Best business education & reference books according to redditors

We found 730 Reddit comments discussing the best business education & reference books. We ranked the 291 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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u/2357111 · 330 pointsr/math

For "books written for kids", I was a child prodigy and I liked the cartoon guides - I read the stats and the physics ones. I liked the how did we find out series as well, I think?

Textbooks might not be so bad. You find them dry, but he might not.

Emailing professors in the area was very helpful. If he understands what he's learned from the differential and integral calculus textbook, he's probably ready to talk to professors.

You don't necessarily need to teach him to follow in anyone's footsteps. If he's reading textbooks for fun, he's probably enjoys doing that. It's more important that he keep doing what he enjoys than that he imitates someone else who was successful. Still, it's nice to know about people who were similar to you in history! But it's not like he needs to go into physics or math to take advantage of his genius - some former child prodigies are already working in those fields, and while I like to think most are doing good work and advancing the state of their fields, none of them have revolutionized them recently.

u/djc6535 · 144 pointsr/news

This is part of the cycle of poverty: The poor make terrible decisions with money. This is why you don't give them money, you give them THINGS. Instead of giving her $100k she should have been taken on a shopping trip for clothes. The trust for her kids should have been set up for her.

But even that isn't foolproof: My mom is a school nurse for an elementary school district a poor neighborhood. One of her students a few years ago was diabetic. He had to get his insulin from her as the nurse's office is the only place it's allowed to be kept (along with the needles and such).

His family didn't have a refrigerator. Through the week he'd be fine but every monday he'd come to school looking like he had been through a warzone. It's amazing he wasn't worse. A bunch of the teachers got together, pitched in, and bought them a fridge for their son.

The family sold it and used the money to go to Disneyland. Their reasoning: We've gotten along fine for years without a fridge, but we might never have another chance to go to Disneyland. They thought they were treating their kid to something special.

Understanding Poverty is a pretty valuable resource for understanding this kind of mentality. Simple empathy and a willingness and desire to help isn't enough. As arrogant as it sounds, you have to help these people from themselves as much as anything.

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger

u/OrelHazard · 23 pointsr/chicago

The information feeding these rankings is unscientific and lacking in grounding in statistical analysis. There is no measurement of learning, nor of much other actual student experience. Instead there is lots of measurement of easy-to-collect and far less important information such as percentage of alumni who contribute money or the opinions of college administrators collected in surveys.

In fact, when the US News study began, it was a profile in weak study design, producing worthless yet popularly quoted results: all it did was survey college presidents. That this obviously empty practice is what gave us the US News college rankings in the first place should make everyone slow their roll about this "authoritative" study.

Source: Weapons Of Math Destruction, Cathy O'Neill, Crown.

u/Teacher_of_History · 23 pointsr/Teachers

You've probably read it, but Harry Wong's The First Days of School is a great resource as well.

Keep up the good work. I personally am not a big fan of TFA, but good teachers can come from anywhere and we need people who care like you more than anything!

u/race_bannon · 22 pointsr/technology

> make his claims but not provide souce code showing how a bias could be hidden in an algorithm without it being immediately obvious to many coders at google

Because with machine learning and AI, even the developers don't understand how the decisions are made.

You should read Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O'Neil, which goes into how biased training data, programmers, etc can result in biased algorithms. It's pretty fascinating.

u/ChemicalExperiment · 18 pointsr/news

The problem isn't the books themselves, it's probably the teacher who is assigning them to you. My English teacher last year was one of the good ones. One of the great ones actually. She didn't just assign a book, give a test, and throw a writing assignment at us like most others did. We actually discussed the book. Not in some childish "oh what did you like about it" way, but actual literary analysis. "What's the meaning behind this symbol?" Prove it. "Was this event foreshadowed by something earlier?" Let me bring up this random scene you thought was pointless and show you how it's actually predicting everything. "Can this be an allusion to another work?" Actually the whole thing is the story of Hamlet. And most of all, why? "What message is being told through all these elements?" "What's the point of this meaning that or that referring to this?" These are the questions that gave me insight into not only the book, but humanity itself, the human condition.

My teacher was also up for discussion. Talks about truthfully, what things like sexism, race, gender, politics, and other hot topic discussions nowadays meant to us. And yet it was always relevant to the story, like when we read The Catcher in the Rye we had an 90 minute discussion about what we thought the difference between arrogance and confidence was, and eventually how it effected our views of others. I've had classmates cry in that class when discussing depression and our futures. Then there's the best part; she was a former off-broadway actor and current comedian, so she's basically putting on a show through her entire class. You can hear her down the halls and you can always hear her footsteps from the room below. Needless to say, it's never boring.

I really hope you can find a teacher even half as amazing as her, because she has changed my life forever. Right now one of my summer assignments from her is actually The Scarlet Letter, so I guess I'll get my own opinion on that. Otherwise, I recommend you read another book I'm assigned, How to Read Literature Like a Professor. It's a very casual, laid back discussion about how to make the kinds of connections I referred to in the questions above. Hopefully it'll give you some insight as to why those books were assigned and what you've been missing from them.

Edit: Dang...I can get carried away with my writing sometimes. Sorry for the block of text.

u/shelteringloon · 18 pointsr/WayOfTheBern

un-elected officials which have wield power unsanctioned by the people. this includes elements of the intelligence world, defense industry, oil companies, and wall street.

Parts of each group work for their own benefit. It's not an over-arching shadow government per say, but more individuals elements which, when taken as a whole, constituent a deep state which controls decisions more than elected officials.


u/Crisis_Redditor · 16 pointsr/antiMLM

That might just be Amazon's weird gobbledy gook URLs (I got a ref one when I searched normally) or have to do with Smile, but here's a regular link just in case:

u/Akilos01 · 15 pointsr/BlackPeopleTwitter

Incorrect. Oppressors and oppressed must work together to create a system to hold each other accountable. If oppressors make the system they will continue to oppress as normal, if the oppressed make the system they will oppress their former oppressors out of a desire for retribution and also because each oppressed person only has an oppressor as their reference point for what a "non oppressed" person should be like and how they should behave. Only through cooperation and collaboration can the oppressed and the oppressors overcome the dynamic that keeps both of them stuck into their predetermined roles.

Read "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" by Paulo Freire.

u/metasophie · 14 pointsr/australia

You might need this book

95% confidence with a margin of error of ±5% for a population of 25,000,000 you would need about 385 people. The real problem here is how biased is that sample. By that I mean, do they have a statistically representative collection of people?

u/mementomary · 14 pointsr/booksuggestions
  • Naked Statistics by Charles Wheelan is a great overview of the science of statistics, without being too much like a lecture. After reading it, you'll have a better understanding of what statistics are just silly (like in ads or clickbait news) and what are actually important (like in scientific studies).

  • You on a Diet by Roizen and Oz is touted as a diet book, and it kind of is. I recommend it because it's a great resource for basic understanding the science behind the gastrointestinal system, and how it links to the brain.

  • All of Mary Roach's books are excellent overviews of science currently being done, I've read Stiff (the science of human bodies, post-mortem), Spook ("science tackles the afterlife"), Packing for Mars (the science of humans in space), and Bonk (sex), and they are all very easy to understand, but scientifically appropriate. I'm sure "Gulp" is good too, although I haven't read that one yet.

  • "How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming" by Mike Brown is a great, accessible overview of exactly why Pluto was demoted to dwarf planet, told by the man who started the controversy.

  • "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking is a little denser, material-wise, but still easy to understand (as far as theoretical physics goes, at least!). Hawking explains the history of physics and the universe, as well as the future of the discipline. While there is a bit more jargon than some pop-science books, I think an entry-level scientist can still read and understand this book.
u/newyne · 13 pointsr/Poetry

Well... I mean, subtext is not the only important thing, but it's still important. I really enjoy poets who create meaning not only through the literal meaning of words, but through the usage of words (and they definitely do so intentionally). I think the real problem is that that kind of thing can feel clinical and detached in the classroom, where you're doing it for a grade. When I'm able to find complexity and deeper meaning in a work I love, though? That's exciting and joyful!

Example: The first works that come to mind when I think are actually songs by my favorite band, The Oh Hellos. Specifically, their EPs Notos and Eurus. They've got this extended metaphor relating God to nature and humanity to man-made structures. Like in the song Constellations -- the central metaphor is the tower of Babel, from the story where humanity tries to build a tower to reach God. God hates their hubrice, so he causes the tower to crumble, and the people to speak different languages so they can't try again. Now, Notos' central theme fundamentalism, the reasons for it, the problems with it, what it's like when you can no longer hold onto it. In that context, the tower of Babel is related to religion. That is, it's something people use to reach God, but it ultimately separates us from him and from each other. The second important metaphor here is constellations. And what's the nature of constellations? Well, they're pictures we see in the stars. But while the stars actually exist in external reality, those pictures only exist in our minds; the actual stars that compose them have no real relationship to each other, and are in fact often light-years apart. (Not to mention, different cultures see different pictures). Their use as a metaphor here seems to be saying that God is something real, but so many our believes about him are just our own human projections.

