Best politics & government books according to redditors

We found 413 Reddit comments discussing the best politics & government books. We ranked the 174 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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u/RabidRaccoon · 158 pointsr/cringe

> 5.0 out of 5 stars Such brave insight!, March 27, 2013
> After consuming my daily provided intake of orange-dusted snacks and Mountain Dew, I always like going online and reading about the true Amerikkkan society that our brainwashing capitalist media doesn't cover (I'm looking at you Faux News). Mr. Kirk, known by his YouTube pen name TheAmazingAtheist, delivers brave insight on the corrupt state of affairs in the United States and the facade that the Christian Right carry over all of our affairs. His message, as encapsulated within this novel, delivers a brave and euphoric message that has indeed proven controversial to the nation. Only these brave media warriors in the blogosphere can say what really goes down in the Western World; it is only with the help of nonreligious middle class white teenage boys that we can hope to educate the masses on how other demographics are the true causes of our problems. As a whole, I am enlightened by this book; not because of some phony critic's blessing, but because of, T.J Kirk's intelligence.


u/[deleted] · 98 pointsr/cringe
u/itsnotmyfault · 80 pointsr/KotakuInAction

In this case it's more of a problem with Noah Berlatsky. The guy is an extremely prolific nutjob.

The article describes him as

>the author most recently of "Chattering Class War: Punching Pundits from Brooks to Breitbart and Chait to Chapo."

That book is hysterical. if you want to take a quick look. It's literally a series of screeds about how every pundit he can think of is a problematic nazi. The preface begins "This book is a collection of occasional columns written mostly to tell various pundits that they suck and are wrong". The guy is an absolute lolcow on twitter known for nuclear hot takes and blocking literally everyone. I am not kidding when I say that I have seen interviews get completely derailed when his name comes up, because people would rather spend a few minutes to make fun of him than talk about about whatever they're supposed to be focusing on. Just look at how happy they are that they get to talk about their favorite lolcow in public. One is PERSONALLY OFFENDED that she hasn't gotten blocked yet and the other is blocked without having ever interacted with him (an incredibly common occurance, everyone with a twitter should go find out if they're blocked yet, I know I am.) Just searching @nberlat blocked will yield thousands upon thousands of people upset and amused by this rite of passage.

This is the guy who, in response to some incel running people over in Toronto, wrote a piece in NBC telling everyone he was a virgin until 27. The dude was only 3 years away from becoming wizard and basically on the road to being an incel, saying "my virginity was a source of substantial anxiety, unhappiness and self-loathing."

Search KiA for "Berlatsky" and you'll see that this particular ideologue enjoys ranting about us pretty regularly. One of the more recent ones that got under my skin was mostly because I got WAYYY too deep into Evergreen and the piece was just... let's move on.

Long story short, it's less of a problem with the Post and more of a problem with literally any publication that will let this lunatic continue his autistic screeching. And even if they DID choose to stop publishing his pieces, he'd just write and self-publish another book.

And yes, I did write all of this up because I also can't help but get derailed into telling people about one of my favorite lolcows.

Edit: While looking at his book again, I was reminded of this:

>Everyone Tell Jonathan Chait to Shut Up by Noah Berlatsky

> Last summer, I wrote a piece for the Atlantic in which I argued that Orange Is the New Black (OITNB)fails to effectively critique prison as an institution because prison as an institution in the United States is directed mostly at men, and OITNB presents prison as bad because it victimizes women. The piece went semi-viral as a hate read, and was widely denounced. Jezebel wrote an article with the very Jezebel title “Writer Doesn’t Understand Why Show About Women’s Prison Has So Few Men.” Music critic Brandon Soderberg called me as a “clueless cracker pedant” on Twitter. Folks I liked and respected told me in no uncertain terms that what I had written was unfeminist and generally awful. There was a massive comment thread with people lining up to tell me I was stupid and should shut up. The left, the damn left, in all its insular self-righteousness, would not tolerate brave dissent such as mine.

>Or at least, that’s the conclusion I would come to if I were Jonathan Chait. Chait has written a long article for New York magazine in which he bemoaned the return of political correctness and the toxic culture of the left.....

Here we have a completely factually accurate description of nberlat writing a fucking dumb article, going viral for being a fucking moron, getting widely publicly mocked for his retarded views (including by the furthest left fringes in Gawker's feminist blog and on twitter)... and then taking a left turn and pointing at the evil right-wing boogeymen including GamerGate and free speech activists. He also runs down many of the groups of people that think he's a complete nutter and should probably keep his mouth shut instead of subjecting us all to his latest screeches (protip: it's literally everyone). All-in-all it's a great read and I highly encourage it. A truly remarkable self-own. I think it's clearly in his top 10 and I'm glad he included it in the first section of his book, fully reproduced in the free sample that Amazon gives you.

u/TlZONA · 48 pointsr/uncensorednews

The following is taken from this site, which is itself adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond's book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat:

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system.

Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is a beard for all the other components.

Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called 'religious rights.'

When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to 'the reasonable' Muslim demands for their 'religious rights,' they also get the other components under the table. Here's how it works (percentages source CIA: The World Fact Book (2007)).

As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States -- Muslim 1.0%
Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
China -- Muslim 1%-2%
Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:

Denmark -- Muslim 2%
Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
Spain -- Muslim 4%
Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.

They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. ( United States ).

France -- Muslim 8%
Philippines -- Muslim 5%
Sweden -- Muslim 5%
Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad &Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions ( Paris --car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats ( Amsterdam - Mohammed cartoons).

Guyana -- Muslim 10%
India -- Muslim 13.4%
Israel -- Muslim 16%
Kenya -- Muslim 10%
Russia -- Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:

Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:

Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:

Albania -- Muslim 70%
Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:

Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
Egypt -- Muslim 90%
Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
Iran -- Muslim 98%
Iraq -- Muslim 97%
Jordan -- Muslim 92%
Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
Palestine -- Muslim 99%
Syria -- Muslim 90%
Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace -- there's supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:

Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
Somalia -- Muslim 100%
Yemen -- Muslim 99.9%

Of course, that's not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.

'Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world and all of us against the infidel. – Leon Uris, 'The Haj'

It is good to remember that in many, many countries, such as France, the Muslim populations are centered around ghettos based on their ethnicity. Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. Therefore, they exercise more power than their national average would indicate.

u/somewhathungry333 · 36 pointsr/canada

Some people are genuinely bad, Castro is a politically charged figure but one should actually know some history before casting judgements. Knowledge regarding working conditions in the 1800's and things that lead to WW1 are required to understand the context of people like Castro. America was always a beligerant arrogant invading nation, western peoples basically invaded and killed / stole from the native inhabitants of america. Western peoples had a bad habit of just invading countries with cultures different from their own and imposing their own with impunity. If in doubt pickup "War is a racket" by smedly butler. Also go read some books by william blum.

Some history on US imperialism by us corporations.

