Best hazardous waste disposal bags according to redditors

We found 22 Reddit comments discussing the best hazardous waste disposal bags. We ranked the 8 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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Top Reddit comments about Hazardous Waste Disposal Bags:

u/UCgirl · 5 pointsr/JUSTNOMIL

So I suffer from nausea a lot. Buy a pack of emesis bags like this...

That’s not the only brand. Just check for “emesis bag.” You tie up the top by putting the top of the bag into one of the ring slashes. These can be folded into a small frisbee shape. One can fit in must purses. Carrying one around might help you feel more comfortable in general when going out because you have what you need if you get nauseous (like in a store or something).

I’m not sure if pharmacies carry them or not.

u/MrRGG · 5 pointsr/uberdrivers

Emesis Bags, 24 for $10. Saved my interior twice. I hand them out to any pax that looks shakey.


u/mrs_ladybird · 3 pointsr/Advice

Here you go!

This trash bin hooks onto the toilet tank. Has two size options and is literally otherwise wasted space.

These waxed paper bags can be used to line the bin. Makes for easy emptying.

These little bags are waterproof and seal. Nice and discrete.

It's also not absurd to request that the person using the bin at the time empty it daily.

u/DaisyKitty · 3 pointsr/migraine
u/legendary_ironwood · 2 pointsr/shutupandtakemymoney

Start bringing in your food in one of these and see what happens.

u/GFrohman · 2 pointsr/NoStupidQuestions

Bring your lunch in one of these, and people will leave it alone.

u/AdvocateReason · 2 pointsr/funny

The fact that her Mjölnir is a hospital barf bag aka an "Emesis Bag" - good stuff.

u/SpicyCarrot1550 · 1 pointr/memes

Step 1. Aquire this and this.

Step 2. Attend the lab.


^(/s) ^ ^((duh)^)

u/noc007 · 1 pointr/TeslaLounge

I recommend these barf bags for keeping in your car:

u/bananas82017 · 1 pointr/July2018Bumpers

I bought nice barf bags and stashed them everywhere- my desk, my bag, husband’s bag, car, etc so I’ll be prepared if I do throw up. So far just been really nauseous thou. These are the ones I bought: [Disposable Vomit Bags] (

u/martysthreegirls · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Shes' gonna need a wig

And a good set of goggles

someone needs to wear these maybe even her...

You should decorate the lab with this

These would be great to fill with candy as party favors

.... or ....

TEST TUBE BUBBLES!!!! These things are touchable bubbles. PRO TIP: USe ONLY OUTSIDE. Shit makes a mess on the carpet. Easy to vacuum... but still...

Crazy cookie cutters which are perfect for this!

Temporary tattoos

Atomic super balls would be fun too!

A jello brain mold

Biohazard bags for party favors maybe

A geyser aka mentos/coke mixer for kids. That looks fun enough to get for myself. lol

Gravity goo something I would also play with. lol

Insta-snow seems like a good experiment for kids

I should stop now. I used to love planning my kids parties when they were little. Damn them for growing up.

u/revmamacrystal · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

I held my own Mad Scientist party and I actually bought real beakers and test tubes! For a kids party though:

Biohazard treat bags

Hand Boiler Toys

One easy project to make for the kids is Glow in the Dark Bubbles

Surprise me.

u/playhertwo · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon
u/ladyllana · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

Putting party favors in these would be hilarious!

You could also do an "experiment" with these where they have to taste different foods to see the changes in flavor.

Gummy brains for goody bags.

A variety of safety glasses for all your scientists!

I like surprises! :D

u/littlegrill · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

What a cool theme! I hope your daughter has a brilliant birthday party.

You could serve individual different flavours of jelly (jello in the US, right?!) is these petri dishes.

You could use these specimen bags as party bags! These touchable bubbles come in test tubes and are pretty fun!

These molecule model kits were always good fun in science at school - maybe you could incorporate this into a party game? Or else make a few molecules and have them as table decorations!

Thank you for this contest! If I win, surprise me! I hope the party planning goes well.

u/drgradus · 1 pointr/uberdrivers

Medline Emesis Bags,blue, 144 Count

$36 for 144, down to $0.25/bag.

u/wifeduck · 1 pointr/cancer

For my first round with lymphoma I did C.H.O.P. treatment, that was the easy one, 48 hours off work for each treatment, but I worked the rest of the time full 8-5 in the office every day. However, I started a strict regiment of Miralax on Sunday before my treatment was given to me on Monday, and would finally have a movement by Thursday (I know probably TMI, but you asked). I would suggest getting him a portable potty chair so that he doesn't have to make the trip out to the outhouse, that can be dumped in the outhouse, but since (I am assuming here) the outhouse goes into the ground, you might want to consider not using that for 48 hours after chemo due to the toxins, ask the doctor about that. Also, invest in these for him! Just get one box to start with, and you can ask the treatment center for more. However if he is being treated for lymphoma, odds are that they will pair it with steroid treatment as well. I had 100mgs/day for 5 days after treatment. That is what helped keep my energy levels up, but by Sunday I would crash and sleep most of the day.

My second round of treatment was R.I.C.E., and more difficult, I got a little I.V. on Monday, checked into the hospital on Tuesday, got hooked up for 3 days, released on Friday. Then back to work on Monday.

Chemo is individual, it has a different effect on everyone. Both of my treatments were set at an every 3 week schedule, so it was Week 1 sucked, Week 2 Better, Week 3 Great, repeat. So make sure if that is his schedule, plan fun things for that week 3.

EDIT: Originally diagnosed ALCL 3/15/12, relapsed 6/31/12, auto stem cell transplant 12/04/12.

u/UberDuperDrew · 0 pointsr/uberdrivers