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u/redbluerat · 5 pointsr/itsafetish

I got that from my memory of reading Theodore Dalrmyple's "The Wilder Shores of Marx".


The exact exert (on a fake department store in North Korea he visited on a tour. I bolded some bits.):

>But the most sombre reflection occasioned by Department Store Number 1 is that concerning the nature of the power that can command thousands of citizens to take part in a huge and deceitful performance, not once but day after day, without any of the performers ever indicating by even the faintest sign that he is aware of its deceitfulness, though it is impossible that he should not be aware of it. One might almost ascribe a macabre and sadistic sense of humour to the power, insofar as the performance it commands bears the maximum dissimilarity to the real experience and conditions of life of the performers. It is as if the director of a leper colony commanded the enactment of a beauty contest – something one might expect to see in, say, a psychologically depraved surrealist film. But this is no joke, and the humiliation it visits upon the people who take part in it, far from being a drawback, is an essential benefit to the power; for slaves who must participate in their own enslavement by signalling to others the happiness of their condition are so humiliated that they are unlikely to rebel.


u/Negromancers · 26 pointsr/itsafetish

Oh! Actually there is data that shows this.

Paul McHugh, former head of psychiatry at John Hopkins demonstrated quite thoroughly that transitioning does not help those suffering from gender dysmorphia, and that in men the two largest groups of those suffering from gender dysmorphia were those who were sexually aroused by being in women’s clothing and those who were homosexual and seeking a way to engage those desires guilt free.

I’m gonna make a big post replying to OP but I highly recommend the book When Harry Became Sally for an extremely thorough review of the issue of transgenderism from a philosophical, medical, and cultural perspective.

u/AroillaBuran · 2 pointsr/itsafetish

Unicellular genetically identical bacteria display different heterogenous behavioural traits, let alone humans: That doesn't mean anything really. It would be ridiculous to apply such an analogy onto human twins; you're commiting a grave univariate fallacy.

>All behavior is built on a basis of unchangeable biological traits.

Is a wholly ridiculous take that is at this point at 70 years outdated. Please see my above links. Catch up on active/reactive inference and how interoception works. Please read the references in this paper for a good accesible but interesting start:

Also, these neuroscience papers -

>Can't make an introvert extraverted.

Sure I can, - I can even do this for huge groups of people. The biggest factor I know is to throw said introverts into a war zone, get them to be directly affected, maybe lose a few relatives here and there, throw in some graphic shock value gore - I assure you that increased social group participation and cooperative behaviours in the in-group will be guaranteed.

u/FickleShame · 3 pointsr/itsafetish

Absolutely. There is no shortage of people who are both sexual submissives and also seek to contextualize it as being an inherently sexual person.

None of this is even necessarily a problem, where it crops up is that some people just don't know where to stop. And as a result having an intense desire to be lusted after as an object in the bedroom bleeds into real life and now they want people to lust over them at all times. This then couples with the porn industry where there's an unreal amount of demand for endless novelty and it sort of leads to an arms race, and suddenly we jump from the acknowledgement that humans are sexual beings to the idea that someone should only be a sexual being, and that it should be dialed up to 11.

And then suddenly it's not enough to expose more skin, you need to get augmentation surgery. And then that's not enough, your hair color has to be a very particular range of colors. Oh, that's not good enough, we need to inject your lips with a neurotoxin (literally what Botox is short for- Botulinum toxin) to make your lips swell to a pleasingly large size- we call those 'dick sucking lips' in case there was any doubt. Your skin color isn't quite where it should be so we're going to recommend you get yourself to a tanning bed or use skin lightening products with dubious long term health consequences. Those heels are nice but you should really wear something absurd that accentuates your body even more. Propriety is for prudes, you don't need to keep the bedroom stuff in the bedroom. Just wear your fetishes on your sleeves! Your behavior suggests there's too much rattling around in your head, and some men are emasculated by women who might conceivably be smarter than them in some situations so you should at least stow it outside of your work environment. If you can't be a piece of meat offered up to men kind of like how we have zoo keepers who throw meat to predator species to simulate hunting, you might make a man feel inadequate and we can't have that!

Sometimes I wonder if we've- 'we' being society- hit our Vietnam moment where in order to save the village we have to destroy it.