Best messianic judaism books according to redditors

We found 5 Reddit comments discussing the best messianic judaism books. We ranked the 3 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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Top Reddit comments about Messianic Judaism:

u/aggie1391 · 3 pointsr/Christianity

The way you write about this makes it seem like you haven't spent time around Torah Judaism and actually observant Jews. And its absolutely heartbreaking to see that a Jew is leaving our holy Torah for the lies that countless Jews have been slaughtered in the name of. I would highly encourage you to reach out to your local Chabad, and read up on the Jews for Judaism website. You should also check out Twenty Six Reasons Why Jews Don't Believe in Jesus. When you see true Torah Judaism, you will see far more in that than in the shallow lies of Christianity.

I grew up Christian, and thank G-d I found my way to Judaism. There are so many problems with Christian claims, and they don't in any way line up with what we learned from the prophets or from Torah. On its very face it says that G-d is a liar! G-d himself said in Torah that anyone who comes and does signs and wonders, and then tells Jews to leave abandon the observance of Torah is a false prophet. Was G-d lying when He gave us the Torah? If he wasn't, there's no way to say that Christianity is true, because Jesus is the exact definition of a false prophet.

Please, please, please, find someone to talk to about this. Connect to your Judaism and your Jewish ancestry, don't abandon thousands of years of tradition for a lie. Today is actually also Tisha b'Av, when we mourn for the lose of our Temples and other Jewish tragedies. The conversion of even one Jew is a tragedy and should be mourned today! In fact in many of our memorial prayers today, we mourn the conversion of Jews away from our Torah. Examine Torah Judaism, you will find it much different from the cultural Judaism that you know. It gives meaning and purpose to life.

u/MedayekMan · 2 pointsr/DebateReligion

Nice work, however, you were beaten to the punch.

u/khoreshtefesenjoon · 1 pointr/czech

Quoting wikipedia for biblical interpretation does not prove your point at all. They don't even source their interpretation besides just quoting Genesis and "all of the land east of the Nile river" is extremely vague. If you want to have a reasonable argument, show me some rabbi's interpretation or some legitimate source that reinforces what you think is supposedly so clear and obvious, other than your own biased and contextless interpretation. If it's so clear and obvious, it must be easy to find some kind of reinforcement for your beliefs? Also your obsession with what Genesis says and not actually interested in what the Torah says is pretty telling, and is pretty much the historic way anti-semites have taken text out of context and at-face-value to portray Jews as evil. You can find examples of your anti-semitic bullshit in any far-right white nationalist forum, including the one on reddit, as well as the classic anti-semite's bible culture of critique by MacDonald. If you read the book, you'll see that he employs your tactics nearly to the T for biblical and rabbinical interpretation.

If you care about bigotry and anti-semitism and not just bigotry towards Palestinians, I would read up some more on it. Your knowledge is sorely lacking, and it's clear you're not aware of the various different foundations of anti-semitism because you seem to be blind to your own perpetuation of it.

Pretty much the exact same way islamaphobes do it with the Koran (Taqqiya, 72 virgins, etc.). It's sad how you don't see how bigoted you are by peddling this nonsense. I'm worried what other bullshit you believe because this is how you critically analyze texts, it really takes your credibility away.

It's hard to find an online source, most of this stuff is written in books and torah commentaries and in the heads of knowledgable rabbis, but this source is pretty thorough and goes through both interpretations and all the relevant sources and is consistent with all the rabbis I've learned this from. The source is apparently from this book

this map and this map detail some of the territory a little clearer.

Now if you want to actually find me some kind of source that isn't your interpretation of a sourceless wikipedia article that backs up your view, feel free.

u/kingsford54 · 1 pointr/Jewish

Twenty-Six Reasons Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus

u/Loxody · 1 pointr/messianic

The new Ahavat Olam Siddur for Shabbat just came out: