Top products from r/BabyBumpsandBeyondAu

We found 1 product mention on r/BabyBumpsandBeyondAu. We ranked the 1 resulting product by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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u/ape-ocalypse · 2 pointsr/BabyBumpsandBeyondAu

My family is nearby, but my husband works away so a lot of the time I'm on my own with bub. I'm 9 weeks in now, and my suggestions would be:

  • Buy a haakaa pump (I have this one). They're super cheap, silicone hand pumps that suction onto your boob. My friend lent me hers and I bought my own soon after because it was so useful. I'd say it's useful regardless of how long you breastfeed... when my milk came in I had major issues with engorgement, and it helps to relieve that pressure. I also use it to catch the letdown from one boob while I feed from the other, and consistently get about 4-5 oz of passive milk collection overnight, which is enough for one bottle per day. An easy, painfree way of building up your supply, or enabling your SO to feed the baby once a day.

  • Buy yourself snacks that are easy to eat one-handed and don't require heating or preparation. There were days in the first few weeks where I just ate weetbix breakfast biscuits, up-n-go, yoghurt pouches, bananas, etc. You need the fuel to feed your baby, but your baby will probably do everything in their power to keep you from eating ;)

  • Get a good water bottle and travel mug. I love the contigo ones because they can be operated one-handed.

  • Woolies online ordering is a life-saver. I've tried food shopping in person, but when bub is too small you won't want to put them in the infant carrier on the trolley, and there's only so much you can carry when pushing a pram or baby-wearing. I'd suggest signing up for the delivery saver if you think you'll shop once a week or more.

  • My baby has been a pretty good sleeper (terrible napper though), but sleep deprivation was still rough. I found the first few weeks to be the hardest: feeds take longer, and you aren't used to being awake at 1am. But just be patient with yourself. I found that I drifted off a fair bit in the early weeks, but now I'm awake for the whole feeding and don't start to nod off. It's hard, but it does get easier.

    Good luck!