A list of governments US gov and her corporations have attempted to overthrow

War is a racket

u/ItssAllInTheWrist · 32 pointsr/worldnews

More like a golden goose egg. I wonder if there's ever going to be an anniversary of the Anthrax attacks? Those letters started going out a week later, and everyone's going on CIPRO ... right about now. Graeme McQueens review of the Bush Cheney book reminded me of his excellent work on that subject, summarised nicely ...

Graeme MacQueen Reveals The Anthrax Deception

... and also available on Amazon ...

The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy Paperback – by Graeme MacQueen

u/spergery · 26 pointsr/worldnews

>Garry Kasparov is not a very good source, he has virtually no political base except for ancedotes

I mean, aside from being very good friends with Boris Nemtsov, who Putin murdered...

But fine, here's Schindler and Nichols saying the exact same thing. Or you can read The Snowden Operation, by another long-time intelligence veteran, which makes the same case.

u/TheFIREorg · 24 pointsr/IAmA

Students, professors, and administrators have been increasingly accustomed to censorship over the past few decades, with the proliferation of speech codes. Now many students don't even know what their rights are, or they think they have a right not to be offended. I think one of the saddest trends is that more and more students are trying to censor their peers, and these administrators who don't understand the law are acquiescing to those requests for censorship.

FIRE's president, Greg Lukianoff, has more on the history of speech codes here and in his book, Unlearning Liberty.

u/Johnny_15 · 19 pointsr/YangForPresidentHQ

Reversing the Apocalypse: Hijacking the Democratic Party to Save the World

u/jenmarya · 19 pointsr/WayOfTheBern

Great post.

9) All the way. I have been told that if we the people wanted to fund exit polls, we would need to become a PAC and then set up fundraising, like a kickstarter. Can anyone confirm this? I guess we should bite the bullet and go for it. What should we call our PAC? “NotRussianBots” or “TiredofLivinginaBananaRepublic” or??

Richard Charnin was the mathematician. Here is his book:

u/Doctor-Awesome · 18 pointsr/CredibleDefense

Always the best example. That thing has been around since the 30's and is still used on a lot of military vehicles.

A runner up is the B52, which has been around since the early 50's and is expected to continue until 2040. On that note, it seems like there's a possibility that the A10 will end up like that as well, because even though there's always talk about it getting canceled (even Rumsfeld talked about ending it IIRC) it keeps getting sent into combat. Side note: while the book The Pentagon Wars is predominantly about the Bradley IFV, it does have some great bits early on about the development of the A10.

Other have mentioned basic rifles, and yeah, that's a good one too - we've been improving the M16 since Vietnam, with the M4 being the current incremental evolution, though it's interesting to see the technology you can put on the rifle (targeting lasers, optics, etc).

There's a ton more (U2, C130, etc), so the last one I'll mention here is the SINCGARS radio, which has been around since the 80's and has evolved over time. There were attempts to develop new radios, but they didn't work out.

u/hammertime84 · 17 pointsr/AskTrumpSupporters

This book covers the topic pretty exhaustively and finds many are motivated by factors other than religion...foreign occupation for example:

Do the ones covered by that book count?

u/murphy212 · 16 pointsr/conspiracy

This is the video of him coming out two years ago as a long-time CIA shill at the Frankfurter Allgemeiner (one of the largest German newspapers) and saying many of his fellow journalists all over the country are too. This is the book where he initially revealed it all.

u/spays_marine · 15 pointsr/Documentaries
u/sculptedpixels · 14 pointsr/ForgottenWeapons

The movie is a comedic retelling, but the facts are legit. Burton - the author of the book the movie's based on - was a bird colonel who spent over a decade in the procurement machine. And the Bradley was eventually beaten into a functional and very feature capable IFV, so in the end, it was worth it.

u/WikileaksIntern · 12 pointsr/JordanPeterson

I also read that book and I know it refers to 2013 but digging a little deeper reveals more: Greg Lukianoff wrote a book called "Unlearning Liberty," which came out in March 2014 (pre-gamergate, which many others attribute as the shifting point). That book is about many things happening on campus that we're now all aware of — sensitivity training, cultish political correctness and impediments on free speech nationwide. In that book, Lukianoff hangs it on the "Dear Colleague" letter which was sent out in 2011 (and apparently a directive guided by Vice President Joe Biden). After that point, administration staff exploded and began affecting students by 2012/2013.

It's strange to think that one letter may have kicked off this whole thing.

u/MisterJackCole · 12 pointsr/politics

The tracked transport carrier you're thinking of is most likely the M2 Bradely Infantry Fighting Vehicle, which was put in to service back in 1981. That would make the movie The Pentagon Wars (1998), based on the book by retired Air Force Colonel James G. Burton. The Burton in the movie was portrayed by Cary Elwes (sporting a passable American accent), with Viola Davis, Kelsey Grammer and Richard Schiff as supporting cast. The whole movie is up on YouTube here, though one of the best parts about how the Bradley "evolved" can be seen here.

u/Hailanathema · 12 pointsr/slatestarcodex

I don't understand how the author here can be aware of who FIRE is but not think political correctness on campus is a huge problem. Setting aside student-on-student or person-on-person criticisms the vast majority of U.S. colleges have policies that substantially restrict protected speech by students (which is unconstitutional, if a public university, or generally a contractual violation, if a private one).

Getting my data from FIRE's Spotlight on Speech Codes 2016, methodology can be found in the link and there's a full pdf available on FIRE's website.

49.3% of surveyed institutions have policies that unambiguously infringe on students 1st amendment right to free speech, another 44.1% have policies that could be interpreted to suppress protected speech or clearly suppress narrow areas of protected speech, 5% of universities have policies that don't restrict protected speech, 1.6% of universities make no promise of free speech and are not legally obliged to provide it. These numbers are, fortunately, improving but universities stated speech codes are just the tip of the iceberg.

For anyone interested in this stuff Greg Lukianoff's Unlearning Liberty is required reading.

u/loonybonkersmad · 11 pointsr/newzealand

It's only $20 on Amazon.

Let's support local publishers and authors.

u/AtomicDog1471 · 11 pointsr/justneckbeardthings

To be fair, he is very self-aware... he makes no apologies for being a neckbeard and even wrote a book about it.

u/robtw · 9 pointsr/newzealand

I read it. It's a short book that disgusts you with every page - these are not the people I want influencing government. I strongly recommend everyone read it - especially National supporters: among other things, it documents an attempt from an extremist right-wing faction to hijack the party and drag it further and further to the extreme.

The media coverage has focussed on juicy "allegations" which do not do the book justice, and give Key single things which he can deny and then make blatantly untrue statements like "Hager's claims are dissolving before his eyes".

If you're not sure that you want to read it, try the free Kindle sample:

u/Griff87 · 8 pointsr/news

And in case you were all wondering who does control the communications meet Dr. Udo Ulfkotte. He was a German journalist who for years was funded by CIA backed lobbying agencies to spin controlled narratives. He just mysteriously died of a heart attack but fear not because although it's "currently not available", you might be able to buy a used paperback copy of his book on Amazon for the censorship avoidance cost of $900. You also need to be fluent in German as the English copy has been deliberately delayed for over two years now.

u/buckingbronco1 · 8 pointsr/pics

> There have been a handful of provocative events canceled for public safety concerns.

