Reddit Reddit reviews Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center

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9 Reddit comments about Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center:

u/vonnnegut · 4 pointsr/IAmA

Every single "person with similar views as nolimitsoldier" I have encountered has always fallen into 1 of the following groups.

  1. "12-24 Naive" This is the age where people tend to dismiss feminism without taking any initiative to learn about new and old feminist theories. I understand why so many people in this group so readily believe misconceptions about feminism. It is due to lack of knowledge or background regarding the new and old feminist theories. Also why nolimitsoldier believes all feminists think they are artists / photographers is beyond me. I blame the countless people who don't take the time to learn about the concepts and definitions regarding feminism and much of the media. Isn't until people mature and take the initiative to learn about feminism and realize that modern societies are still patriarchal, misogynist, and sexist.

  2. "Man Eaters" This misconception is the standard among those who still disregard feminism. Most I have met lack any true knowledge on the feminist theory and believe the myth that all feminist are hairy man hating lesbians. Feminists come from all background and genders so this couldn't possibly true. This stereotype is false. Myth:Feminists are man hating lesbians

  3. "Corporate" Again more misconceptions. People complain about feminism, woman, etc, while not understanding what feminism has to do with the plight of the woman. At the end of the day it'll depend on the person and the person they're respecting if they're a good leader or not. Because believe it or not people come from all different backgrounds and cultures! It just goes against our cultured societal beliefs that women can be good leaders. **A side example of this is the iron my shirt incident with Hillary Clinton

  4. "more bullshit" The definition of feminist varies in each textbook but they all mean the same thing in the end: people seeking the equal treatment of women. Men already dominate the world. This hasn't allowed women to dominate or control men in any way. And feminists aren't seeking the domination of men, we are seeking the equality of genders.

    To learn more about feminism you can read or watch the following websites,books, or videos:

    Youtube Videos or Channels:

u/ceramicfiver · 3 pointsr/AskFeminists

Her Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center is pretty badass. It was the first feminism book I read, I'd definitely recommend it.

u/tengu38 · 3 pointsr/politics

> Simply stating you are something when you stand for the opposite does not magically make you the thing you state.

It makes you a self-identified member of a group. Groups are responsible for self-policing members who do not share "core ideology", and for their own public relations/public perception problems.

You might not really hate black people, but if I see you in a KKK robe, you will be considered a racist - it doesn't matter what your group thinks about it. Likewise, if you claim you are a feminist but behave misanthropically, you will be considered both a feminist and a misandrogynist.

Again, you don't speak for feminism as an ideology nor all feminists: no one does. It is not on you to define the group membership of another individual. It is on the group as a whole, and there isn't a cohesive view of this topic across all of the different feminist philosophies and schools of thought.

You don't know how "No True Scotsman" works. You are literally attempting to defend a generalized statement with an ad-hoc statement. It's about as clear an example as there can possibly be.

You: All feminists support gender equality.

Me: There are, demonstrably, some feminists who also hate men.

You: Well, they aren't real feminists then.

Definition from Wikipedia: "Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social rights for women" [emphasis added, note the absence of the concept of gender equality in the encyclopedia definition.]

"Difference Feminism" - also from Wikipedia: "Taking for granted an equal moral status as persons, difference feminism asserts that there are differences between men and women that are not or should not be considered equally."

u/impotent_rage · 3 pointsr/Feminism

I would recommend that you read Bell Hooks. She explains some concepts better than I am able. I've read most of Feminist Theory - from Margin to Center. I'm not sure if it's her best work, but it's very good, and it's the only one I've personally read. I hear her other stuff is also great.

Bell Hooks promotes a brand of radical feminist theory which I can get behind. (I can't get behind all radical feminist thinking). She is a black woman who rather heavily criticizes some aspects of mainstream feminist thinking for being very slanted towards upper class white women and overlooking other, more marginalized women who lack the privileges of being upper class and white.