Can you understand this song without getting all of this? Partially, I think. It took me a while to completely grasp it, but I started picking up on these existential themes from the get-go, like in the chorus, "Like constellations a million years away, every good intention... is interpolation, a line we drew in the array, looking for the faces, looking for the shapes in the silence." I deeply felt that, even if I wasn't really sure what to do with the Tower of Babel references. However! Understanding, rather making the song less for me, made it that much more beautiful! I got chills about it all over again! (I had a similar experience with the rest of the EPs; when I caught how the division between the binaries of God/nature and humanity/structures crumbles over their course, [like with stones being compared to seeds in "Grow"], collapsing completely in "Constellations"' companion song, "Hieroglyphs"... The point is that division between God, nature, and humanity was always an illusion, and... To me that is so utterly beautiful and joyful!)

I guess my point is, you don't have to understand everything going on in a poem to enjoy it. People shouldn't devalue that kind of appreciation. However, I think you shouldn't stop there. It's good to try to understand poems on a deeper level, not because you're supposed to or that it'll make you smart, but because there's so much beauty, love, and joy hidden in between the lines. And how do you get there? It takes learning and practice for most people, because it really is like a code or a foreign language. For me, it started with a book called How to Read Literature Like a Professor that I read for a high school English class (more about prose than poetry, but same idea). Then in college I learned more about different schools of criticism, what to look for, how to figure out where authors were coming from. A lot of this involved... Well, I think one of the best ways to practice is to read other peoples' analyses. Find a poem you love, read it over and over, see what stands out to you about it. Then read what other people have written about it. Overtime, you'll find yourself applying what you've learned to unfamiliar poetry. If you're passionate about it, if you enjoy figuring it out, if you thirst after understanding, then I think you'll discover so much!

u/richiebful · 13 pointsr/Futurology

Honestly, the more acute danger is shitty pattern matching. A lot of machine learning models applied to targeted policing leads to more people of color getting locked up, for example. Live in a zip code with a lot of delinquent borrowers? You have to pay a higher mortgage rate. Weapons of Math Destruction explains this really well

u/plbogen · 12 pointsr/AskAcademia

I would argue for Freire's classic on progressive pedagogy: Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

u/nkk36 · 12 pointsr/datascience

I've never heard of that book before, but I took a look at their samples and they all seem legitimate.

I would just buy the Ebook for $59 and work through some problems. I'd also maybe purchase some books (or find free PDFs online). Given that you don't have a deep understanding of ML techniques I would suggest these books:

  1. Intro to Statistical Learning
  2. Data Science for Business

    There are others as well, but those are two introductory-level textbooks I am familiar with and often suggested by others.
u/puntodecruz · 12 pointsr/TheChurchOfRogers

If you haven't read this book
you should get your hands on it immediately.

And try to keep in mind that just because this didn't go the way you imagined would be best for you doesn't mean that you aren't in just the right place at the right time for someone else. You never know who's life you might be changing.

Treat them with respect and keep your expectations of them high. They may be little but they can still contribute much.

I enjoyed my time at the elementary level and you likely will too!

u/RespekKnuckles · 12 pointsr/dataisbeautiful

Also check out "How to Lie with Statistics". It takes on the more nefarious side of this topic. I really enjoyed it.

u/firstroundko108 · 11 pointsr/ELATeachers

If I could go back in time as a senior in high school, above all, I would just do more reading, and I would read widely. I did not start on the path to English teaching until I was 26, and although I did great in college and I feel that I am a successful teacher now, my weakness is my reading background. I would suggest using an app like Goodreads so that you can track your progress as you chip away at the literary canon, work by work. The texts that are going to help you the most and serve you for the rest of your career are the ones that most authors allude to, so, I would suggest that at some point you familiarize yourself with these from a literary standpoint:

  • The Bible
  • Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey
  • Virgil's Aenid
  • Ovid's Metamorphoses
  • As many Shakespeare plays as you can read (and I just want to mention that the Cambridge School editions are the best for teaching)

    As far as resources that will give you a head start, I suggest:

  • Shmoop (but only after you've exhausted your own abilities with a text)
  • How to Read Literature Like a Professor
  • How Literature Works
  • Any Introductory Textbook to Critical Theory

    Considering pedagogy resources, by the time you are in an education program, there will be new research and new buzzwords, so I won't waste my time here, but these are my favorite resources when it comes to inspiring my teaching:

  • Rick Wormeli (Seriously, this guy is amazing)
  • Teach Like a Pirate
  • Reading in the Wild

    Lastly, if you go into an English education program with a near-perfect understanding of grammar, your life will be so much easier. I suggest these three resources for brushing up:

  • No Red Ink
  • Teaching Grammar Through Writing
  • Language Exploration and Awareness

    Good luck, and let me know if you have questions! If you do anything on this list, just read!
u/blimpy_stat · 11 pointsr/statistics

Applied Linear Statistical Models by Kutner is a far better reference for statistical modeling compared to ISLR/ESLR or any kind of "machine learning" text, but it sounds as though you did a stat masters since you're asking about stat modeling instead of the new buzzwords. The latter options are certainly more narrow.
Considered a cornerstone, of sorts.

u/PoopsForDays · 9 pointsr/space

I saw lipservice paid to mccarthyism in history class and we actually dove into it in english class when we went over The Crucible.

Though I'm sure most other students just read the play and brain dump it without soaking in the context. I actually did the first time around too and it wasn't until I started reading as an adult that I realize how poorly I was taught literature in school.

u/davidrussell323 · 9 pointsr/mealtimevideos

allow me to make such a recommendation! Ever since my Lit. teacher had me read "How to read literature like a professor" as summer reading, my entire ability to interpret novels on a deeper level--and not just novels, but lots of other media--was changed for the better

I like authors who kind of adopt the Edgar Allan Poe method of writing: don't mention the thing unless it adds to the story

u/emenenop · 9 pointsr/teaching

My first suggestion is that she get a copy of Harry Wong's First Days of School. Not everyone swears by this book, but it has uplifting messages and very sensible, practical advice for organizing a classroom (it is fine for middle school) and it's relatively inexpensive.

Is she teaching English? If so, I have some websites for her.

u/ManHuman · 9 pointsr/UofT

Data Science = Technical Skills + Stats Skills + Business Expertise. So, for technical skills, start with Python, SQL, and Tableau. For Stats Skills, pick up 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year stats book. For business experience, work on business projects where use Python and Stats skills to solve them.


u/moraisaf · 8 pointsr/MachineLearning

I liked this one Weapons of Math Destruction.

u/MooseMusic · 8 pointsr/Teachers

You'll hear 100 recomendations for Harry Wong's books, and I think they are worth it.

His most well-known is The First Days of School which is all about procedures and having routines.

This year he released another book called THE Classroom Management Book which is an elaboration on his section of classroom management.

He focuses on classroom management rather than discipline, as he believes that most discipline issues are caused by lack of routines and procedures.

They are not too long of a read, and set up like a textbook. My main issue is that every other page has a large blurb by someone talking about how awesome the book is and how well it worked. A few times, I get, but seriously over and over there is that stuff. It's like, I get it, I know it works. That's why I bought the damn book.

u/dandanar · 7 pointsr/sociology


First things first, it's going to be ok! Lots of people enter sociology PhD programs with no background in sociology (or even a related social science!) at all. So, having majored in Sociology means you should have a much better lay of the land than some of your peers. That said, your classes will likely assume very little specific knowledge of sociology. For better or for worse, Sociology in undergrad is not treated as a "cumulative" subject where students are expected to master material in one class and then apply it in another. Grad school will expect that of you, to some extent, but it will not assume you start with much.

Second, if you are specifically worried about stats, I'd highly recommend reading some very light introductions that familiarize you with the concepts and ideas. Don't spend a lot of time with specific formulas, derivations, or software - your graduate stats sequence will cover all of that, again assuming you know basically nothing to start with. Instead, try to get a feel for statistical arguments, and for the basic ideas of probability, distributions, sampling, and so on. Start with something like The Cartoon Guide to Statistics. Then, read some quantitative sociology. Check out ASR or AJS or other big journals in the field. Find some articles on the topics that interest you and try to read through them to get a sense of how they employ quantitative methods. Don't expect to understand everything, but see what you can piece together.