That's only if you haven't been paying attention for the last 15 years. The FIRE (The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) have been proponents of protecting these rights in the face of administrative overreach. Their president; Greg Lukianoff, wrote in a book (Unlearning Liberty) about the increasing levels of censorship coming down from school administrators over the last 10 years. I highly recommend the book if you're interested in the subject:

If you don't have time to read to the book, they also post a number of videos on YouTube about some of the cases that they represent:

Greg also does a number of personal speaking engagements with Q&A that detail the broader issue of campus censorship and the specific cases they have handled:

One of the cases that caught my interest was the case of Keith John Sampson; a student-janitor at IUPUI, who was threatened with a finding of "racial harassment" for reading a book titled "Notre Dame vs. The Klan" on his lunch break merely because the cover of the book showed Klansmen marching against a backdrop of the University of Notre Dame. The book is actually a historical account of an actual fight that took place between the Klan and students at Notre Dame. Even more, the best part of the case is that the book; "Notre Dame vs. the Klan" was available to check out from the IUPUI library. The case was eventually dropped when the FIRE stepped in to help represent Keith John Sampson. IUPUI literally attempted to trample on someone's rights based on the cover of a book.

Edit: I'm not a shill for either the FIRE or Greg Lukianoff. I'm not associated with the organization. I just personally think they're fighting for good causes on college campuses much in the same way the ACLU fights for (most) of our other rights.

u/thinkmorebetterer · 7 pointsr/conspiracy

One is readily available in paperback from Amazon, and the other is available on Kindle, but less available in print.

Certainly doesn't seem that either of his books is being suppressed or anything.

u/ClickityPopPop · 7 pointsr/news

It's Russian trying desperately to keep Europe fixed on their natural gas, and the west trying to break up that monopoly IMO. The same thing happened just before ww1 between Britain and Germany and oil from Persia, though that time it would be moved by railway.

Here's a good read:

u/weehooherod · 6 pointsr/justneckbeardthings

The Amazing Athiest is simply preparing for the Neckbeard Uprising.

u/willbell · 6 pointsr/askphilosophy

I think there are more common criticisms of the military industrial complex than "they make things used in war". The OP might be thinking more about the history of corruption and the undue influence of the military industrial complex on American politics (at the confluence of money and war). For instance, as detailed in The Pentagon Wars, such as the scandal involving the construction of Bradley tanks, which were more or less deathtraps (fun version). Of course there are people who object to American imperialism more broadly (quite correctly) but they tend to use broader language than "the military industrial complex" which is a more... non-partisan problem.

u/reubadoob · 6 pointsr/Libertarian

Someone read Fool's Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan ! Great book and must read!

u/Sanpaku · 6 pointsr/collapse

If you want capital, invest in public education and infrastructure. If you want to scare capital away, threaten tariffs.

I'm actually more sympathetic to protectionist trade and immigration policies than most progressives, but these policies will go no where under a Trump administration. They benefit labor rather than the donor class, so the GOP will oppose them. Maybe in four years Democrat will read Ian Fletcher and espouse a thoughtful, limited protectionism that works, it certainly won't come from the Paul Ryans, Mitch McConnells and Mike Pences of the world.

u/Kirbyoto · 6 pointsr/ChapoTrapHouse

The Medium article is the lead-in to a book and the authors have been published multiple times before.

The FOIA document is linked on one of the author's sites, SpyCulture.

u/axolotl_peyotl · 6 pointsr/conspiracy

I complete understand where you're coming from.

Let me clarify my position a little bit: the presence of thermite is not the big issue here.

My point is that Jones is trumpeting this explanation as the sole reason for the towers' collapses, and this theory has heavily infiltrated the 9/11 truth movement.

The big issue here is that something unconventional brought down those towers...they fell way too fast and completely.

That's why those of us with inquisitive and skeptical minds have been searching for alternate explanations for how they fell...and mostly because of Jones the thermite theory has been unfortunately embraced by many.

You've created a false dichotomy (perhaps one of the reasons Jones is doing what he's doing): you seem to think that if we don't believe Jones then we must be on the side of the US Govt.

That couldn't be further from the truth!

I'm a regular here, and you should know that by my questioning Dr. Jones, I am not questioning the 9/11 Truth Movement as a whole.

Since the only PHD I have is in armchair conspiracy theories, I'm clearly not qualified to question the science of his thermite findings, though I can read the many skeptical individuals who are scientists and who question his results.

However, I can comment on the bigger picture, because Jones' history with the "cold fusion" story should raise huge red flags as to his motivations with the whole thermite thing. Again, watch the film Heavy Watergate to understand what I'm talking about.

Since you seem ready for this information, I can't recommend this book enough.

Once you get past the seemingly implausible premise and look at the actual evidence, this theory becomes frighteningly plausible.

This is the theory /r/conspiracy should be talking about, not Jones and his red herring.

u/Mrrrp · 5 pointsr/newzealand

E-book edition:

I wouldn't expect the Warehouse to stock anything more serious than the latest ghost-written All-Black autobiography on special for Father's Day.

u/trump_burner · 5 pointsr/politics

This, basically:

I haven't read this book, but basically, the assertion by many spooks/former spooks is that Snowden was a Russian operation from start to finish. Now, there's still an argument wrt whether or not Snowden was a knowing agent.

u/mnemosyne-0002 · 5 pointsr/KotakuInAction

Archives for the links in comments:

u/DonutofShame · 5 pointsr/media_criticism
u/Synux · 5 pointsr/Kossacks_for_Sanders

In contrast, Amazon refuses to delete the 1-star review for this book:

even though the one-star review claims they gave the score because they did not receive the book.

To rub some salt in there, I added a 5-star review (after reading the book) stating I gave such a high score to offset the BS 1-star and my review was deleted.

u/blackstar9000 · 5 pointsr/atheism

I thought I'd add this to the little research pool you've got going: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Bombing <PDF>. The author, Robert Pape, has elaborated on his findings in the book Dying to Win, which is well worth reading. Pape was one of the earliest researchers to address the topic by looking at the full battery of modern suicide terrorism campaigns, and his conclusions have largely been born out by subsequent research, like that of the Flinders study.

To anyone who's really delved into the available research, I don't think there's any doubt that suicide bombings are largely a response to a political situation, one characterized by an imbalance of power.

u/jlalbrecht · 5 pointsr/WayOfTheBern

I know Bob Fitrakis, but I don't know all of what have said, so I'll give a tentative yes to your question.

I just realized I missed something important in your first statement, that it was the Rs that did the rigging for Clinton in the primary. I must apologize. I'm pretty sure (~75% - I've read quite a lot but am not researching again for this post) that Charnin has only said the Ds rigged the D primary, not that the Rs did it.

