Best children basic concepts books according to redditors

We found 72 Reddit comments discussing the best children basic concepts books. We ranked the 32 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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Top Reddit comments about Children's Basic Concepts Books:

u/klexomat3000 · 17 pointsr/de

Ethischer Konsum ist keine Lösung und wir sollten aufhören ihn als solche zu bewerben. Es ist natürlich nichts falsch daran auf Fleisch zu verzichten, einen Baum zu pflanzen oder weniger zu duschen. Aber die Ursachen für die derzeitige Umweltkrise liegen tiefer und die Lösungen verlangen kollektives Handeln. Ethischer Konsum basiert auf dem Versprechen, dass wir durch unkoordinierte, isolierte Marktentscheidungen das komplexe Zusammenspiel von Konsumkultur, Macht, Verantwortung, auf dem die Klimakrise beruht, entwirren können. Die Umweltkatastrophe geht jedoch nicht auf individuelles Fehlverhalten zurück, sondern ist das Produkt systemischen Versagens, wie z.B.

  • das unhinterfragte Streben nach ökonomischen Wachstum (und Messung dessen in GDP);
  • konzentrierter Privatbesitz und Regierungen, die sich diesem unterordnen;
  • unregulierte Märkte, die systematisch Anreize zur Umweltverschmutzung setzen;
  • eine Wirtschaftssystem, dass ausufernden Konsum voraussetzt; und
  • die vielen Facetten sozialer Ungerechtigkeit.

    Der Ruf nach grünem Konsum ignoriert diese Ursachen und entbindet so politische und wirtschaftliche Institutionen von ihrer Schuld und Rechenschaftspflicht. Verbraucherorientierte Ansätze als Lösung zu präsentieren, führt daher zu einer Individualisierung der Verantwortung die wiederum dafür sorgt, dass die eigentlichen Ursachen unangetastet bleiben.
    Dies legitimiert gegenwärtigen Dynamiken von Verbrauch und Konsum. Murray Bookchin hat es ganz gut zusammengefasst:

    >It is inaccurate and unfair to coerce people into believing that
    they are personally responsible for present-day ecological disasters because they consume too much or proliferate too readily. This privatization of the environmental crisis, like the New Age cults that focus on personal problems rather than on social dislocations, has reduced many environmental movements to utter ineffectiveness and threatens to diminish their credibility with the public. (Toward an Ecological Society, 1980)

    Zusätzlich zu diesem wird Konsumkritik auch noch häufig dazu verwendet Menschen, die sich für gesellschaftliche Lösungen einsetzen, zu diskreditieren.

    >Statt sich über derartige Unannehmlichkeiten den Kopf zu zerbrechen oder sich gar für eine andere Wirtschafts- und Umweltpolitik einzusetzen, sollen die Vereinzelten, so die Lehre der KonsumkritikerInnen, erst einmal bei sich anfangen. Wer jemals mit dem Flugzeug in den Urlaub geflogen ist, hat gemäß der konsumkritischen Ideologie zum Thema CO2-Ausstoß ohnehin nichts mehr zu melden. (Dennis Gramer)

    Es ist daher auch bedauernswert, dass die Berichterstattung der deutschen Medien sich so auf diese Thema wirft, anstatt mit konstruktivem Journalismus aufzuzeigen wie individuelle Menschen sich zusammentun und für kollektive Lösungen einsetzen können. Ein paar Beispiele für Aktionen sind:

  • Klimaproteste wie die Fridays for Future. Aufgrund des gesellschaftlichen Druckes muss sich sogar die CDU mit Klimapolitik beschäftigen.
  • Lesegruppen. Trefft euch regelmäßig und besprecht Texte/Informationen zu Klimalösungen. Es ist wichtig das Thema zu verstehen, damit man zwischen Symbolpolitik und echten Maßnahmen unterscheiden kann.
  • Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Stellt euch mit der lokalen Klimagruppe auf die Straßenfeste oder andere öffentliche Versammlungen und informiert. Die meisten Leute mit denen man dort in Kontakt kommt sind schon für das Thema sensibilisiert und wollen wissen, was sie konkret tun können.
  • Küchengespräche. Es gibt eine Menge Leute, die sich von dem Thema und den Medienberichten überwältigt fühlen. Dies kann dazu führen, dass sie die Problematik ignorieren, oder schlimmer noch sich vergrämt fühlen. Es ist wichtig solche Menschen nicht hängen zu lassen, sondern mit einzubeziehen. Wir versuchen daher das Gespräch zu suchen, indem wir ausgebildete Leute bereitstellen, die sich mit einer Handvoll dieser Menschen in eine Küche/Wohnzimmer setzen und in Ruhe über das Thema reden.