Beyond that, I'd highly recommend checking out Fabio Rojas's guide Grad School Rulz (most of the content is available as a set of free blog posts on OrgTheory). I don't agree with absolutely everything Fabio says, but his advice is generally solid, and he covers all the important topics. Even if you don't take all his advice, reading the book will help you figure out what sorts of questions you should be asking and thinking about.

If you have any other specific concerns, let me know and I'm happy to give more targeted advice! Beyond that, good luck, and welcome to Sociology!

u/internet_poster · 7 pointsr/nba

I've never read it myself, but I've heard quite good things about this book:

At my old job, we used to keep it on our team's bookshelf, along with a bunch of very dry graduate texts in statistics.

u/tatamongus · 7 pointsr/Teachers
  1. Immediately join whatever teacher union is most popular in your area, probably AFT or NEA. If problems arise, the district's not on your side, but a union will be.
  2. Get to know your department and try to find a willing mentor to share advice and material with. You'll need someone who can keep your head above water while you learn the craft.
  3. Read up on classroom behavior management and sociology principles. Content knowledge is far less of a demand than knowing how to run a well-managed classroom. Elliot Aronson's The Social Animal was very enlightening for me as a young teacher struggling to understand behavior issues.
  4. Be prepared for a very demanding first few years. You'll make thousands of decisions a day interacting with young people that you won't need to make later as a veteran, and it'll exhaust you. Take your vitamins, eat right, and exercise. It'll help with the stress.
  5. Bonus: Start forming your teaching philosophy, the "purpose" of your job. [Paolo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed]( continues to shape my approach to the job, 22 years down the road.

    Teaching is a fantastic job, but it's demanding and complicated. Stick with it and you'll be rewarded one day by realizing that teaching isn't what you do, it's who you are. Good luck.
u/kaeorin · 7 pointsr/Teachers

The year I graduated and got my teaching certificate, my boyfriend's sister (who was already a teacher) loaded up a big tote bag (Google "thirty one tote bag" and look at the images that pop up: you could buy something like that to load it up) with a ton of teacher-type stuff: a few packs of different types of bulletin board letters, some bulletin board borders, several packs of Sharpies, boxes of pens and pencils, cutesy push pins, etc.

If you really know your girl well enough to know her "type" when it comes to desk organizer types of things, you could also get her a pencil cup, drawer organizers, a good stapler and tape dispenser, etc. Since she's in college, she probably already has a travel mug or two, but you can never have too many of those. There are some cute designs out there! Or get her a teachery kind of mug? If she doesn't use it for coffee, she can put it on her desk and use it to hold pens.

Then again, depending on where you are, it can be a long and frustrating journey from "I graduated! I can be a teacher now!!" to "I finally got hired somewhere!!" so you might want to save that tote bag for "YOU GOT HIRED YOU'RE A REAL TEACHER I'M SO PROUD OF YOU" rather than just...Christmas. The bag o' stuff that I got from my boyfriend's sister ended up sitting around for a long time while I went on interview after interview and didn't get hired.

In terms of books, I really really recommend What Teachers Make: In Praise of the Greatest Job in the World by Taylor Mali. It's not a book of methods or professional development or anything: it's a collection of stories and essays, but it's amazing. Since she's going to be an elementary school teacher, she might appreciate The First Days of School by Harry Wong, if she doesn't have it already. My professors in college freaking revered that book, so I bought it after I graduated.

u/toham31 · 6 pointsr/slatestarcodex

For a novice who is looking primarily to understand statistics rather than perform statistical analysis, I would consider The Cartoon Guide to Statistics. It is intended for total beginners and the medium makes the content a lot less dry than most statistics books.

u/FraudianSlip · 6 pointsr/China

Well, this is more of a textbook than a regular book, but Patricia Ebrey's The Cambridge Illustrated History of China would be a pretty good place to start. I may be a little biased in choosing this book over some other one, since I have read a lot of Ebrey's works on the Song dynasty, and I really enjoyed reading them. The problem with stuffing thousands of years of history into one book (that is, one book that doesn't seem as long as history itself) is that too many things are generalised, but that can still be a good place to start. A textbook like this will help you learn which areas of Chinese history interest you more, and then you can delve ever deeper, learning about whatever aspects, or time periods, you choose.

Also, in case you have not already checked it out, why not stop by /r/chinesehistory? I'll link you to two older posts there where people were asking similar questions, as you may find some of the answers helpful:

Link 1, Link 2

u/DevFRus · 6 pointsr/pbsideachannel

With mathwashing and related discussions on algorithmic bias, you guys have scratched the surface of an amazing discussion on bias and the ethics of Big Data. Cathy O'Neil is an awesome writer to follow on this topic. Just last week she released a new book Weapons of Math Destruction that discusses how algorithms are used to oppress and marginalize people throughout their lives and the guise of 'objectivity'. Here is a link if you want a quick review or countless others.

I'd love to hear more from Mike on this topic and the injustices perpetuated by algorithms for the sake of efficiency.

u/freeradicalx · 6 pointsr/booksuggestions

I'm finishing up Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire right now. It's absolutely fantastic, and has already changed the way that I view and frame the world. Basically it's a theory on oppression written in the 60's that proposes a method of empowering oppressed people through dialog and self-reflection. In other words, it's a field guide to understanding and sparking successful education-fueled revolutions. It'll make you think, hard.

u/pierrottheclown1 · 6 pointsr/AcademicPsychology

Any tutorial by Andy Field is excellent, he was our statistics tutor at the University of Sussex and is one of the best lecturers I have come across. Someone has already linked you to his 'statistics hell' website below. Although you are looking for online tutorials id strongly recommend buying or borrowing his textbook 'Discovering Statistics using SPSS'. It is very easy to follow and starts with all the basic aspects of using SPSS before going into the complexities of the program.


u/blossom271828 · 5 pointsr/statistics

The book that you want the person to look up is Applied Linear Statistical Models. It is a great reference book and gets into the nitty gritty calculations for figuring out the appropriate degrees of freedom in some pretty ugly experimental designs.

u/Gold_Sticker · 5 pointsr/booksuggestions

I'm in the middle of reading Naked Statistics which is a pretty good and easy to understand intro. I've taken a few stat courses before and this book covers everything in really easy to understand terms.

I'm also a fan of The Drunkard's Walk which is mostly aimed at randomness, but because randomness is such a large part of statistics it really does cover many of the basic concepts.

Neither of these are textbooks, so they don't get too technical and instead neatly explain concepts. Enjoy!

u/doodcool612 · 5 pointsr/law

There's a great book called Weapons of Math Destruction. If you're interested in these kinds of problems, this is a quick resource to get up to speed.

u/celiviel · 5 pointsr/AcademicPsychology

>Or is there some sort of training I can undergo to learn effective teaching methods?


>Or am I just overthinking this and all it is is breaking down concepts and clearly explaining things?


There is a TON of research out there on what effective teaching looks like. I'll put a couple of resources to get you started at the end of this comment, but it is far more than just explaining things -- knowledge is not something that gets transmitted from your mouth or a piece of paper directly into someone's brain. Instead, the learner takes in the new information and interprets it in light of what they already know, connecting it to the knowledge they already have. If you want the learner to understand the new information correctly, it is vital that you first assess what they already know and understand about the topic at hand, including what misconceptions they may already hold about related topics.

Directly asking a student what they already know is a bad technique because most students are not very good at self-assessment. It's very common for someone to overestimate their own knowledge, thinking if something is familiar that they already "know" it (i.e., the difference between recognizing a correct response vs. having to generate a correct response from scratch). It's also very common for students to not be able to describe what they are struggling with. "What part don't you understand?" "Everything." Good teachers develop an arsenal of ways to test the learner and get them to reveal what they're really thinking and multiple ways of presenting and explaining the content so you can do it in the way that makes the most sense to the learner.

An example: a friend of mine had just started tutoring a student in chemistry and was focusing on a couple of basic principles of chemistry. My friend gave her a quiz on Principle A and a quiz on Principle B and the student aced both, which made my friend really confused why the student was doing so poorly in class. I told her to give the student ONE quiz that mixed problems that used Principle A and Principle B (and maybe throw in a few that didn't use either principle or both). And sure enough, the student bombed that quiz. Because the student had been using the structure of the quizzes as a cue for what principle to apply. She did not understand the principles well enough to recognize when each should apply from the questions themselves.

People new to teaching are frequently afraid to let their students struggle with hard questions. It's a common teaching mistake to do all the mental work for the student by breaking hard problems down into an easy-to-follow procedure or to inadvertently create patterns that students can leverage to get good grades without truly understanding the content, as in the example above. One thing to keep in mind is that it's not enough to teach content, you generally also have to teach practices -- things like stopping to analyze a problem before attempting to solve it or what questions to ask yourself to ensure you really understand something.


