of these since the one I had before broke.

Here's a toy that I think is the best and you would sure love! I am a simple cat who gets enterained by anything shiny

u/acciocorinne · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Yayyyyy the tiny turtles are awesome :D I hope they have great birthdays!

My kitty would looooove these toys from her wishlist :) She loves playing!

u/gingerneko · 1 pointr/cats

A good resource to have on hand is the Cat Owner's Manual. It's illustrated, actually entertaining to read, and covers a lot of the basics of cat care.

I will second a lot of the recs below:

  • A water fountain is awesome; cats will drink much more water if it's clean and moving.
  • Talk to your vet for food recs; don't buy cheap.
  • Clipping claws can become easier if you follow the method described below to accustom your kitty to the process.
  • Scratching posts/pads are crucial, and there are lots of types -- I keep some of each kind, but you'll want both vertical and horizontal scratchers.

    Toys can be any of a wide variety. One called Da Bird is almost universally popular. Catnip toys are always a hit, just consider the size and shape so they can be picked up and carried by the kitty. 'Kicker' toys are almost always a hit. I've had good luck with floppy fish, mylar crinkle balls, and soft spongy foam balls as well.
u/nv00212 · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Boom. My kitty is on a diet, and this would help her so much! Thanks for the random contest!

u/ADHDCuriosity · 1 pointr/CatAdvice

Something like this. You want to have one with an adjustable treat window so you can vary the challenge level to keep it interesting for your cat without being frustrating.

u/TranquilTrill · 1 pointr/mainecoons

Have you tried other brands of canned food, rather than pouches? My MCs tend to prefer pouches to canned food, so I wonder if your girl is the other way around. Also, have you tried the Applaws brand? I saw they have it on It's pricey, but my cats like it and I get it every once in a while for them.

Is she getting enough water? If so, then maybe she doesn't need so much wet food. Would she eat more dry food if you put it down for her? Maybe if you got one of those food balls ( it might make it more fun for her to eat?

I've read many times that MCs continue to grow until they reach 3 years old, so she may need more food. But ultimately, what does your vet say? If s/he thinks Twix is underweight, then you may really need to find a solution to this. If not, then I wouldn't worry too much. Good luck!

u/yakuzaenema · 1 pointr/funny

Our older cat went through the same phase of eating too fast and puking. We got him this and it has helped out a lot

u/diaboxical · 1 pointr/fatlogic

Good on you for stepping in and taking proper care of the poor thing! My chubby cat has about 2lbs to lose. I recently got a toy ball cat feeder that encourages my kitty to bat it around and shake the food out of it. Might be helpful for your cat too for some extra exercise. Found it on Amazon:

u/gonetobuyicecream · 1 pointr/Pets

This is the one I have, it works pretty well

u/morrowgirl · 1 pointr/cats

I have had the same problem. We used these and fed our cats at set times during the day. Eventually just the fat cat was fed in a ball, and the other one was fed elsewhere. It seemed to work pretty well, as our fat cat has lost weight just this year.

u/KimberlyInOhio · 1 pointr/aww

Your friend's cat could use something like this:

The cat needs less food and more exercise, or he's going to have health problems just like a human would.

u/MotherCybele · 1 pointr/Pets

Try giving the two pigs each a Slim Cat Ball and put them in a separate room with the toys. That will keep them occupied with dinner long enough for the other to eat in peace.

u/DeFex · 1 pointr/cats

That is the only toy my cat will play with, and only when loaded with a few "yellows" i put it in hard mode and he plays with it for a long time till he gets them all. (I doubt it makes them slimmer than no treats at all though)

u/Tytillean · 1 pointr/cats

My Siamese had stomach problems for years. Through many vet trips, we discovered ailments that could have been related and some that weren't.

He's allergic to wheat and corn. He had bladder stones. That prompted a switch to wet food only. This all seemed to help some. Then the poor guy got resorptive lesions and had to get his teeth removed.

Recently he started vomiting a little blood, so back to the vet. He's ten at this point. Well, he has hyperthyroidism. It was on and off for years, but finally really kicked in. We caught it before he lost weight.

Now he's stable on liquid medication once per day. He hates it, but only throws up now when he eats too fast. We got a slow feeding bowl for the dry food we leave out and that helps.

The problem is that vomiting can be caused by many things. Good luck with finding a solution. Sometimes it takes a while to figure it out.