    Ein paar Beispiele für sinnvolle, kollektive Maßnahmen sind:

  • Eine CO2-Dividende (siehe hier, hier und hier),
  • Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien,
  • Verbesserung des öffentlichen Nah- und Fernverkehrs;
  • Umbau der Landwirtschaft;
  • Steigerung der Energie Effizienz durch Regulierung und Zuschüsse für private Haushalte, und
  • zusätzliche Ausgaben für Forschung und Entwicklung.

    Zusammengefasst, Konsumkritik ist bestenfalls wirkungslos und schlimmstenfalls schädlich. Stattdessen sollten wir uns mit unseren Mitmenschen organisieren und für gesellschaftliche Maßnahmen stark machen.
u/Freezair · 8 pointsr/whatsthatbook

This is almost certainly The Z Was Zapped by Chris Van Allsburg!

u/auntie-matter · 6 pointsr/literature

For some reason I don't have the Folio Society edition. Not sure why, their books are lovely, I have quite a few others from them.

My favourite is The Philosopher's Alice, a book which I love for all sorts of personal reasons as well as being a great read. I have a pop-up edition which is pretty cool. I like Automated Alice. The BabyLit Colour Primer is great fun (we have a lot of the Babylit books). Yayoi Kusama's illustrated editon is just gorgeous. Somewhere I have some older (early 20thC) editions with illustrations other than Tenniels but my library is in a state of minor chaos and they're not where they should be. I have a stack of Tenniel editions from various times too, I think the oldest is a lovely small format version with loads of colour plates (his illustrations were redrawn in colour for those) from the early 1930s. I have a very, very battered and falling apart copy of Annotated Alice which if you don't have you should absolutely try to find because it's amazing.

The one I buy for people (usually when they have kids) and for some reason never have myself (yet) is Barnes and Noble's gorgeous leather-bound edition.

From the exhibition which ran in 2015 at the British Library I also have some postcards, a pen, a throw cushion and a mug. Because that's what happens when you have to exit through the gift shop... :)

u/kaijudrifting · 4 pointsr/BabyBumps

LO's daddy is a developer, so I'm pretty sure she needs this series:

And this one since I'm an artist:

Also I just think the BabyLit books are adorable.

(hopefully the links work, I'm on mobile.)

u/Avatar_ZW · 3 pointsr/pointlesslygendered

And, of course, here is the one for girls.

u/PancakeSanchez · 3 pointsr/suggestmeabook

Sam Sorts or even Stack the Cats

Books are great, but I want to suggest that you also try to find some math games that you can play with him if you think he's behind. There are little sorting bears you can buy or you could probably make something like that yourself at home.

There are also apps that are really good for this now if you let him have screen time.

Good luck!

u/mudprincess · 3 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[This is for you] ( because I read in your comments that you have a new guy that you're excited about. I have found that keeping a mate happy is MUCH easier if you know their love language. 😍

[This is for me] ( because I have been doing Keto diet to lose weight and EGGS ARE LIFE on this diet. 🤓

[This is for /u/Miss-omnibus to read when she has insomnia] ( because she was sweet enough to summon me to introduce herself in another thread and we had a good conversation. 😘

AND I think there is still money left over for you to get a little something extra for yourself or save it for another contest! 🤩

u/somethingaboutwhy · 3 pointsr/tipofmytongue

I think you mean The Z was Zapped. Chris van Allsburg is a cool guy.

u/theFournier · 2 pointsr/TrollBookClub

Hey, infants and toddlers need books too!