  • Why don't students like school? A short article by a cognitive psychologist that goes over some basic principles of learning. There is a book by the same author (with the same title) that expands on these ideas.
  • What the Best College Teachers Do. Another book on how good teachers approach instructional design and evaluate their own teaching. If you Google, there are notes out there that summarize the the key points of this book.
u/horace_the_mouse · 5 pointsr/specialed

The first two books I typically recommend for teachers are The First Days of School and Teach Like a Champion. Harry Wong, especially, is a leader in teacher development.

There's often a myth that kids with mild-moderate special needs should be taught differently than non-disabled kids, but the literature doesn't really bear that out. They just are less resilient than their peers to poor teaching techniques, so evidence-based techniques become more important for their success.

If your kids have moderate-severe impairments, I would suggest some different reading materials.

u/DaveVoyles · 5 pointsr/datascience

Yes, this x100. I work with so many large companies, and you've described one of the largest problems I consistently run into.

"It's all in the data -- figure it out"

I often recommend this book: Data Science for Business: What You Need to Know about Data Mining and Data-Analytic Thinking

If businesses cannot describe their problem in two sentences, it means they do not understand the problem they are trying to solve.

u/kavaler_d · 5 pointsr/IWantToLearn

Hi! It's great that you want to learn Latin yourself - I was in a similar position not long ago, and can share my experience. Firstly, it's not going to be very easy, but it will be a lot of fun - learning Latin will teach you a lot about linguistics, history, and even English.

It seems to be a consensus at /r/latin that Wheelock's, while being a good textbook, teaches to translate, not to read. It focuses on rote memorization of grammar. Lingua Latina, on the other hand, focuses on reading comprehension and is considered by /r/latin users to be a superior learning method. It's based on the natural method: it is written completely in Latin, beginning with very simple phrases which speaker of any European language can understand, and slowly progresses further. To give you an idea, its first sentence is "Rōma in Italiā est". You can understand it easily, and you've already learned 4 words!

While Lingua Latina is a great textbook, I would advise getting some supplements to augment your studying process. All of them can be bought on amazon, or acquired by other means if you wish to cut your costs. Excercitia Latina, which follow Lingua Latina chapter by chapter, will give you enough practice to get a firm grip on each chapter's material. I would recommend not just filling the gaps in, but writing whole exercises out in a separate notebook - making the mechanical memory help you memorize words and grammatical structures. Latine Disco and Neumann's companion are useful companions, which will help you understand grammar introduced in each chapter of Lingua Latina (you only need one of them).

Finally, memorizing words is necessary with any language, and Latin is no exception. Some students find Lingua Latina's method to be sufficient for spaced repetition of new words, but it wasn't enough for me. I used anki, a spaced repetition software based on flashcards, to study words. There is a Lingua Latina deck available for anki, divided into chapters: thus you can easily add words into your flashcard pool after completing every LL chapter.

I hope this helps! If you'll have any questions on the material, redditors on /r/latin are very nice and are always willing to help.
Good luck with your studies!

Valē, amīce!

u/mousedisease · 5 pointsr/education

Hi there,

When you say 'under privilaged' and mention that you are white - I assume you are about to work with a population that is primarily not white.

If that is the case, you have a very real challenge ahead of you - the challenge of recognizing and addressing your own biases before entering the classroom.

Teachers often unintentionally create classrooms full of bias and environments for negative 'self-fulfilling prophecies' for certain students. It is best to be very intentional about avoiding these common pitfalls from the start.

I'd recommend these books as a good place to start:

Other Peoples Children

Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together....

For White Folks Who Teach In The Hood...

u/nutellabadella · 5 pointsr/AskReddit

As a faculty member, I disagree with immediately going to a penal system/process/approach--i.e.: seeking counsel from dean or reporting students for plagiarism as a first step. I do not think that this kind of approach supports learning or development, and I think it is part of the break down of public relationships, community and democratic fabric of society that avoids tension, does not address root causes, nor attempt to thoughtfully and critically understanding "other" (meaning those who are different, not just race, but those who might hold different values, have different life experiences, and act differently because of those values and experiences). Engage the student, address the tension--it's tough, but the role of an educator is to help students learn and develop.

This said, could the faculty person (I think it is the responsibility of the faculty, not TA) meet individually with the students who plagiarized, tell them what he/she found about their papers, ask if the student understands that they plagiarized (if not, explain--remember, you don't know how each student grew up--for example, I had an international student who plagiarized from my syllbus--literally copying the introductory paragraphs into a writing assignment. I initially thought, pretty ballsy and stupid, but when I asked him about it he explained--in my words here--that he was taught to regurgitate information, that this is what was of value to professors, not to critically think or come up with his own ideas). Regardless of nationality, in the U.S. this is certainly how K-12 education works, teaching to the test, memorization, and regurgitation. I don't know how we could possible expect students to critically think and create original writing at the collegiate level when they've not been trained to do so in their K-12 preparation, and if we are not going to take the time needed to teach them at college, but rather reprimand them when they don't do what we expect of them. Whether they truly know what plagiarizing means, whether they do it intentionally because they don't have the skills otherwise, or they did it because they want a good grade (as they've been taught is the purpose of education)--this is a systemic issue of our education systems, not just the fault of individual choice. We are setting students up for failure.

Back to addressing it directly with the student and treating him/her as an adult--human being--by having a relational/meaningful conversation (out of genuine care for the student, not out of anger and certainly not a "you're in trouble" conversation). I would get through the initial: here's what I found, could you explain why you chose to do this, make an honest effort to understand the student's perspective (while holding them accountable if they start giving excuses, dig deep, what caused this choice), and based on the actual situation (root cause, if you can get there) decide with the student what next steps should be. Empower the student to be part of the solution, not just part of the problem. For example, could the student have another opportunity to re-write the paper, does the student need additional support (tutoring in research, analysis, writing), etc. Obviously some students may not be honest during this conversation and it may mean the professor needs to communicate that the student has left the faculty person with few options but to report the plagiarism to the powers that be. That the professor was hoping they could have an honest and sincere discussion and come to mutual resolution, but that the student is making a choice to put the faculty person in a position of reporting/punishment. At least you gave the student an opportunity to resolve the issue.

We all make poor choices, helping a student navigate a poor choice towards empowerment, self understanding, learning, development, and future success is the role of the teacher--our role is not policeman, nor punisher. Nor do we always know the circumstances of other's choices--understanding and addressing the context of a poor choice might help prevent a lifetime of plagiarism, rather than simply leveling punishment for one incident in one classroom.

There may also be systemic injustice at play. In U.S. society there is a prevailing ideology--belief not founded on truth--that African-Americans and Latinos are just not "good at school," and that whites and Asians are. While statistically whites and Asians outperform African-Americans and Latinos in high school, it is a giant unfounded leap to imply that the root cause is due to deficiencies because of race and culture (personally I would argue that the cause is around the interplay of systemic racism and poverty in the U.S.). If you are interested, check out Lisa Delpit's book, Other People's Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom ( Delpit argues that even well-meaning teachers often lower the bar for students of color because of prevailing ideology that these students just can't cannot perform. As a result, students of color are rarely pushed to succeed. She also talks about "codes of power"--and the need to read our students into these codes (ways of communicating and acting), so that they have access to power and the tools necessary (not that they have to communicate/act this way all the time, just that they know how).

Empowering students and challenging them to reach their full potential is not just a way we should specially treat students of color, it is the way we should treat all students. As a white female, I never would have made it on through a PhD if it hadn't been for a small handful of teachers who kicked my ass in school by challenging to reach my full potential. They cared enough about me to call me out on my bullshit (not doing the reading), pushed me to engage in learning (made it relevant), and provided meaningful and critical feedback (on assignments and performance). Every other teacher let me slide. If you care about your students you treat them as human beings, who sometimes make bad choices (and repeatedly so), not delinquents.

u/Behavioral · 5 pointsr/AcademicPsychology

I mainly use SAS nowadays, but Andy published one of the most popular and easy-to-use SPSS and introductory/intermediate statistics books.

I highly recommend it.

u/skittles_rainbows · 5 pointsr/Teachers

May I suggest reading Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom by bell hooks or A Framework for Understanding Poverty; A Cognitive Approach by Ruby K. Payne

I also suggest that you check your privilege at the door when you walk into school

u/tunasensual · 4 pointsr/de

vllt zu grundlegend für dich, das hier fand ich ganz gut:

u/MonsterMash2017 · 4 pointsr/datascience

>If you Google KNNL it'll know what you're looking for).

