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Best daily activities books for children (according to Reddit)

Best daily activities books for children according to redditors

We found 37 Reddit comments discussing the best daily activities books for children. We ranked the 16 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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Top Reddit comments about Children's Daily Activities Books:

u/kecker · 6 pointsr/JUSTNOFAMILY

When my niece was born, the first of the grandchildren, I made it a point that once a month I sent my sister and BIL an "inappropriate" kids book. This was on the list, although my favorite is "K is for Knifeball", as even I thought this one went a little too far.

So other suggestions for you:

The Taking Tree https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1442407638/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Children Make Terrible Pets

All My Friends Are Dead

Everyone Poops

Ten Little Zombies: A Love Story

Monsters Eat Whiny Children

I'd Really Like To Eat A Child

The Very Hungry Zombie

Cornelius and the Undigested Kernel of Corn

Zombie Cat: A Tale of a Decomposing Kitty

K is for Knifeball

Once Upon A Time, The End

Zombies Hate Stuff

The Night Dad Went To Jail

You Have To Fucking Eat

Fuck You Sun

u/CT_Librarian · 6 pointsr/Parenting

Oh! You should read him Bubble Bath Pirates! This was one of our most favorite read-alouds of all time when my kids were little. It's so much fun to read out loud!

Edit: I should note that there is a wee bit of backside nudity, just in case that matters. The kids thought it was very funny. :)

u/beefsiym · 5 pointsr/Paleo
u/wanderer333 · 4 pointsr/CPTSD

Agreed. You and your kid(s) should also check out the Todd Parr book It's Okay to Make Mistakes :)

u/bluepanda8 · 4 pointsr/keto

I like this book . Your child should focus on being active and making good food choices. If you could convince your wife that paleo would be a good option for your family, I think it would help. The dinner table would look more unified, and your little girl will grow up understanding the basics of healthy eating from one perspective, not two. It'll be less confusing for her.

u/Inozz · 3 pointsr/Paleo

This is basically how my 4.5yo eats. A bunch of finger foods/small portions thrown together. I picked up Eat Like a Dinosaur a few weeks ago and love their recipes. My kids were thrilled to flip through it and pick out recipes that look good to them.

u/dwightfoundajoint · 3 pointsr/TrollXChromosomes

We have Bedtime for Batman! There is also a Wonder Woman and Superman book in the series - my son looooves them.

u/lazzerini · 3 pointsr/suggestmeabook

Here's a link with children's books from a great store for left-handed products: https://www.leftyslefthanded.com/books_for_left_handed_children_s/83.htm

and in particular this book: http://www.amazon.com/Lefty-Louie-Claire-Rolince/dp/1439250456

u/Fillerover9000 · 2 pointsr/pokemon
u/SpiffyPenguin · 2 pointsr/books

I used to work as a page in the children's department of a library. I would read picture books when I got bored.

Robert Munsch is a fantastic children's author. He's absolutely hilarious and his stories have good messages, too. When I was little, I especially loved Moira's Birthday and Stephanie's Ponytail. My mom read these to me when I was a kid, and they're still great almost 20 years later.

Rainy Morning is another really fun, silly story for kids. It's about an old couple who keep inviting animals (and eventually people and circuses!) in to their house because it's raining outside. Lots of fun.

On a more serious note, Lost and Found is a really sweet story. It's about a boy and a penguin, and friendship. It's cute and the art is fun, too.

Eric the Math Bear was a particular favorite among all the pages, because it's so darn cute. It's about a red bear who likes math, so if you're looking for some numbers with your words this is the way to go.

Maxwell Eaton has several books that are great for kids, my favorite of which is The Mystery. The artwork is really adorable and the stories are lighthearted and fun.

Regardless of which books you wind up choosing, make sure they are appropriate for your audience in terms of length and complexity. The Max and Piggy books are far simpler than the Robert Munsch ones, so younger children might not be able to follow Munsch or others like him. If you have a wide variety of ages, try to include books at multiple levels so everyone has something to enjoy.

Also, don't forget to practice reading the books aloud before you go to story time. Read with lots of expression; young kids may not pick up nuances in the text, and having an animated storyteller is more fun, anyway.

u/mmabpa · 2 pointsr/IFParents

Any of the "Hello Genius" books Toddler loves. Each book features an animal mastering a life skill of some kind. Toddler's current faves are "Little Monkey Calms Down" and "Hippo Says Excuse Me." Not only are they cute and short but Toddler is able to easily remember the storylines and apply it to real life (like taking a deep breath to calm down.)

u/xixi4059 · 2 pointsr/toddlers

We let her brush for a bit then we tell her she can watch Daniel or some other thing on my phone while we brush her teeth. She only gets to watch it while We brush her teeth.

Daniel tiger brushing teeth song - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CO9o28dgFTk

Also this Elmo book is great - Sesame Street Ready, Set, Brush! A Pop-Up Book https://www.amazon.com/dp/0794440630/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_mDL3BbYG5QC27

u/amazon-converter-bot · 1 pointr/FreeEBOOKS

Here are all the local Amazon links I could find:













Beep bloop. I'm a bot to convert Amazon ebook links to local Amazon sites.
I currently look here: amazon.com, amazon.co.uk, amazon.ca, amazon.com.au, amazon.in, amazon.com.mx, amazon.de, amazon.it, amazon.es, amazon.com.br, amazon.nl, amazon.co.jp, amazon.fr, if you would like your local version of Amazon adding please contact my creator.

u/smarlowe · 1 pointr/Buddhism

Hi there,
I came across your question and wanted to share my new book with you. It teaches mindful eating to children through a fun story.
No Ordinary Apple: A Story About Eating Mindfully published by Wisdom Publications.


u/OliviaPresteign · 1 pointr/Parenting

I’m not sure how old your daughter is, but we came across this Baby’s First Words book at our library, and it’s great.

u/Nicetry_Stephenfry_ · 1 pointr/tipofmytongue
u/gordonjames62 · 1 pointr/AmItheAsshole


My kids (white with straight hair) also hated hair brushes.

This is not much of a racial thing (afaik) but a good mom enjoying a think with her kids. Keep up the good work.

Brushing sucks (painful and annoying) for many kids, and for that reason alone I taught my kids to do their own hair if they didn't want adults meddling with it. This is a great book for kids BTW.

Every parent will have people who want to intrude with their opinions on your difficult choices as a parent.

Ignore the jerks.

u/Grandpa-Bernie · 1 pointr/copypasta
u/Pr1me__ · 0 pointsr/GlobalOffensiveTrade

"lol downvoted!! Toxic!!"
You did better with the capital letters, but still need work on your punctuation. Try this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006HUJRX8/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1