She promotes a brand of feminism which is radical because it supports an overhaul of the entire structure of society in order to eliminate ALL oppression. She describes how we, as humans, as society, are trained and set up to live in a society of has and has-nots, of inferiors and superiors. There are those who lead, and there are those who follow. Privilege concentrates at the top.

Her brand of feminism promotes a solution that goes far beyond simply highlighting and struggling against various instances of sexism. She argues that sexism is merely one of many consequences of a society that is structured to be oppressive towards many groups, and that until you overthrow the entire system that condones superiors controlling inferiors, you are only treating the symptoms of the problem and not the actual problem.

As such, her brand of radical feminism is actually not even particularly focused on sexism against women - it's more focused on overthrowing all oppression in society as a whole.

On the one hand, I don't imagine ever actually achieving the radical goals she has set out. But on the other hand, I think she's basically right - we do keep falling back into trying to figure out who gets to oppress and who gets to be oppressed, and pointing out instances where this happens misses the point when the whole structure is wrong.

And, bringing it back to your point, it's a version of feminism that is concerned with ALL instances of inequality, not just sexism against women.

u/scrivenerjones · 2 pointsr/GGFreeForAll

> Oh, you mean like the multitude of times I've asked people in this very thread to define what they think patriarchy is? Can I get you to follow me around and suggest I do things I've already done all the time?

no I literally meant what I said. when you say stuff like "patriarchy is a third wave feminist concept" it reveals that you don't have any idea what you're talking about and are either lying about taking a gender studies class or slept through the entire thing

> I wouldn't describe Sarkeesian that way, but you can if you want.

I was talking about this actually

> For example, rather than bitch and moan about how bad you think my handle on third wave feminism or "the patriarchy" is, why not use what you perceive as my shortcoming to help educate myself and the wider audience on the subject.

here ya go buddy

u/dragonfox · 2 pointsr/socialwork

I have a bad habit of reading multiple books at once, so I'm currently on Women Behind Bars: The Crisis of Women in the US Prison System, Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, and one day I'll finish Rules for Radicals. Women Behind Bars is a really great, easy read that has a lot of good information in it. The other two are a bit slower, but still good and I recommend them all.

Other than these books, I read a lot about previously I've read Don't Shoot the Dog and On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals. If anyone is interested in positive reinforcement, Don't Shoot the Dog is really applicable to every situation - you can apply it to dogs, clients, spouses, children, any relationship really. I thought it was a good read as a social worker and dog...understander.... :)

u/tom3838 · 1 pointr/GGFreeForAll

Oh shit is this the cavalry? Is it the phone a friend round of the retard olympics?

>refuses to read material when linked

I assure you I read all the material that was linked at this url

For example I read this review

>I was saddened to read how boring and uninterested the author made the topic of feminism to be. I rented this book for one of my college courses, which I'm so thankful I only rented it because its def not worth purchasing. I did not enjoy how scattered and uneasy the material is to understand while reading. I have requested my college to restrain from using this text as part of the class curriculum.

It certainly sounds similar to the criticisms alot of feminists have of Anita's work.

Good job being wrong "bro".

This will make the third feminist theory on the topic of patriarchy I'll have read and dissected within 24 hours, but I guess when I'm done with Sherlock I'll give it a squizz. I'll probably even make it it's own post.

>reading her is worth your time in any regard

I am highly dubious, but we'll see.

u/Pertz · 1 pointr/canada

It's not a quip, really. This is not a venue for deep learning.

>patriarchy theory becomes meaningless

The above statement is not a good starting point to expand understanding, it's a conclusion.

If someone has a conclusion without reviewing the material, it would reason to believe that they have an agenda. I don't find that telling people explicitly what I think they're doing is particularly constructive (e.g. "you have an agenda"), so I just said what I think this style of argument looks like.

I ain't no bell hooks, so go with her!

u/ginuwinelyrics · -1 pointsr/news

Here's a good start from academic perspective:

Also if you do literally any research on it (which you can if you actually want to argue in good faith) you'll see feminist theory is pretty complex.