Mine certainly didn't, I got two pages of Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited and associated projects.

If anyone else is wondering, I'm assuming this is the book, I eventually found it on a CSU syllabus:

Not to be confused with:

u/welldressedaccount · 4 pointsr/history

I hope you know what you are asking for. Chinese history is extremely vast, and pretty much by itself is as extensive or more than European history.

Unless you are looking for a specific period or dynasty, I would pick up something like China: Five Thousand Years of History & Civilization, to to really dig into the grand scope of their history and to get a sense of all the different periods, dynasties, and cultures that existed within China. Fair warning, this is a pretty dense book.

If you are looking for something a little less dense and more accessable, I would recommend The Cambridge Illustrated History of China. I havent read this one myself, but it is very well recommended for it's approachability, and reviews highly.

u/Ezili · 4 pointsr/userexperience

I wouldn't describe any of those situations as unethical per se. Bad business decisions yes, but it's not inherently unethical for a company to make a bad product due to crappy or poorly run research.

That being said, if you worked for a government agency with a duty of care, then perhaps.
Or if you were conducting research to be the basis of an algorithm which would potentially have a social impact - like for example approving morgage loans - and were pressured to do an incomplete job which might impact, for example, a particular minority group. But by and large doing bad research is just bad business.

You might be interested in a book called Weapons of Math Destruction which investigates how algorithms and other models used by businesses and governments can have social impact, although I think it's less a matter of user research, and more generally about the topic of poor or limited research more generally

u/draka1 · 4 pointsr/datascience

I highly recommend Weapons of Math Destruction to understand the impact of data science applied in the wrong way:

u/walterwhitmanwhite · 4 pointsr/RealEstate

The two best books for this are Landlording on Auto-Pilot and Landlording.

You can usually get good lease templates from your state REALTOR's association or a local landlords' association. Leases are extremely state-specific so do NOT use one from a big box stationery store or the internet.

Screening tenants is the single most important thing you can do as a landlord. TransUnion SmartMove is a good credit checking service but there are other good ones too. You should also check all employment and rental references and perform a criminal background check.

u/maxfromcastle · 4 pointsr/landlords

There's a comprehensive book called Landlording ( that contains all the info and advice first-time landlords need. As a first-time landlord myself, it was extremely helpful—but incredibly long and boring.

My co-landlords and I took very detailed notes on the book, and have made them publicly available in this giant Google Doc:

Hope you find it helpful!

u/eletzi · 4 pointsr/teaching

If she doesn't already have it, The First Days of School by Harry and Rosemary Wong is pretty essential.

u/teach8907 · 4 pointsr/Teachers

I recommend getting this book

And I also got this one

Teachers pay teacher will have some cute and fun back to school activities for you. You will always start the year with rules and procedures. As a class my kids and I make our classroom rules and then each student signs it the best they can (it looked interesting in kinder) and then you refer to them often. Practice things like how we line up, what we do when we need to use the restroom, how do we come in the room in the morning? Stuff like that. I always over plan for the first week or so - that way you have lots of backups. Think about what your classroom management system is and how that is going to look - then think about how you will teach that to your class. Don't assume they know what you want or how to do what you would like them to do.

u/la727 · 4 pointsr/datascience

Are there any good resources for learning more about this?

I have a tech sales background and have an interest in analytics. I picked up this book as a springboard-

u/awesome_hats · 4 pointsr/datascience

Well I'd recommend:

u/NotusNasoNovit · 4 pointsr/latin
u/blair_necessities · 3 pointsr/statistics

If your just looking for a concept overview the cartoon guide to statistics is great. It's easy to read and filled with great visuals and examples.

If you want to learn how to do intro statistics/practice, look no further than khan Academy.

u/Slippery_Slope_Guy · 3 pointsr/statistics

It requires study so you might not have any sudden moments of clarity, but this is pretty much the Bible of regression.

Highly recommended.

u/TrapWolf · 3 pointsr/entj

Ain't No Makin' It: Aspirations and Attainment in a Low-Income Neighborhood

u/vmsmith · 3 pointsr/statistics

I dove into this stuff almost two years ago with very little preparation or background. Now I'm in an MS program for Applied Statistics, and doing quite well. Here are some tips that worked for me:

  • If you don't have time to back up and regroup, check out Khan Academy, and this guy's YouTube videos. These can help with specific concepts.

  • If you have time to back up and regroup, check out Coursera, Udacity, EdX, and the other MOOCs. Coursera in particular has some very good courses dealing with statistics.

  • Take a look at Statistics for Dummies and Naked Statistics.

  • Use Reddit and StackOverflow. But use them wisely, and only after you've exhausted other means.

    Good luck.
u/thequeensucorgi · 3 pointsr/onguardforthee

You're amazingly optimistic, I'll give you that.

I know I am not eloquent enough (or even picking the right arguments here) to convince you.

I encourage you to read Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy by Cathy O'Neil. She details a lot of the ways that the "data" Big Tech gathers to help governments ends up doing a lot of harm. She's way smarter than I am (and it's a really good book).

u/velos · 3 pointsr/datascience

Don't want to be the devil's advocate here, but I think everyone interested to get into this field must read the book Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O'Neil
Of what 'good' DS can do, that has been well promoted everywhere.. Of what 'disaster' it can bring, few would want to shine a spotlight on... Pursue this field, knowing both its light and dark side...

u/svenhof · 3 pointsr/datascience

Good list of books.

I've also heard good things about Weapons of Math Destruction written by one of the authors of Doing Data Science. Haven't read it myself though.

u/BlackPride · 3 pointsr/philosophy

Miguel de Unamuno "Tragic Sense of Life"

Paulo Freire "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"

John Ruskin "Unto This Last"

William Morris "News From Nowhere"

Marge Piercy "Woman on the Edge of Time"

Aristotle "Nicomachean Ethics"

Tommaso Campanella "City of the Sun" / Michel de Montaigne "Of Cannibals"

Habermas "Philosophical Discourse of Modernity"

Soren Kierkegaard "Either/Or"

Kafka "The Castle"

Lewis Carroll "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There"

Of each, I would do as the King says: start at the beginning, and go on until you reach the end: then stop.

u/jonjacobmoon · 3 pointsr/Portland

Okay.... I am not sure I understand what smallnfluffy is saying, but I will give you my two cents.

Been managing a complex for 10 years, three townhouses for 4 years.

First issue.... are you just thinking of buying, have a house to buy, have a loan set up? I think it might be difficult to get a loan on a second property if you are underwater on your first, but you might be past that.

Assuming you have it all set up. Figure vacancy at minimum 5% or at least 10% to be safe. Typically, renting out just one house will not give you much if any cash flow, and typically cash flow will be negative. If you can get any cash flow out of one house, then you have yourself a deal. Make sure you have a fair chunk of cash set aside to cover any unexpected costs and any operating losses.

If you don't know what cap rate is, look it up and figure it out. Can vary a lot, but you want to familiarize yourself with it. Good cap rates right now are about 7%, but as I said, they can vary.

Now.... to management. Managing one property should not be too hard. Finding the right tenant is the biggest issue. Make sure you check all references and do a background check.

Now, here is the thing.... giving 10% to a management company devalues your investment. If you invested in any sort of investment fund, would you hand over 10% to the manager? That would be unheard of. Plus, most management companies are terrible. I have yet to hear anyone recommend one. They are incentivized to do minimal work since you are paying them the flat 10% no matter what they do.

Frankly, if you are going try your hand at being a landlord, you might want to bite the bullet and be willing to get your hands dirty. Yes, you run the risky of getting late night calls and having some hassles, but if you pick your tenant wisely, do your homework and find the right vendors to work for you, you could make money with less hassle than you think.

I recommend you read:

Hope that helps and sorry for the long post.

u/melkw · 3 pointsr/teaching
u/_notanything_ · 3 pointsr/teachinginjapan

The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher

This book plus a few others on classroom management gave me everything I needed to be a motivated and effective teacher.

The fact that you are reaching out and making an effort to become a good teacher means you are already on your way there. Good luck.

u/opie2 · 3 pointsr/teaching

The First Days Of School was a book I found helpful. In my very first teaching job I got invaluable advice from a 40-year veteran after she watched me get utterly train-wrecked by a group of 1st and 2nd graders: "Remember, they are basically a pack of small animals. You have to be the alpha animal. If you lead, they will follow you."

u/smylemaster · 3 pointsr/Teachers

I truly, TRULY, highly, HIGHLY suggest Harry Wong's book The First Days of School its all about setting routines the first day few days of school and sticking to them throughout the year. Remember you are their teacher NOT their friend. Be fair but firm and have high expectations. Good Luck

u/Lacunaes · 3 pointsr/Teachers

For classroom management, this is a great read especially for Elementary age children The First Days of School

u/stickdog99 · 3 pointsr/SandersForPresident

LOL. Trump invokes his version of the Deep State to explain why anyone could possibly oppose his destructive reign of error.