Your next statement

> But, his theory, that Clinton tried to rig both the primary

Should have been in my first post. Charnin wrote a whole book on the D primary election fraud: 77 Billion to One: 2016 Election Fraud Paperback – October 6, 2016 by Richard Charnin (Author)

I've not checked his site regarding this GE. Charnin has contended that Rs have rigged the GE since 1988, sometimes egregiously. So I'm pretty confident he'll find R rigging this time, but again, don't know what he has said about D attempts to rig the GE.

[edited starting with 2^nd paragraph]

u/heretik · 5 pointsr/justneckbeardthings

Well he did write a book called Neckbeard Uprising so he definitely self-identifies with the tribe.

u/News2016 · 4 pointsr/conspiracy

English translation of his book not released yet:

u/Tongan_Ninja · 4 pointsr/newzealand

Are they going to burn Kindles too?

u/ScotchDream · 4 pointsr/Suomi

Sillä nyt ei ole niin mitään väliä. Muslimien kasvavan väestönosuuden vaikutukset ei oo mitenkään epäselviä tai tuntemattomia. Edelliseltä tuhannelta vuodelta kun on olemassa heti enemmälti tietoa. Tässä vaikka aiheeseen perehtyneen tutkijan kirja. Ja synopsi.

u/victorged · 4 pointsr/politics

Ah, found it, it took me a long time to actually hunt for your source, in the future if you wouldn't mind linking them, that would be great, it makes the actual process of rebutting a bit easier. Also, if you'd like to actually update your religion percentages, I can hook you up there too. The CIA World Factbook isn't exactly a hidden arcane text that we can't Google in six seconds. But lets jump into the meat of your argument, because it's an interesting one given that it provides no sources and just wants me to take what it says at face value.

Starting from the bottom, working to the top, as you'd expect the correlation to run strongest at the bottom:

Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen are all in relatively bad spots, but of course your source only lists a "variety of reasons". Failing rather impressively to touch upon the fact that some of these places weren't so bad before being thrust into the heart of a decades long series of proxy wars (Russian Invasion, American Invasion, etc.). I'll give you saudi Arabia though, it has an honest to God functioning government, and that Government is a hell hole for human rights. Note that people aren't exactly slaughtering each other in the streets with impunity as your source seems to suggest is happening, but there are deep issues. Even if there have been interesting signs of change.

The 80% bracket suggests state run ethnic cleansing and genocide, which seems a bit disingenuous. The Armenian Genocide is the only event I can think of that would qualify for the listed countries, and it wasn't religiously motivated, but rather as a consolidation of political and geographic power. Palestine isn't even a country and is in the process of being actively repressed by Israel, not the other way around. Why the hell is Gaza listed separately of Palestine anyway? But I digress. Indonesia has had some interesting run ins with Sharia law that the world continues to monitor but ethnic cleansing is a bit overstated, and their new president is making strides in the name of freedom of religion and freedom of expression.

Look, this is a fine and dandy exercise, but the basic plotline is - this source overstates at every level as a form of fear mongering, and rather than hold a rational conversation about the problems these areas are facing, what the root cause is and how we can approach the situation successfully, you've decided the root cause is clearly Islam. I hope that we never hit a point in this country where that becomes the primary view, the potential for loss is too great.

Edit - I'd like to add in Amazon's tagline for the book that the original quotes come from, Slavery, Terrorism, and Islam: The Historic Roots and Contemporary Threat by Peter Hammond - which was originally published in 2005, so I'm now not entirely sure where it managed to get its hands on 2007 numbers....

>A fascinating, well illustrated and thoroughly documented response to the relentless anti-Christian propaganda that has been generated by Muslim and marxist groups and by Hollywood film makers. As Karl Marx declared: "The first battlefield is the re-writing of history!" "Slavery, Terrorsim and Islam" is an eye opening, positive and practical handbook to empower you to respond effectively to the challenge of Islam today.

Yeah, that source sounds like an unbiased fact finding mission.

u/h4qq · 4 pointsr/religion

Awesome work! This is pretty cool.

I'm pretty sure you might have heard of the following book: "Dying To Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism" by Robert Pape. If not, I highly recommend it :)

u/ElderHerb · 4 pointsr/CringeAnarchy
u/was_gate · 4 pointsr/ChapoTrapHouse

"Reversing the Apocalypse: Hijacking the Democratic Party to Save the World" by Krystal Ball.

> Reversing the Apocalypse is not simple Trump bashing, but a powerful and self-reflective critique of where the Party went wrong and what Progressives can do to turn the tide. Krystal Ball narrates the modern descent of the Democratic Party from the party of workers and New Deal Progressives to the party of Silicon Valley elites and the managerial class. Tragically, this working class abandonment happened right when ordinary Americans needed the most help. But Krystal’s critique is radically action focused-what can we do to reclaim the Democratic Party for workers and start winning elections again.

Seems pretty alright. Ran for Congress in 2010 but lost due to a goofy party photo pseudo-scandal + running in Virginia.

u/whiskeysquared · 4 pointsr/

Nearly all religions (except most Eastern religions) breed violence (The Bible is a very violent piece of prose). Religious terrorists are from any faith. Draw a picture of Mohammed get killed by Muslim extremists, have an abortion here you get bombed by Christian extremists. Over generalization in the media makes it seem that ALL Muslims wish to kill innocent children with ball bearings and explosives... Not true. Muslim extremists, that's their gig. And the current situation now isn't primarily a religious struggle, it's a political one:

Also, we must look at the fact that America is the country that radicalized these groups with the coup in Iran. Read a book by Stephen Kinzer, it will be clear. Also look into atheism, it gets you away from these theologically sticky issues altogether.

u/privatezebra · 4 pointsr/IAmA

In short, yes. This is largely due to the fact that they only read books that are prescribed by the program, and they do not do outside research. For example, two books that began to change my views on terrorism and DHS in general were Blowback: the Costs and Consequences of an American Empire, and Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism.

Most of my classmates do not understand the principle of Blowback (unintended and usually unwanted consequences of a sinister action), which the CIA coined due to their meddling secretly in other governmental affairs around the world in the mid 1950s. When you truly understand why we were attacked, and when you actually read quotes of why they say they attacked us, it fits into this idea of blowback.

I had a teacher in my very first class on homeland security tell us we were attacked simply because we were free, and they hated freedom. That sadly could not be farther from the truth, however mainstream media and many educators of our day push this idea.

I hope that answers your question!

Edit: grammar

u/DinosaurPizza · 3 pointsr/todayilearned

>a few examples of overreactions

Greg Lukianoff wrote an entire book focusing on just campus administrators overreacting. In fact when he gave a talk in the wake of the Yale issue I previously linked, Lukianoff says that the response from the student base was so vicious "you would think she sent an email about burning down an indian village." Which two minutes later resulted in an angry man offended that Lukianoff had suggested he was in favor of burning Indian villages.

