
New Marimo Moss 3 Balls 0.5 inch 1.3cm Cladophora Live

New Marimo Moss 3 Balls 0.5 inch 1.3cm Cladophora Live
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New Marimo Moss 3 Balls 0.5 inch (1.3cm) (Cladophora) Live Plant Aquarium In usa Marimo moss balls absorb pollutants, provide oxygen, and prevents the growth of harmful algae and bacteria in aquariums. Marimo is a fluffy living green ball that symbolizes love and everlasting relationship. They can grow so slowly for a very long period. The largest Marimo found in the wild is the size of a softball, estimated to be about 200 years old! They are the national treasure of Japan, and they believe that Marimos will bring you good luck if you take care and bond with them.

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