But the concept of a "Deep State" predates Trump by more than a generation.

One trenchant example:

u/nyct0phile · 3 pointsr/analytics

“Competing on Analytics” is a classic.

Competing on Analytics: Updated, with a New Introduction: The New Science of Winning

Data Science for Business: What You Need to Know about Data Mining and Data-Analytic Thinking

u/briangodsey · 3 pointsr/datascience

One of the best not-very-technical books on data science in business is Thinking With Data. It's quirky but gets at the core of what good data science is supposed to be.

Beyond that, Data Science for Business has some great stuff in it, but you would probably want to skip the more technical parts, which might end up being most of the book, depending on your interest in that. Same for Think Like a Data Scientist (apologies for the self-promotion). has some solid articles about data science and various aspects of business, but they are scattered and I haven't yet seen a collection of articles that broadly cover what you're looking for.

u/MidowWine · 3 pointsr/Rlanguage

If you need to make an argument for the application of a data science tool, I recommend to read Data Science for Business. The book does not focus on R (or any other tool/language), but makes a compelling case for the value of data science, that aims at establishing an understanding for people not concerned with the technicalities of data science.

u/bryanabum · 3 pointsr/IAmA

It sounds like you have the easy part, which is learning the technical skills. The hard part is knowing what questions to ask of the data, it's about identifying the right problems to solve, if that problem can be solved by data, then actually convincing your boss or client of the results.

As quantitative people, we're often too quick to assume that a problem can be solved with a data-driven approach. A good data scientist knows when the data is useful, when it isn't, and what questions to ask. I suggest reading a book called Data Science for Business, it will get you in the right mindset.

u/ihatemendingwalls · 3 pointsr/literature

I'm taking a Latin III this year and this is our sorta finale for the Latin program.

The other question is very tricky.

  1. It's taken me three years to get the point I am now and I wouldn't even call myself super qualified. We're all getting by with a lot of help from our teacher. And the rate I've been working at has been anything but steady. So that being said, I'd say anywhere from 1-3 years of learning.

  2. It's very dependent on the book you have. I personally recommend Hans Orberg's [Lingua Latina] ( and its [companion] ( The first one is written entirely in Latin; it's meant to teach Latin in a totally immersive way, by bypassing your native language and getting you to connect Latin vocabulary with images and ideas. I guess you don't technically need the companion but it's helpful when grammar concepts get more complex so I'd recommend it.

  3. We jumped into Ovid after chapter 26ish, but I'd recommend at least finishing the book. Also, I hear Orberg's second book is a great bridge between the teaching style of Latin he writes and the poetry of Ancient Rome.

  4. One more thing, take your time. By the time you're finished with each chapter, reading it should be as easy as reading in English. I think its recommended that you read them 7 times before moving on. It'll be dull at first but the repetition only reinforces it more.

    Hope I helped!
u/[deleted] · 3 pointsr/Teachers

Given that you are just starting teacher training, and you want something for Kindle, I would read Other People's Children.

u/torpidnotion · 3 pointsr/PoliticalDiscussion

Didn't you get OP's memo? There's only two choices for president. They are opting for the lesser of two evils.

Former Governor Jessie Ventura put out a great new book that equates the two parties to a gang, called DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans: No More Gangs in Government. It's a great read.

u/bflipped · 3 pointsr/AskAcademia

My favorite is not in my field, but related: Discovering Statistics Using SPSS

u/OG_XTOL · 3 pointsr/MBA

PowerPrep Software from GMAC for Practice Tests. These are older official tests that are the best representation of taking an actual test. The software comes with two tests for free, and you can purchase up to four more tests in their shop.

The Official Guide for practice questions. You can also purchase the Official Verbal Guide and Official Quant Guide for more questions later if you need it.

chineseburned's guide to the AWA on GMAT Club. If you follow this format and practice 2-3 essays you will score a perfect 6 on the AWA. If you make an account on GMAT Club, you can also use the built in timer function to test yourself on Official Guide questions (using tags to filter them) which gives you a huge database of additional questions for Problem Solving, Data Sufficiency, Critical Reasoning, and Sentence Correction. I linked the forums already filtered for only official questions if you click any of the categories in the previous sentence.

Manhattan Prep for Quant study and the PowerScore Bible Trilogy for Verbal study. You will need the Official Guide to make proper use of the Manhattan Prep books. The Manhattan books also give you access codes to their online resources which include questions sets for the Official Guides and unofficial practice tests which are useful for practicing the testing environment. The caveat is that their tests are probably only accurate to within plus/minus 60 points. Also, the Manhattan Prep Sentence Correction book has a much better list of idioms than PowerScore, but I preferred PowerScore more overall.

I studied using those materials over the course of about 4 months and scored a 750 (48Q, 45V, 8IR, 6 AWA) on the first sttempt. Start by taking a practice test (preferably unofficial) to get a benchmark, and then begin with the Manhattan prep books and follow the strategy that is laid out by them. As a reference, I studied (roughly) 1-2 hours each weekday and 3-5 hours each Saturday and Sunday. Best of luck to you.

u/ieatsushi · 3 pointsr/GMAT

I just ordered the Manhattan Prep books from Amazon (I hope this is the correct set). Now my questions is, how do I self-study this? Is there a study plan included?

u/trainyourbrainmike · 3 pointsr/GMAT

Yea LSAT prep is MUCH different PT-wise than GMAT prep. LSAT releases 3 out of 4ish tests a year (not counting the tiny administrations) while the GMAT has released only some paper tests, the official guides, and 4 adaptive tests (actually question banks). This means less trudging through PTs and more focus on how well you work each individual practice question (which, honestly, really is an effective way to prep for LSAT too).

GMATPrep comes with two free adaptive tests (actually question banks) and you can buy two additional ones if you want them for like $50 or something.

Just like the LSAT, you should only work with official question, but unlike the LSAT, that only holds true for verbal questions (fake math ones are really helpful).

Here are some resources besides GMATPrep:

u/fiskiligr · 2 pointsr/truebooks

Have you read How to Read Literature Like a Professor? I wonder how it compares. I know, for example, it doesn't take a historical perspective, and might not even count as Literary Criticism at all...

I know little about literary criticism, but I would be interested in learning - did you learn about it in school?

> On the whole I'd say it's great and I've really gotten something out of it.

That's great, I will have to check it out.

u/NanjoQ · 2 pointsr/WritingPrompts

That's actually kind of a funny prompt. In part of the summer reading book How to Read Literature Like a Professor, by Thomas Foster I actually did read, he mentions that the characters surrounding the main protagonist suffer (usually die) to advance the plot by evoking action by the main character.

u/BexieB · 2 pointsr/booksuggestions

I'm a literature enthusiast, and this book is amazing in teaching how to be a mindful and in depth reader specifically in literature. It's also super entertaining.

How to Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines, Revised Edition

u/Jaboaflame · 2 pointsr/suggestmeabook

Hmm, that's a hard one. The best way to learn how to tell a story is to consume stories. But I've been reading for so long, I'm not sure how to point you in the right direction. But, I imagine you like movies. Movies tell stories, so if you understand what's happening in a movie, you may be able to translate that into other forms of storytelling.

One book that was helpful for me in high school was How to Read Literature like a Professor It kind of breaks stories into smaller, meaningful pieces and analyzes them.

u/JakeMakesSteaks · 2 pointsr/books

This is a pretty fantastic guide to solving your problem.

I highly recommend it to all readers!

u/mloos93 · 2 pointsr/homework_help

So, a summary is like a short review of the material. You don't explain anything differently, you don't add anything, you simply condense the material into smaller bits. For a story/literature, this is like the synopsis you would read online for a movie, or an extreme case would be the back of a DVD case (although those are intentionally vague).


Analysis, on the other hand, is where you interject meaning that you think is behind the text. This is you opinion on what the author/director/artist was putting forth with their work. If you are having trouble with this, think about Sparknotes. They usually have both a summary and analysis section for each chapter they cover.


I highly recommend the book How to Read Lit like a Prof. This book is fantastic, and will help you learn to analyze things.

u/pmorrisonfl · 2 pointsr/csbooks

It'd sound silly if I recommended this, so let me add that CMU Statistics professor Cosma Shalizi recommends 'The Cartoon Guide To Statistics' by Gonick and Smith. It's hard to beat for getting the big picture.

u/knkelley · 2 pointsr/MachineLearning

It sounds like your questions are mostly statistics based. This book is a good intro - not too intimidating.

u/clm100 · 2 pointsr/statistics

Honestly, ignore the "for engineering" part of "Statistics for Engineering." They're largely the same content.