Edit: you might try a slow feeding bowl or a food ball if you haven't yet.

u/EnnKayy · 1 pointr/cats

PetSafe SlimCat Meal-Dispensing Cat Toy, Great for Food or Treats

We put Temptations in it cause they're cat crack.

u/hypno_tode · 1 pointr/cats

I highly recommend something like this. We got one for ours to play with and they loved it. It's easy to adjust the size of the hole to accommodate whatever sized treat you use. The only downside was that our German Shepherd figured out how to open it really quickly.

u/Britannica · 1 pointr/Pets

First, what is the good food you are feeding? Does it have grain? Try a very plain and simple diet of chicken/pea, or rabbit/potato and see if a limited ingredient diet like that helps. Look for something with one protein and one carb source. Also, try giving her tiny amounts at a time, as it sounds as though she is eating too fast, or she has a lot of food in her tummy when she plays. This is a great option for limited feeding. It holds a good amount of food but makes the cat work for it and only lets out a small amount at a time.

u/TheCatGuardian · 1 pointr/cats

You can try giving her less food more times a day, or you can get a food ball like this. That will slow the cat down enough to not throw up.

If you have only had her two months and she is skittish i wouldn't worry about her only eating dry for now. Once she is more comfortable you can add some wet food in.

As for the water I would try to not let her lick the shower. The shampoo, conditioner, body wash, cleaning chemical etc. are not good for her. You can get a fountain for her and she should be much more attracted to that than a water dish.

u/KCMelMo · 1 pointr/Pets

An interactive feeder like this: PetSafe SlimCat Meal-Dispensing Cat Toy, Great for Food or Treats

u/HellhoundsOnMyTrail · 1 pointr/OkCupid

> puzzle balls

Is this what you're talking about?

u/gilb60 · 1 pointr/fatlogic

I suggested this to someone else in the thread, we often recommend food balls that the cat has to knock around to get the kibble to fall out. Usually helps!

u/cassa3 · 1 pointr/Rabbits

This is what I have,
you could provably find it or something similar in the cat section at any pet store or online. Like so

u/Runawaii · 1 pointr/felinebehavior

Have you tried one of those feeder toys? Instead of just feeding them you put their food in a ball that has holes in it. That way it takes longer to eat and they have to exercise to get the food.

Something like this:

u/LevyWife · 1 pointr/needadvice

You could try something like this if you're giving her dry food. It'll slow her down and keep her occupied for a while. Mine are pretty good about not scarfing down their regular food but we use the ball sometimes for treats.

u/sneaky_dragon · 1 pointr/Rabbits

I got this cat treat toy for my buns; I fill it with pellets, and it's absolutely hilarious watching two buns roll it around. I should upload a video I took. They rolled it onto the kitchen tile and just stared at it until I picked it up.

u/JoyfulStingray · 1 pointr/cats

I know you have the convenience of an autofeeder, but I use a slimcat food ball for both of my cats. One cat, Loki, eats so fast that he throws up. This slows him down and I have to clean up kitty vomit only a few times a year instead of every single day. Also use it for the other cat so he doesn't finish first and then steals Loki's food ball.

u/kickshaw · 1 pointr/catpictures
u/RussetWolf · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Firstly, thank you for the contest! I'm sorry you're not going to get what you want, but hopefully gifting makes you feel better (it always does for me)!

My last birthday, I had asked my girlfriend to sew me a new pillowcase for my travel pillow (which I sleep with nightly so as to relieve pressure from my ear piercings) since she is handy with a sewing machine and we are pretty frugal. I had been saying I needed a new one for months (I really do, my current one is ratty and ripping because I can't sew for the life of me).

I never got a gift from her for that birthday. ): I know she's busy with life and the table with the sewing machine is very cluttered, but it still makes me a little sad thinking about it.

If that doesn't count as a disappointing gift, since it was a non-gift, the next would have to be every gift ever from my dad. It's always just been money, sometimes just casually taken out of his wallet after birthday dinner and tossed in my general direction. I mean, I know my dad loves me, and it's a nice sum, but it's a bit sad that he's never tried to think of an actual gift for me.

This is my item. (:

u/MrsSarahMae · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

and I know that Kat would love this

u/mandarex87 · 1 pointr/cats

I'm actually a grad student as well, and am always looking for ways to keep the critters busy while I'm gone or studying. I've found a few helpful toys, though the best entertainment I have is a bird feeder on my deck, they will sit and chirp at the birds for hours.

I've heard good things about this toy, unfortunately you can't set it to go off while you're gone. But it has a setting to turn off after 15mins so you can set it and leave.