I find your use of the word "hyperbolic" interesting, because I'm pretty much just relaying things that have actually happened. It just so happens that these headlines read like something you'd see in The Onion.

Anyway, the reason I'm posting is because I took issue with your last paragraph that claimed the ridiculous people of tumblr are "strawman" arguments. When in fact there are countless examples of these real-life examples affecting America's Education system, and America's comedy scene. Lifelong professionals have had their careers tarnished by this childishness, and to have you pretend it's not real is bullshit.

u/IrrigatedPancake · 3 pointsr/

But it's not one, it's a lot more than one, and their families and friends get very upset. Then they start killing solders in retaliation. Suddenly they are the new enemy. It compounds on itself until regular Americans or regular Europeans are targeted.

Dying to Win by Robert Pape is a good book about this.

If you want to go on some humanitarian mission to Afghanistan, then you go do it, but I don't want to pay for the damage that's being done.

u/edrenfro · 3 pointsr/Bitcoin

Your assumption is that tariffs are always bad for a nation's economy. I highly recommend the book Free Trade Doesn't Work: What Should Replace It and Why by Ian Fletcher.

u/lawofconfusion · 3 pointsr/conspiracy

" We can now show that the relationship between US national security and Hollywood is much deeper and more political than anyone has ever acknowledged. "

lol people have been pointing this out for years

u/heyisthatcyclopean · 3 pointsr/conspiracy

The forgotten false flag of 2001....The Feds didn't nab anybody, a suspect supposedly killed himself after being hounded by FBI.

Bruce Ivins certainly did not mail the anthrax. There is no way the sample sent to Congress came from his lab as confirmed by multiple studies which are reviewed in McQueen's
The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy

u/working_class_shill · 3 pointsr/WayOfTheBern

>that the Washington Post is a "CIA front" (that's some real Alex Jones shit right there)


Love how thinking the government can put propaganda into media is akin to believing in aliens.


u/smokeyrobot · 3 pointsr/conspiracy

Except they aren't after sources, the username is a smoke screen to hide an agenda of discrediting content. The primary source is the two authors of a real book about real influence and people.

Seems pretty strange that a comment defending government involvement in the media is the highest when the content is very real.

u/williamsates · 3 pointsr/conspiracy

The most solid stuff is on the 9/11 Anthrax case and it is done by Graeme Macqueen.

If you want to go down the road of how the schools the 9.11 hijackers, were trained at, are connected to intelligence agencies, and drug smuggling.

In this line there is Gary Webb's Dark Alliance.

On Deep Politics you can't go wrong with Peter Dale Scott, and he can be a nice introduction to JFK, 9.11 and CIA drug smuggling.

If you want to understand the politics around surveillance and the intelligence agencies and their abuses, then you have to read the primary documents from the Church and Pike commissions.


Pike committee which was much more damning, and almost caused a constitutional crisis.

Pike reports:

An excerpt from the NSA document:

>-14 Operation SHAMROCK the code name under which the cable companies made most of their international telecommunications traffic available to the NSA and to a lesser extent to the FBI was terminated by the Secretary of Defense in May 1975 a date coinciding with the Church Committee's first demonstration of interest in the program.-The "take from Operation SHAMROCK and from other NSA intercept operations was used by the NSA in the 1960s and early 1970s to compile files on American citizens NSA maintained a "watch-list of names of individuals and organizations against which the "take was sorted

In this vein, there is project called 'Forgotten Bookshelf' that is attempting to resurrect some really good titles, that were on the margins.

u/jonasbomb · 3 pointsr/atheism

Suicide bombing actual has its origins in the Tamil Tiger movement which is a secular movement. Dying to Win: The strategic logic of suicide terrorism explains this well. It turns out that suicide bombers are typically rational actors that have developed a weapon that is incredibly effective against democracies. (

u/motophiliac · 3 pointsr/LateStageCapitalism

I recently read a — slightly sensationalist — book called National Security Cinema:

It details the relationship between producers, directors, and writers, with military Entertainment Liaison Offices, and how military and government aspects of many movie plots were altered in exchange for either specialist military or governmental advice, or funding.

For example, the CIA have only allowed things like the use of their facilities or intelligence in movies if the producers modify aspects of stories or characters to accommodate the wishes of the agency.

u/bubbalicious26 · 2 pointsr/inthemorning

Yeah, I was just thinking out loud. The heart attack gun was the first thing I thought of when I saw the news and given his background.

Thanks for the recommended article. I also pre-ordered his book on Amazon.

u/MeCatChing · 2 pointsr/conspiracy

How sadly disingenuous that Richard Gage continues to lead the gullible into an endless maze to cover up the classified technology that dustified the World Trade Center.


Words from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, in the Gospel of Matthew, were found by a firefighter in March 2002, under the Tully Road, a temporary truck route that covered the last remnants of the south tower. The pages of the Bible in which they were printed had fused to a chunk of steel as the World Trade Center turned to dust in mid-air, to be found only months later.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evildoer. On the contrary, whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other to him as well. If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go two with him. Give to the person who asks you for something, and do not turn away from the person who wants to borrow something from you.”

The fabric of the human mind is flexible, but the strings of credulity can only stretch out so far, and then incredulity settles in. The image above depicts an artifact residing in the 9/11 Museum of an open Bible fused to a hunk of steel wreckage, with some of the steel overlapping the pages after it was softened by a type of directed energy. How could this happen and not have burned the paper yet the result can clearly be seen?

The autoignition point of paper has a range of from 440 – 470°F, depending on the type of paper. Steel melts at 2500°F. How then, did this artifact of Bible pages become “fused” with steel, without the paper combusting into a blackened mass of ashes?

Revisit that day, and remember all the images of showers of paper floating down through the air and scattering all over the sidewalks and streets, when the towers were destroyed. These papers were intact and surely not burned. What process was at work that could turn steel and concrete towers to dust, and yet not affect paper?

A process used in directed energy technology can cause a dissociation and alteration of the molecular structure of metal, to fuse with combustible objects and appear as if the materials melted together, but with no discernible evidence of heat or combustion.

So evidently, a technology exists which can accomplish those results, the results seen in the Bible papers fused to the steel. This is not a miracle, other than this technology being able to appear miraculous to most people.

Very much related to this anomalous artifact in the 9/11 Museum, is another one found in the ruins of an almost forgotten and seldom mentioned building which was immediately destroyed on the morning of 9/11.

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox church, just across the street from the south side of the South Tower, or WTC-2. When retrieval of the relics in the church was undertaken in the following days, only a few pieces survived and one find was called a miracle. “The great miracle, was the recovery of an icon of St. Spyridon. The silver around the icon had melted, but the paper icon had not been burnt.”

This discovery was one of the church’s most holy relics, and it was declared a miracle because the silver onlay applied to a paper icon of St. Spyridon had “dustified”, leaving the paper intact and unscorched. The melting point of silver is 1,763°F.