How much calculus have you taken? Does the class use calculus?

First, the cartoon guide to statistics is surprisingly helpful for some people.

For a more traditional textbook, you might try Devore's main intro book.

Almost every student finds statistics confusing and it's either difficult to teach, or just difficult to learn. It's also a fractal discipline, since you can keep going deeper and deeper, but it's generally just going over the same few concepts with additional depth. If you end up in a class that's not well suited to your mathematical background it's especially frustrating.

Good luck.

u/RogerSmithII · 2 pointsr/statistics

Thanks. The program is Data Science and prereqs are Calc, Lin Alg and basic stats.

I started my review using but the book assumes you have basic stats. I took these courses 5+ years ago so I only vaguely remember the material.

Good example with hetero/homoskedasticity. I want to make sure I understand things like random variables and different types of distributions.

u/ffualo · 2 pointsr/askscience

It's very clear for a book on mathematical statistics. It also considers the Bayesian (and even Empirical Bayesian) approach. I'm sometimes shocked at what it covers and how well it covers it in so few pages. For example, there's a nice section on the EM algorithm, which most books in the same class don't cover (unless they're huge).

Edit: I should mention... if you're a scientist looking for how statistics works this is the book for you. If you want to learn a ton about regression/ANOVA, time-series, covariance structures, blah, blah, blah, this book is not for you. A great introduction (for all scientists) that covers this stuff quickly and effectively (as well as MLE, optimization, and R) is Ecological Models and Data with R.

Edit 2: If you want applied linear models, Applied Linear Statistical Models is good, but doesn't use R. Luckily formula objects and delayed evaluation give R some beautiful expressivity here.

u/oz0509 · 2 pointsr/statistics

I agree with all of the above. Also, here's the Linear Models tome we used:

u/Dutchess_of_Dimples · 2 pointsr/suggestmeabook

For Economics, I think Freakonomics does a bit of this. As a statistics person, I love Naked Statistics.

u/mi3le4 · 2 pointsr/ChineseLanguage

If you don't mind buying a real book, the Cambridge Illustrated History of China by Patricia Buckley Ebrey is one of the best. The most recent is the 2nd edition.

It is very readable and also gives you some issues to think about. Plus it has awesome color pics alongside the text. It's one of those books I bought for class (I'm a Chinese major) that I'm not ever going to sell back. Definitely a good investment.

u/xingfenzhen · 2 pointsr/Sino


The classic Fairbanks book, China: a New History for overview.

The always classic, Cambridge Illustrated History of China for reference. Though the real reference is the completely 12 volumes of The Cambridge History of China, which is not for the faint of heart. At that point, you might as learn Chinese and read The Comprehensive Mirror yourself.

For an aspiring historian
China: A Macro Hisotry


For old pre-revolutionary China, My Country and My People by Lin Yutang

For modern China, you're better off watching TV dramas. I recommend Ode to Joy as a start.

u/bitparity · 2 pointsr/AskHistorians

I'd strongly recommend the "Understanding China through Comics" series. Currently only vols. 1 and 2 are out, but vol. 3 should be coming out in the next month or so.

It does a good job of presenting the most important figures in a dynastic overview, as well as touching on aspects of social and economic history, in an easy to read comic format.

After going through this overview, you will probably be better set to tackle thicker books. To which I'd recommend, though not quite as strongly, the Cambridge Illustrated History of China.

u/linusrauling · 2 pointsr/math

>The majority of adults today, even highly educated, do not know basic math.


>they rely heavily on technology to do easy calculations

I don't reliance on technology is the issue.

>they do not understand basic statistics.

Yes, but most adults have never seen a course in basic statistics/probability so this is to be expected.

> Do you think this is an issue?


> Do you think this affects the society as a whole?

Without a doubt. For a little slice of this, check out Weapons of Math Destruction or for an explanation of how Republicans are able to maintain their grip on Congress see Gerrymandering

u/Booie2k1 · 2 pointsr/datascience

This was an interesting and thought provoking read. Not too long either.

Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy

u/mcdowellag · 2 pointsr/ukpolitics

There is a book which is kicking up a lot of fuss about this - "Weapons of Math Destruction" I haven't read the book, but I have heard various comments on it by its author and others. E.g.

Some of this has been argued about before - if you run the numbers and find that women have fewer car accidents than men, is it OK to charge them less for car insurance?

Some of this boils down to "what this company is doing offends my political principles. That can't be right!"

If you really decided that the government had the right to regulate company choices that involved algorithms and it did make sense, there is still no requirement for the government to vet particular algorithms. Instead you could have a government algorithm which monitored the company algorithm. One obvious way of doing this would be with some sort of quota system e.g. our insurance company will be free to set different insurance rates for different women drivers as it chose according to some trade secret formula, as long as the average female driver was charged the same as the average male driver. So in this particular case of equality, female drivers would subsidize male drivers. Come to think of it, I wonder if insurance companies would advertise more in women's magazines - there's got to be lots of clever ways to game this particular system.

As far as I know there is no link between this sort of concern and concerns about things like the safety of automated cars. Safety-critical software is a very specialized and extraordinarily expensive area, because it is enormously difficult to guarantee that software doesn't have dangerous bugs. I think the concern here is that the software is working properly, in that it takes decisions that are competitive in whatever the company's market is, but somebody has an objection to whatever that winning strategy turns out to be.

u/Yeti_Not · 2 pointsr/ChapoTrapHouse

IIRC, they already tried this in New Orleans, and before that, with the military (!).

Speaking as someone who has heard a bit about this sort of thing IRL, I'll make a couple of points about this:

(1) It's about the datasets as much as anything else. Ghouls like Thiel will roll out these half-baked products and 'work with' local authorities, and in the process get access to loads of sensitive data to train their technology on. For people working in AI, these sorts of mass public datasets are extremely valuable. So, this is not only about racism, but about privacy and the enclosure of the intellectual commons.

(2) If we don't get proactive, the end result of this sort of thing (also being trialled in e.g. university admissions, and potentially in all sorts of stuff) will be a crappy version of Gattaca. As with eugenics, the technology doesn't actually have to be premised on truth to work as a technology of control.

(3) I really should get around to reading this book.

u/Ishmael22 · 2 pointsr/AskAcademia

I work at a community college, and we definitely have a significant number of students who are people of color and/or live in economic precarity. So, it sounds like we are interested in working with similar populations of students. Here are a few resources I've found helpful:

Reading on critical pedagogy for a theoretical framework. Freire and Giroux are where I'd start.

The idea of backward design for semester-length planing

I'm having trouble finding a good resource to link to quickly, but the idea of transparency in lesson design seems important to me.

"How Learning Works" and "What the Best College Teachers Do" for more day to day things:

"In The Middle" for a good outline of a workshop approach to teaching writing

I haven't found a good single book that talks about teaching active reading, but there are a lot of resources online, and I've found teaching it explicitly and modeling it for my students as part of a whole class discussion to work pretty well.

As far as the critical theory aspect of reading (which I do think should be taught early on and even to people who are just beginning to read at the college level) I like "Texts and Contexts" and "Critical Encounters"

Hope that's helpful! Good luck to you!

u/SECONDBRAVESTTOASTER · 2 pointsr/Landlord

Leigh Robinson's "Landlording" remains the Bible, in my opinion! Best book and covers a little bit of everything, with lots of sample forms you can try / adopt.

u/Feed_Me_Your_Bacon · 2 pointsr/RealEstate

Congratulations, this could be a great opportunity for you.

First things first, go on the county website and make sure she actually owns the place. Look for the Deed. Also see whatever mortgages or liens are on the property.

Next, make sure you are on the will. You need to see it.

Estate and Gift Tax exemptions for 2018 are $5.6MM for an individual $11MM married couple.

She could gift it to you now. Federal tax free if the value of the property is under that threshold. In that case you need to have the property appraised.

Once that is straightened out, you will have to prepare yourself to operate it yourself or turn it over to a management company to operate it for you.

Even if a management company operates it for you, you need to be educated in real estate. There are many resources and books available. I would start at Bigger Pockets, it's a great online forum for landlords and real estate investors. I also suggest the following book:


u/lizzyshoe · 2 pointsr/teaching

I have a couple of books to recommend--you should be able to find used copies on paperbackswap or amazon for very cheap:

Tools for Teaching by Fred Jones. Look for an older edition or ask your adviser if he/she has a copy you can borrow until yours arrives. I love this book because it's simple, direct, and very practical. You can't know what you need to know until you already needed to know it, but this is a good start.