This one is amazing, it was recommended to me by a vet. If your cat is food driven this will keep him busy. You can put treats or cat nip in it, or even their whole meal.

This is also great for food motivated cats, one of mine will walk over and move the sliders around asking for treats. If he seems particularly bored I'll put most of his meal in this and make him work for it.

I have this one as well, this works better for when you're home and can turn it on and off, there is no timer. My cats love to chase things under blankets, and they come running when I turn this on. It is kind of loud, so I put it in the other room while I'm studying so I don't have cats all over my books.

Hope this helps! I would highly recommend starting with the food ball or the laser light as they're a little cheaper, but I also know us pet parents like to spoil our critters.

u/tayloreep · 1 pointr/AskVet

Just like people, animals have different metabolisms, too.

You can try cutting out the canned food first and only feeding the dry. You can also get him a food puzzle! My cat uses a Stimulo bowl and I'm now a firm believer that every cat should, too.

You can also try the Slim Cat Ball. This one your big dude will have to whack the ball around the get the food out.

Weight loss takes time. My dad has a 17lbs cat that only eat 1/4 of food a day and maintains 17lbs on that. My 11lbs cat eats 1/4 to 1/3 a day. Everyone is different!

u/Yogs_Zach · 1 pointr/cats

I just ordered this today and going to give it a try.

I have the same issue, so I'm going to guess this will help.

u/sphazpou · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Only item I have that's an add on!
Our Pets Go Cat Go Play-N-Treat Twin Pack by Our Pets

u/laughitupfuzball · 1 pointr/guineapigs

So, basically it is a plastic ball with a hole in it that you can fill with treats (I use pellets) and they release the treats in small amounts as your pigs roll them around. I think they are a particularly good toy for pigs because they require problem solving and forces them to get exercise while getting their pellets. These are the ones I bought:

u/aimeenew · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

yayy! i LOVE the zoo! every vacation my husband and i get we go to a zoo and an aquarium. so fun!

this toy is GREAT but its an add on but i will tell you my cat would LOVE it!

u/stroppy · 1 pointr/whatisthisthing

Some crinkle ball cat toys are just Mylar, but it looks like yours are yarn and Mylar. You may try both. They should be available at most pet stores.

u/watsoned · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

I was gifted one of these for my cats. Unfortunately, they had no interest in it. However, I brought it to work with me, and we put our fat clinic cat's food in it so he's got to actually work for his meal. It's been working really well for him.

u/IRISistable · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon
  • Check
  • Check
  • Cat number 1 is Sylvester. My SO and I picked him from a local shelter back in December, and I love him to death. He loves to cuddle, and must be touching you at all times. One of the best things about him is that he will totally wait until you wake up to bother you. As soon as you are awake, he loves to get all up on you, wanting to be petted, but he will not wake you up himself. He also gets excited and comes to the door when I get home. Bonus picture - Sylvester's meaty fangs

  • Cat number 2 is Bear. My SO and I just got Bear about two weeks ago. Bear was his mom's cat, but she had 3 cats, and was planning on getting rid of her. I couldn't have that. So I brought her home, and within three days, Sylvester and Bear were playing and getting along. We need to get her fixed, but nothing to worry about since Sylvester is. Bear is very playful, but she doesn't cuddle as much as Sylvester. Bonus picture - Bear's seductive face.

  • The two cats together

  • Sylvester and Bear would love this

  • My parent's have two dogs (that I also consider my own, but I couldn't take them when I moved out) but they are tiny giant yorkies, and they hate toys, so I am afraid I am not helpful with that.
u/wildcatz311 · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Umm... I think you should buy this cause I know you like doing crafty bits and bobs and also being a kid, so FINGERPAINTS :)

and this for your furbaby or babies :)

u/atheistexport · 1 pointr/bengalcats

2, a laser pointer of course, and these guys:

our bengal luuuuvs these. And this guy:
He catches it, and drags it off by the neck lol. But really they'll play with anything. The point is to give him options so that he's busy.
3. A tall cat tree is a great idea, ours loves his, but really our main problem is that to get our attention (seriously it's why he does it), he likes to get behind the tv and fuck w/the wires, or get between my desktop monitors and the wall and do the same. We've tried putting obstacles there, but he finds a way.
So really, just know that they generally always need/want your attention. It would help if there's another pet tbh, we've even entertained getting a puppy cause I think a dog or another bengal, so I think if the dog is cool w/cats, that will be the catalyst to a peaceful home w/a bengal. Good luck though, they're a handful, but incredibly intelligent. Have Fun!

u/Roehok · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

My short term goal is to fill out job applications on Monday!