Yummy Yucky was a favourite in our house. So were Dinosaur vs Bedtime and Goodnight Gorilla.

Getting a little bit older, my kids loved all the Arnold Lobel books and so did I. They were/are among the very few of my kids' books that I never ever got tired of reading over and over again, night after night.

Personally I loved the Madeline books and the Babar books, my daughter liked them but I could never get my son into them.

This was a huge favourite for both my kids in the toddler/preschool years. I can still recite some of those stories from memory (and do).

The original Thomas the Tank Engine stories are really charming. If your nephew ends up taking an interest in trains and that sort of thing, this is a gorgeous book.

eta: almost forgot: Maurice Sendak is essential. My kids can both recite Chicken Soup with Rice from beginning to end.

u/sothisisfun · 2 pointsr/IFParents

Our kid lurves Peek-a-Who also. It always gets her to stop what she's doing and look back at us. Also, the board book version of Emma (it's just faces and feelings -- she finds angry Mr. Elton hilarious).

She's also really interested in ripping the moving pieces off the Matthew van Fleet books (loves the squeaky page on Cat, and ripped the elephant off Sniff).

Charley Harper 123 is very slowly teaching her how to count to 10, even if the 10 Minnows page is totally misleading...

What Makes a Rainbow has way too many words so we don't usually read them all, just turn the pages and say what each color is. She loves the ribbons.

She is indifferent to Boynton, though...

u/smartache · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Yes, good idea. I added the smallest pack they had in her size- but the medium sized pack is actually cheaper. So I added both- whatever you think. If they don't work out for us I'll make sure they go to a good home- I have lots of friends with babies. :) Thank you!

Ah yeah the Pantone book is awesome. We are an art family, we got this really cool Pantone book for babies at our shower- I love it! This is it:

u/lotrouble · 2 pointsr/Wishlist


When I win, you know what I want.

u/seffend · 2 pointsr/toddlers

I have a board book that's called C is for Consent.

It's a very simple story about a boy at a family gathering and how he doesn't need to hug or kiss anyone if he doesn't want to. I think it's good way to introduce boundaries.

u/redd1tr1dingh00d · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

I love The Z was Zapped. It is a weird alphabet book. It is the first book I gave my nephew. Fortunately is another one I loved. But these are toddler level. As an older kid I got into classic fairy tales. Also my sister loved the BOB books for learning to read.

I have a list just for my nephew with some books on it.

u/[deleted] · 2 pointsr/Parenting

First things first. The child will be undergoing a huge transition and ya'll ought to have some therapy/counseling for her all set up and ready to go when she comes into your home. It will help all of you get started on a good note.

Because she has been told things that are not true about her dad, she will be very confused and will likely act out as she settles in.

I have seen a lot of great advice on here for adoptive/foster parents and you guys would benefit from reading some material geared towards that parenting group as well. One thing I have heard a lot of for adoptive parents of older children (I know you're not adopting, I just think the principle applies here) is to meet your child's every need.

No, really. Meet her every. Need. If you have family over visiting and she asks for a glass of water, you or your SO should be the ones getting up and doing it, even if family offers. If she needs help on the potty, falls down and hurts herself, needs her hair brushed, whatever it is. During the transition process it is critical for her to bond positively with you guys and for her to learn that you guys are a source of trust and security.

As for getting her up to speed on things like colors and numbers, fortunately there's plenty of books out there to help! My son LOVES these:

Sorry I don't know how to make shorter links on Reddit. They might be too young for your "Stepdaughter", but my son learned all of his colors shapes and numbers by reading these books. he is 2 1/2.

He also has shape toys. I like "melissa and doug" toys. This one is my son's favorite:

Because of this clock puzzle, my son knows what a fucking rhombus and octagon is.

We don't sit him down and drill him. We invite him to play with these toys and materials and simply talk about them as we go along. Children are sponges, and they learn all on their own. They simply need the invitation, and a patient adult willing to open up this world to them.


on that note, we take what we learn in the books and reinforce it in every day life.

"Wow, is that your YELLOW ball?"