The best collection of evidence making the case for a directed energy technology at work and used as a weapon on 9/11, can be found at the website of Judy Wood, Ph.D - and in her landmark book: ”Where Did The Towers Go?”.

A copy of the book is available at The Library of Congress.

Or, you have the option of purchasing a copy from Amazon.

This download is the Foreword and book review of "WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO?" by Eric Larsen, Professor Emeritus at John Jay College of Criminal Justice 1971 - 2006 (35 years), plus the Author's Preface.

u/Gootmud · 2 pointsr/changemyview

> Trump's insensitive public messages about what he thinks about Muslim-majority countries has "legitimately pissed" Muslims around the world

People don't pursue a career in suicide bombing because some blustery American criticized their country. 95% of them do it in response to foreign military occupation of their country.

> there was reason to believe that the effects of efforts to leave were so much worse than staying

That is the propaganda, and it's not without some truth. It would certainly be worse for the US government and the military-industrial complex. And Afghanistan will certainly get on with its civil war when we leave, just like Iraq did, whether that's now or 50 years from now.

But in the meantime, the US presence continues to make things worse. I'm halfway through this book. There is no way to read 100 pages of it and not be convinced (a) we have no business in Afghanistan (b) the people close to the situation know this perfectly well, but (c) they have too much to lose by admitting as much so they keep killing people.

> there is an absurd jump in the argument that she "certainly helped make it worse" to having "no qualms about committing mass murder in your name and mine"

Mass murder is in fact the US's foreign policy, so I'm not sure what's questionable. More color on Hillary in particular.

> I cannot fathom how any disdain could be worse than the feelings emoted towards Trump (before the election, let alone now).

Candidate Trump was finally talking some sense about foreign policy. Half the time, anyway. He acknowledged the elephant in the room that our interventions create terrorists, and we should pursue more peace. We should wind down NATO, as the enemy it was created to oppose disappeared 25 years ago. Other countries should pick up more of the bill for their own defense. He's followed through only very weakly in Europe, but IMHO he still has a higher chance of leaving fewer bodies than Hillary would have.

u/hapakal · 2 pointsr/911truth

Israel is a country. This was done by individuals. And it was done in America. Perhaps you should try looking at what we actually know.

His book: Another Nineteen

And MacQueen's excellent book: The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy

Israel did 911 (even if some Israelis were involved) is for simple-minded people unable to distinguish between the particular and the general and functions (in the minds of reasonable people) as disinformation by mischaracterizating 911 Truth.

u/satanic_hamster · 2 pointsr/CapitalismVSocialism

> Capitalism has been consistently proven to raise the standards of living wherever it has been tried.

Google the word neoliberalism sometime, and spend a day researching it.

> Meanwhile, every single attempt at socialism - the USSR, the PRC, the DPRK, Venezuela, Cuba - has resulted in disaster, and has lowered the standards of living wherever it has been tried.

In what sense are these socialist, apart from what they call themselves in name? An anarcho-capitalist can have some actual, justified criticisms against socialism in practice (I've seen many), but when people like you plow forward with such an elementary misunderstanding, believe me when I say you look bad, even to your own camp.

The Zapatistas? The Paris Commune? The Ukrainian Free Territories? Revolutionary Catalonia? The Israeli Kibbutzim? That is your actual target.

> There is a reason why every single country that was once considered communist has transitioned towards capitalism...

Because they were bombed to hell in the interest of the capitalist class?

> ... and it should be no surprise to anyone that the standard of living has raised in these areas.

Like the four asian tigers did through State intervention? (And like the US did, also). Nothing even close to a free market prescription, albeit a quasi-capitalist one nevertheless.

u/agphillyfan · 2 pointsr/politics

Read an interesting book that came to two conclusions about Snowden. A journalist that writes a lot about East-West espionage wrote a book that basically says either 1) Snowden acted as a spy willingly or 2) Snowden acted as spy unwittingly (to your point).

u/nickb64 · 2 pointsr/AskMen

I'm 21. I'm not sure what my favorite is, and there's a bunch of books that I haven't finished that I've enjoyed reading quite a bit.

I really enjoyed Unlearning Liberty by FIRE President Greg Lukianoff when I read it about 18 months ago.

I also really enjoyed David Simon's Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets, which basically inspired the show The Wire. It's pretty high on the list, maybe my favorite book that I've read so far.

I've been reading Adam Smith's book The Theory of Moral Sentiments since I heard a podcast interview with Russ Roberts, who wrote a book that's essentially about making Smith's ideas in the book more accessible to a modern audience. Smith's book is pretty tough to read because it's not very well organized and it was written in 1759, with a revised version published in 1790. I have found it a very interesting read so far.

u/formlex7 · 2 pointsr/neoliberal

reminder: if any of you really care about hot takes you'll preorder this book

u/paburon · 2 pointsr/AskTrumpSupporters

There's a book that makes the case that Snowden was likely tricked by the Russians into doing it. It's written by an editor of the Economist and is an interesting read, although I can't say I completely agree with some of his conclusions.

u/RamblinRambo3 · 2 pointsr/uncensorednews

You and /u/DiscoLollipop

IIRC it's from this book:

>When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non -muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Am- sterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections,

u/DeltaBravo831 · 2 pointsr/PoliticalHumor
u/oligocordicul · 2 pointsr/cluj
u/newsens · 1 pointr/911truth

I was studying 911 long before the "truth" movement was even thought about, in fact while Gage was still asleep, so I have been through the development of 911 thinking in its various phases.

Stephen Jones certainly does appear to be legit, that is until one realizes that thermite is not an explosive and thus could not account for what happened to the towers - total destruction, pulverization of all concrete, glass and most of the steel into the finest dust particles, and, most importantly, loss of the actual mass of the towers from the demolition site.

Judy Wood's information is probably the most accurate there is and I highly recommend her book. Unfortunately she attributes what happened to an as yet unheard of energy source, the Directed Energy Weapon, which is clearly in the realm of science fiction.

u/irumeru · 1 pointr/politics

> I don't think you can make this assumption. Productivity depends entirely on the industry and the product being made.

It's our average productivity. Of course it will vary.

> I have a question, if your opinion is so obviously correct, why is practically every economist against it? What are you seeing that they aren't seeing.

Two reasons. First, economists are big fans of the topline GDP number and free trade does increase that. It increases inequality, but the topline number generally (not always) increases.

Secondly, most of them haven't been taught anything but "free trade is right". Just like how Keynesian theory has major problems but the majority of economists believe it. 99% of people accept what their professors, teachers, textbooks teach without digging deeper.

There are in fact many people who are against free trade, but since it's been an unacceptable view tightly coupled to nationalism (which is also on the outs), it's unacceptable to really get into it.

Seek out some economists who disagree with free trade and read their arguments. Even if you come out disagreeing, you will have grown for understanding their points, which are far deeper than we can get into on Reddit.

u/GirlNumber20 · 1 pointr/conspiracy

They never shut down Operation Mockingbird. Great book on the subject.

>Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor for the German main daily newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), has first hand knowledge of how the CIA and German Intelligence (BND) bribe journalists to write articles free of truth, facts, and with a decidedly pro-Western, pro-NATO bent or, in other words, propaganda.

u/Trumpspired · 1 pointr/AskTrumpSupporters

He wants to renogiate trade policies and increase protectionism. All good ideas:

Strong immigration reform, which is not trickle down economics.

He favours America first. Which is in effect disengaging from a unipolar American led world and accepting a multi-polar world. What function does NATO serve aside from trying to force Russia into accepting US hegemony?

He never mentioned small government at his convention speech.

u/tsibla · 1 pointr/Documentaries

Anyone interested in the waste and nepotism mentioned above should see the movie The Pentagon Wars, or read the book of the same name by retired USAF Colonel James G. Burton.

It's Burton's story of his 14 years stationed at the Pentagon, centred around the development of the Bradley fighting vehicle, whose development required 17 years and $14 billion, not including the purchase of the actual production vehicles.

Burton characterizes the Pentagon's spending of the public's money as a dirty business, one that too often has nothing to do with national defense, one in which secrecy and deception are valuable currencies. "Sadly, I have seen program managers lie to high-level review boards, generals lie to civilians, civilians lie to generals, and both lie to Congress and the American public. Seldom is anyone held accountable. On the contrary, many are rewarded for their behaviour."

u/enjoypolo · 1 pointr/worldnews

Because it's much deeper than they'd like you to think. The Saudis Prince is a very good friend of the Bush family. If you follow the money high enough, you will find out the masterminds.

u/scott667 · 1 pointr/AdviceAnimals
u/infocom6502 · 1 pointr/conspiracy

seems like taxpayer money was wasted buying the physical copies off the market. now the few remaining copies have crazy asking prices like $1000 .

or in some cases no copies at all:

I'm not coming up with ebooks. nada.

If there was an ebook published there would be no price manipulation by depleting inventory; too many electrons in the universe.

If anyone finds a link to an ebook of above (either in german or eng) please post it on this thread. thx

u/test4511 · 1 pointr/ukpolitics

The author of the above text, Dr. Peter Hammond, wrote this book which contains his documentation.

u/TheNameisCyrilFiggis · 1 pointr/The_Donald

I haven't read this book yet (it's on my Amazon wishlist), but Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News looks like it covers this very subject.

u/vin4444 · 1 pointr/politics

Your video proves my point. Go to 21:30. Not even enough rubble to fill the lobby, even though it should be at least 12 stories high.

Read this book to educate yourself.

u/grginge · 1 pointr/TiADiscussion

For political correctness on college campuses, FIRE founder Greg Lukanioff wrote a book about it (Unlearning Liberty: Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate. Their website mentions University of Pennsylvania's 1993 "water buffalo" incident.

They also interview Donald Downs who says 1987 is noteworthy:

>1987 has been a talked about as sort of a turning point year. It was a year that speech codes started percolating. There was a whole network of administrators around the country and university presidents sort of got on the speech code bandwagon. The climate started changing. You could really feel it. A former student of mine that was in law school at the time said that it was almost like a new weather front coming through that you could feel. (More from him: and here

u/sulaymanf · 1 pointr/todayilearned

Your numbers are wildly off. Afghanistan does not have "hundreds per year." And while atheism wasn't their main goal, just like Islam wasn't the main goal of most of the aforementioned groups, the LTTE did get some atheist inspiration, as did many of the Vietnamese Communists.

Robert Pape, who teaches at the University of Chicago, has written an interesting book you should read: "Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism.". He examined every documented case of suicide bombing from 1980-2003.

> Pape argues that the news reports about suicide terrorism are profoundly misleading. "There is little connection between suicide terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism, or any one of the world's religions," Pape reports. After studying 315 suicide attacks carried out over the last two decades, the political science professor concludes that suicide bombers' actions stem from political conflict, not religion. While television viewers and newspaper readers in the US hear more about events in Israel, Iraq, Madrid and London, Pape points out that the Tamil Tigers, a group that most Americans have never heard of, are responsible for more suicide attacks over the last two decades than any other group. The Tamil Tigers have have been influenced by a Marxist/Leninist ideology which is largely atheistic and disavow any connection with the Hinduism practiced by many of the people the the region of Sri Lanka where they operate. The Tamil Tigers are engaged in a struggle for independence from the central Sri Lankan government.

>Pape's strong conclusion is that religious fundamentalism is NOT the source of suicide bombings or terrorism. "What nearly all suicide terrorist attacks have in common is a specific secular and strategic goal: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from territory that the terrorists consider to be their homeland." This is true in Sri Lanka, it is true in the Middle East (where many terrorist groups consider themselves secular rather than religious) and, yes, in Iraq, where former Baathist supporters of Saddam Hussein may use Islam as a cover and even a recruiting tool, but are motivated by clear political objectives: the pressure the US to leave Iraq so that the way will be clear for their own return to power. Worldwide, the struggle is about power and politics, not religion.

>Bottom line: Asymmetrical warfare makes the world safe for suicide terrorism, while religion is a smokescreen and cover for what is actually happening. Focusing on "Muslim extremism" is therefore likely to make matters worse, rather than leading to a solution to the problem..

Passages lifted from a review

u/mothballette · 1 pointr/911truth

You can't prove it definitively without a smoking gun, but there is a mindboggling amount circumstantial evidence that could be proved in a court of law more than enough for a criminal conviction if only given the opportunity.

Graeme MacQueen in his book The Anthrax Deception gives a compelling argument that the people who were responsible for 9/11 were also the people who sent the anthrax starting only one week after 9/11, which were traced to one (and maybe more) of only three labs in the world and they were Department of Defense and CIA labs here in the USA. I would try to tie that in with your essay.

You can also listen him in an interview.

u/MarkdownShadowBot · 1 pointr/ShadowBan

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u/conspirobot · 1 pointr/conspiro

axolotl_peyotl: ^^original ^^reddit ^^link

I complete understand where you're coming from.

Let me clarify my position a little bit: the presence of thermite is not the big issue here.

My point is that Jones is trumpeting this explanation as the sole reason for the towers' collapses, and this theory has heavily infiltrated the 9/11 truth movement.

The big issue here is that something unconventional brought down those towers...they fell way too fast and completely.

That's why those of us with inquisitive and skeptical minds have been searching for alternate explanations for how they fell...and mostly because of Jones the thermite theory has been unfortunately embraced by many.

You've created a false dichotomy (perhaps one of the reasons Jones is doing what he's doing): you seem to think that if we don't believe Jones then we must be on the side of the US Govt.

That couldn't be further from the truth!

I'm a regular here, and you should know that by my questioning Dr. Jones, I am not questioning the 9/11 Truth Movement as a whole.