Anything is possible!

Item for my kitty!

u/InfernalWedgie · 1 pointr/NoStupidQuestions

Cats have their own preferences, but I have had great luck with catnip mice and crinkle balls.

u/rebelplum · 1 pointr/Pets

This is absolutely bad, are you serious? Your cat may not be ingesting the physical tape, but all of that glue and plastic chemical is getting into his system! Please don't let your cat do that. If he is digging out of the trash, get a better trash can lid. He may have indigestion problems if he is going that crazy over wanting to chew on something.

I would recommend getting him some cat grass, from your local pet store. And also, those crinkle ball cat toys, like these. That link is a 12 pack for 7 bucks.

u/kleinePfoten · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Things I want my life to be: the first 10 seconds of this video.

BONUS VIDEO: squeaky edition!

I'm an otter. And what do you do? Swim around on my back and do cute little human things with my hands.

linky for my kitty because he always needs more toys

u/mega-reddit · 1 pointr/aww

I also have a kitty that is a BIG boy and struggles a bit with weight due to living in a tiny NYC apartment. He has no interest in lasers at all, but I have had good luck with "dabird" feather toy ( and mylar cat toys ( I switch him to Wellness CORE dry food and it has been wonderful!

u/a_stitch_in_lime · 1 pointr/mainecoons

My 14 year old MC still does this. His favorite things are phone charger cords, the leather straps on my work bag, doorstops (we had to remove all of the springy ones because he was highly amused by the twaaaaaaaaang in the middle of the night), plastic bags like from chips and pretzels and many other things. I gave up on the bitter sprays because I inevitably got it in my own mouth somehow. Lemon juice didn't phase him. Hot sauce works for awhile but smells. I've had some success with crinkly balls. Irecently tried giving him cat grass and inadvertantly created a monster. He would find it and drag it all over the house. When I closed the door to the room it was in, he would paw at the door and meow all night.

u/littlestray · 1 pointr/Pets

My cat was vomiting from over-/speed-eating but he's...well, he's special. He's not the brightest crayon in the box (bless). I got him a ceramic slow feeder (this one in black) and he doesn't actually use it right (they're supposed to pull out kibble with their paws, he just sticks his face in the big holes and I have to move the kibble to almost "overflow" out of them) but it did the job for me. He no longer vomits up piles of kibble.

But check out slow feeders, and pet food balls too. I have this one on my wish list. It IS good he has such a strong prey drive and "challenges" himself in this way, it's just overboard. May take some trial and error finding the right product.

I DID originally buy this automatic feeder but I realized, stupidly, after the fact that I needed to load it at a set time every day for it to function and with my sleep disorder, that's impossible, so I never used it.

u/Jounas · 1 pointr/cats

Remember to scoop the litterbox everyday. Cleaning poop from cat's paws isn't an easy job. And change the litter completely once in every 1-2 months and clean with soap.

My cat sleeps next or on chair close to me, do what ever works for you.

I let my cat roam free in the living room but I close the door to my bedroom because there's wires and electronics that I don't want him to play with. Not completely necessary if you don't have those.

I recommend you buy a treat ball such as this one and fill it with a few light treats. It will give the cat something to do while you are gone. Be sure to play with her a lot when you get back.

u/willpig · 1 pointr/cats

Will something like this work:

Sorry, I don't know if they are stuck together, but you can always hot glue them.

u/RoxesX · 1 pointr/instantpot

I got mine from They made a sale on september 100 euros but it's been out of stock for eons. Here is the link if it helps or not

u/ScrabblePants · 1 pointr/ketouk

Not sure if you've bought anything yet, but the IP Duo V2 is on sale today on Amazon (£79.99 23/11/2018)

u/Sybd · 1 pointr/Denmark

>Instant Pot

Interessant! Jeg havde ellers kigget på en WMF. Men den du nævner kan fåes til GBP 90 på Amazon - denne? Kan den købes i DK?

u/larswo · 1 pointr/Cooking

35% in Germany

I wanted to order one, but I thought €120 was quite a steep price increase from a regular slow cooker that I ordered, which is plenty for me and seeing that I live in Europe, I didn't want to risk having to pay toll when ordering from outside of Europe and previous experience with a faulty Slow Cooker made me not want to get into another RMA and this time being from a store outside of EU.

u/zambaros · 1 pointr/PressureCooking

Today there is a deal on
Instant Pot 6 L for EUR 79.99