"Look honey, do you see that silly cartoon cat? He is PINK! That's so funny, isn't it! Why is that silly kitty cat PINK? Cats aren't pink, are they?"

"Okay when the light is red, that means daddy has to stop! Let's wait for the light to turn green! Keep watching, tell me when it turns GREEN! Green means we can GO!"

Etc etc. Most of this stuff will come naturally to you as you get into the groove. You find all kinds of opportunities to reinforce concepts as you go about your day.

u/jazzybeee · 2 pointsr/toddlers

Gyo Fujikawa's A to Z Picture Book is a HUGE favorite in my house!! It was actually one of my favorites when I was little too, and my mom gave me our old copy. Really lovely illustrations, lots to look at and talk about!

u/TeamRedRocket · 2 pointsr/German

Here are some from when my son was around same age, (1-2).

I think these are cardboard type books, but I'm not at the house, so I'm just going off of my account.

Bist du meine Mama?

It's a book of a chicken who's wandering around farm talking to animals. It's maybe 20 pages or so? This has actual sentences so you can read to your daughter.


Erste Bilder - Erste Wörter

A picture book with names.


Mein erstes Tierbuch

A picture book of animals.

Really any of the "My first" anything books are pretty good and show names of objects, etc.


Also, depending on your religion, I also have this book. It's a simple-format bible with color pictures in it.

Die große Kinderbibel


Just make sure you read reviews, since like me, I assume you don't have a German bookstore nearby.

I only order books with good reviews, and preferably with the ability to look at a preview of a few of the pages. Books for myself aren't as big of a deal, but I already know the language.

u/rumandwrite · 2 pointsr/tipofmytongue

Maybe pushing it, but how about The Z Was Zapped by Chris Van Allsburg.

There's a detailed description here.

u/-poop-in-the-soup- · 2 pointsr/Parenting

Th “Block” series of books is my go-to recommendation.

She probably already has plenty of books of letters and numbers, but the Cityblock book is fantastic.

u/TrentRobertson42 · 1 pointr/NotHowGirlsWork

It's real. $5.99 on Amazon Kindle.

ABC's for Boys

ABC's for Girls

u/cdngrleh · 1 pointr/suggestmeabook

Some faves with great positive messages, no monsters - and colourful artwork!

Red: A Crayon's Story by Michael Hall

Zero by Kathryn Otoshi

Leon the Chameleon by Melanie Watt

Have You Filled A Bucket Today? By Carol McCloud

I Am A Rainbow by Dolly Parton

Ordinary Mary's Extraordinary Deed by Emily Pearson

Grumpy Bird by Jeremy Tankard

Spork by Kyo Maclear isn't as colourful, but the silver might go with lavender?

u/Dr_StrangE · 1 pointr/pics

Came here to say the same thing my friend! Animalia and Eleventh Hour were some of the best illustrated children's books ever! Can't forget The Sign of the Seahorse either!!! Literally spent hours upon hours looking at those books as a child! So glad I kept them!

This also reminded me of The Z Was Zapped (

u/withbellson · 1 pointr/pointlesslygendered

Oh, I saw this fucking book when I was trolling Amazon for alphabet books for our daughter. The author also wrote ABCs for Girls, in which he reused basically the same picture of an elephant but the elephant is playing with a girly-colored ball and doesn't have tusks. I shit ye not.

u/OrganizedSprinkles · 1 pointr/InfertilityBabies

All the books in this series are awesome. They are like cute little toddler life manuals.

Yummy Yucky (Leslie Patricelli board books)

u/Squintymomma · 1 pointr/beyondthebump

Anything but Goodnight fucking Moon.

He really won't sit still for a full on 'story' although he loves to hand me his little board books and I hold them and try to read him the story while he turns the pages. Right now THIS is his favorite. We got it in our Bluum box for October.

There's also the sesame street alphabet board books. We got a few from my SIL. He hands those to me all day long.

If you want to get her something that has an actual story, just about anything w/ a Caldecott medal is a winner. Literally.

u/MensaDropout · 1 pointr/childrensbooks

My kids loved this book! The Z was Zapped.

u/amazon-converter-bot · 1 pointr/FreeEBOOKS

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