Since the only PHD I have is in armchair conspiracy theories, I'm clearly not qualified to question the science of his thermite findings, though I can read the many skeptical individuals who are scientists and who question his results.

However, I can comment on the bigger picture, because Jones' history with the "cold fusion" story should raise huge red flags as to his motivations with the whole thermite thing. Again, watch the film Heavy Watergate to understand what I'm talking about.

Since you seem ready for this information, I can't recommend this book enough.

Once you get past the seemingly implausible premise and look at the actual evidence, this theory becomes frighteningly plausible.

This is the theory /r/conspiracy should be talking about, not Jones and his red herring.

u/FuggleyBrew · 1 pointr/CanadaPolitics

Plenty of militaries around the world allow criticism of the inner workings of their procurement strategy. Case in point, the US Army has not been destroyed by the fact that their officers are allowed to write books.

u/RickShepherd · 1 pointr/politics

If you're interested in exit polling I have a book for you.

I found it very interesting and it is related to the topic at hand. Have you read it?

u/Apersonofinterest666 · 1 pointr/conspiracy

I believe it's going to unravel once we get an investigation into the World Trade Center. A new investigation is going to happen. Once the official story is debunked by an actual fact based investigation, the rest of the story is going to unravel.

There is also a lawsuit working its way through the system filed by the 1st Anthrax victims family. He worked for the Sun and was the first person to get sick and die from Anthrax. So far, the Justice Department disputes the story put forward by the FBI saying that Bruce Ivens was a lone wolf terrorist who was solely responsible for the Anthrax attacks. This is a pretty bad g deal because the Justice Department supposedly runs the FBI but more likely, the FBI is run by the Shadow Government. There's an excellent book on the Anthrax Attacks Here's an interview with the author. Dr Graeme MacQueen explains the 911 anthrax hoax:

As he states in the video, the Anthrax attacks are clearly the work of government insiders and if this story falls apart and the people behind it found out, its going to drag 9/11 down with it.

And then there's always the possibility of a whistle blower, a death bed confession, some other sort of this evidence turning up.

u/oomiak · 1 pointr/conspiracy

What do you think of this book and theory?

If you haven't read it yet, I would be extremely interested to know what you make of it.

This theory is frowned upon by alternative media in a similar way as the snowden-as-limited-hangout theory.

I can understand using baby steps to wake up the general population, but how do we wake up those who are already truthseekers, but who may be hesitant to embrace the "wilder" conspiracy theories?

u/theorymeltfool · 1 pointr/Anarcho_Capitalism

K, then you've got a lot to learn about how bad military spending is for the economy. Here's a book to get you started

u/RPDBF1 · 0 pointsr/news

Lol I’m sorry I’ve always s been anti-war fucking sue me. Go read a book and actually understand where terrorism is inspired from.

For example like the soldiers that were just convicted for killing Afghan civilians for sport, posing with dead bodies and some taking killed civilians fingers as trophies.

Maybe try this excellent book

u/henry-jest · -2 pointsr/Documentaries

To people ridiculing Truthers: Did you check out their points? Read any books on subject? I dont think so.. Beacause you would not be laughing at all.
Check out 1.) Operation Northwoods 2) search on youtube "wtc7 collapse", then explain how fires brought down WTC 7 (it was not hit by a plane) 3) Read some books - eg. by David Griffin, or Philip Marshall

Small sample:
EXCERPT from Marshall, Philip The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror:

(...)After submitting an 800-page report to the American public, moderate U.S. Senator Bob Graham of Florida, the co-chairman of the 9/11 Inquiry, said, “There was a ‘direct line’ between the terrorists and the government of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi government had provided logistical and financial support to at least two of the 9/11 hijackers while they lived in Southern California.” [1] One might think a statement of this magnitude would draw significant media attention. It didn’t. For some odd reason, the American media wasn’t interested in the Saudi government being behind the 9/11 attack.

(...) Later, we see similar officials come forward including the 9/11 Commission’s own General Counselor John Farmer, who also wrote and published a book in 2008 entitled The Ground Truth. Farmer wrote, “What government and military officials told Congress, the 9/11 Commission [on which he served], the media, and the public, was almost entirely, and inexplicably, untrue.” Additionally, we see that the two co-chairmen of the 9/11 Commission, the top two, also had more allegations of conflicts of interests and wrote yet another book entitled Without Precedent. They made an astonishing allegation: “The 9/11 Commission was designed to fail.” [3] So, for those of us keeping score, there have been two official federal investigations into the September 11th attack and three out of four of the co-chairmen have written and published books to tell us that something is seriously wrong with the Bush Administration’s version of events. The more we focus on 9/11, the more we see that anyone who has truly investigated it has tried to speak up. But like Graham and Farmer, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, Steve Pieczenik’s interview was simply ignored by the commercial, corporate media. In today’s America, if any revelation is not reported in the six top media conglomerates, it simply never happened (...)

u/CuckyMcCuckerston · -3 pointsr/The_Donald

Its bullshit, the 9/11 demolition charges and the official story, that's a part of this redacted disinformation one, all to cover their tracks and put it on Saudi Arabia (no matter how hard they deserve for other things, but not this). We need to SHOW people what happened and let them use their own two eyes. Not what they've been told to believe. It was directed energy technology, For years Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) wanted, NO BEGGED for a complete thorough exhaustive, meticulous analysis of the EVIDENCE. Put the pitchforks down, READ.

Dr. Judy Wood undertook the first and to this date ONLY complete scientific forensic analysis of the events that took place on September 11th 2001 available in the public domain.

FREE FROM AGENDA OR SPECULATION as to who did it, only what actually happened.

'It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.' Sherlock Holmes

Its dustification, not pulverisation.

u/waffle_ss · -4 pointsr/MilitaryGfys

You do realize it's based on a factually-accurate book, which it follows closely, right?

Obviously actors are going to play up the comedic effect, but the main plot is pretty accurate.

u/LeDankRedditUserxD · -12 pointsr/worldnews

>I mean, aside from being very good friends with Boris Nemtsov, who Putin murdered...

  1. Uh huh, so every friend of Boris Nemtsov is a political expert now?

  2. Where is your source for saying Putin murdered Nemtsov? Nemtsov had been prominent in the disastrous 1990s, which saw the birth of the massive corruption for which he now blames Putin, but he had become very marginal. His Republican Party of Russia – the People's Freedom Party - shows no national representatives. One representative in a Regional Parliament and two more in another. Putin had little reason to be bothered by him, whose support was not very significant. You'd think if Putin wants to assassinate someone, he would have chosen a more significant person. Who may have had a larger interest in the killing are Russian right-wingers.

    >But fine, here's Schindler and Nichols saying the exact same thing. Or you can read The Snowden Operation, by another long-time intelligence veteran, which makes the same case.

    If the sole argument is that Russia has an interest in promoting or leaking stuff to Wikileaks and that makes them "useful idiots" as the author said, no one is doubting that there is a common interest there. But we've yet to see any evidence that it goes beyond that.