The First Days of School by Harry Wong. This one is a little bit wordier but it really can help get you psyched up for what you need to do to prepare for the first days of school.

u/Parti_zanu · 2 pointsr/HelloInternet

> You've been bamboozled.

You would think so, wouldn't you?

u/The_Gatemaster · 2 pointsr/teaching

Daily 5 is interesting, but it's a lot to take on as a 1st year elementary school teacher. My suggestion would be to start with two of those (Read to Self and Word work) and then add the others in if they're being successful. Read to self is easy to get going and word work is going to just happen.

As a male teacher, you're possibly the first male teacher some of these kids have had. There will be a "cool" factor. Be sure to be yourself but also be firm. That said, at 3rd grade, there's a lot of "babyish emotions" that he may see and he may have to get in touch with his emotional side.

I think that male teachers have it a bit easier to make connections with kids in elementary school because there just aren't very many of them. I play out at recess and at times sit with them at lunch and it's "cool". When the female teachers do it, it doesn't seem to have the same effect. Though, I'm a tad younger than most of them.

I wouldn't worry too much about handwriting. Just slow down (he'll ahve to do that anyway since he's teaching 3rd grade).

My best advice, Go Slow to Go Fast. I used this book religiously my first few years ( Other books to check out would be and

u/afarfarbetterrest · 2 pointsr/Teachers

Congratulations! I teach Grade 6, too (although I'm much further North--in Canada).

I think you're looking for Wong & Wong! Their ideas are a great starting point for all that classroom management stuff. Their book "The First Days of School" is full of ideas. I saw a post here a few days ago outlining their tips...some of them are pretty hardcore, but when I was a new teacher I erred on the side of more structure.

Here's a link to the book:

u/cbilyeu · 2 pointsr/teaching

Great books to help you out, written in an easy to read way: tools for teaching
And the first days of school

Essentially, imagine what you want to look like to your students. What teacher do you remember standing out to you? Can you model them? Managing your demeanor and classroom like them will help you a lot.

Write a parent letter home for the different grade levels.

Sketch out what you plan on teaching for big ideas each month. September is identifying and correctly saying the computer parts (monitor, keyboard, etc) and.... If you do that for each level, you'll have expectations of where you want to go.

u/zoidemos · 2 pointsr/GMAT

I bought this one on Amazon:

Haven't had an issues and would recommend. I think the negative reviews are outliers and worst case scenario(unlikely), all the issues that have been brought up in them can prob be resolved w/ Amazon support.

u/htok54yk · 2 pointsr/conspiracy

He even has a book with "deep state" in the title and has been using the similar term "deep politics."

u/tpintsch · 2 pointsr/datascience

Hello, I am an undergrad student. I am taking a Data Science course this semester. It's the first time the course has ever been run so it's a bit disorganized but I am very excited about this field and I have learned a lot on my own.I have read 3 Data Science books that are all fantastic and are suited to very different types of classes. I'd like to share my experience and book recommendations with you.

Target - 200 level Business/Marketing or Science departments without a programming/math focus. 
Textbook - Data Science for Business
My Comments - This book provides a good overview of Data Science concepts with a focus on business related analysis. There is very little math or programming instruction which makes this ideal for students who would benefit from an understanding of Data Science but do not have math/cs experience. 
Pre-Reqs - None.

Target - 200 level Math/Cs or Physics/Engineering departments.
Textbook -Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques
My comments: This book is more in depth than my first recommendation. It focuses on math and computer science approaches with machine learning applications. There are many opportunities for projects from this book. The biggest strength is the instruction on the open source workbench Weka. As an instructor you can easily demonstrate data cleaning,  analysis,  visualization,  machine learning, decision trees, and linear regression. The GUI makes it easy for students to jump right into playing with data in a meaningful way. They won't struggle with knowledge gaps in coding and statistics. Weka isn't used in the industry as far as I can tell, it also fails on large data sets. However, for an Intro to Data Science without many pre-reqs this would be my choice.
Pre-Req - Basic Statistics,  Computer Science 1 or Computer Applications.

Target - 300/400 level Math/Cs majors
Textbook - Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python
My comments: I am infatuated with this book. It delights me. I love math, and am quickly becoming enamored by computer science as well. This is the book I wish we used for my class. It quickly moves through some math and Python review into a thorough but captivating treatment of all things data science. If your goal is to prepare students for careers in Data Science this book is my top pick.
Pre-Reqs - Computer Science 1 and 2 (hopefully using Python as the language), Linear Algebra, Statistics (basic will do,  advanced preferred), and Calculus.

Additional suggestions:
Look into using Tableau for visualization.  It's free for students, easy to get started with, and a popular tool. I like to use it for casual analysis and pictures for my presentations. 

Kaggle is a wonderful resource and you may even be able to have your class participate in projects on this website.

Quantified Self is another great resource.
One of my assignments that's a semester long project was to collect data I've created and analyze it. I'm using Sleep as Android to track my sleep patterns all semester and will be giving a presentation on the analysis. The Quantified Self website has active forums and a plethora of good ideas on personal data analytics.  It's been a really fun and fantastic learning experience so far.

As far as flow? Introduce visualization from the start before wrangling and analysis.  Show or share videos of exciting Data Science presentations. Once your students have their curiosity sparked and have played around in Tableau or Weka then start in on the practicalities of really working with the data. To be honest, your example data sets are going to be pretty clean, small,  and easy to work with. Wrangling won't really be necessary unless you are teaching advanced Data Science/Big Data techniques. You should focus more on Data Mining. The books I recommended are very easy to cover in a semester, I would suggest that you model your course outline according to the book. Good luck!

u/ablaaw0w · 2 pointsr/BusinessIntelligence

Take a look at Data Science for Business. It covers a lot of other topics and are more theoretical, but I think it is pretty nice. Let me know what you think

u/buddybjames · 2 pointsr/MachineLearning

You will find it hard to beat "Data Science for Business: What you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking". This book is used as a MBA course book at NYU. The book is not full of algorithms, nor does it overload you with complex math. It teaches you how to break common business problems down into fundamental ideas and provides a framework to help you learn the techniques to solve these problems. It's just the right balance of theory and practical knowledge. You will learn about many of the modeling techniques used today with just the right amount of detail. I can't say enough about this book and I'm not the only one.

u/translostation · 2 pointsr/latin

You mean like the one published in the student's manual or the one in the college companion?

u/LicensedProfessional · 2 pointsr/latin

I'd only say that Wheelock isn't the best supplement to Lingua Latina because the books are structured differently: the concepts are introduced in a different order, and both have different areas of emphasis.

Don't get me wrong: it's a great grammatical reference, but you can't really go through both books at the same time and expect a cohesive curriculum.

Lingua Latina has its own supplements, btw

u/psuklinkie · 2 pointsr/Teachers

Other People's Children by Lisa Delpit really broadened my perspectives and helped me be more culturally loving.

u/RemarkableSprinkles · 2 pointsr/statistics

This book by Andy Field is by far my favorite. His writing style is really laid back and funny, which helps me concentrate as statistics can be pretty dry/boring. And he is good at explaining the statistic theories in an easy way. If you dont want to use spss while learning he has a statistics book in which he doesnt use a statistics program as part of teaching (I haven’t read that one though). He also had books on how to use Stata, R etc.

u/her_nibs · 2 pointsr/TwoXChromosomes

I have a couple of books to recommend: Crossing the Tracks for Love: What to Do When You and Your Partner Grew Up in Different Worlds, Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life. Also maybe Lillian Rubin's Families on the Fault Line and Worlds Of Pain.

Sociology won't fix your problems, but it definitely helps if you can understand where each of you are coming from. I would recommend you both read those and maybe some other similar books. Not everybody is a huge Ruby Payne fan, but she does a good job at just bluntly discussing why people raised in lower-class environments behave the way they do which is a really helpful thing to understand when you are trying to forge a meaningful relationship with somebody whose family are drunks and your parents were accountants.

u/Celtic_Queen · 2 pointsr/personalfinance

There's a really great book by Ruby Payne called A Framework for Understanding Poverty. She talks about how financial wealth isn't the only thing that separates the wealthy, middle class and poor. There are sets of unwritten rules for each social class that make it hard for people to move upward.

As far as the emergency fund and saving for your child's future, can you guys take on any extra work? Babysitting for a neighbor? Selling stuff on e-bay? Anything to find a little extra cash to throw in the bank. And emergency fund can be a valuable tool to help your family in case of a bad situation.

u/Decre · 2 pointsr/GMAT

Same, I bought the Manhattan Test prep for around $100 with the online codes. I still need to take my baseline test before I study thou. I really dont want to spend 4 hours taking the first test.

u/cepherus · 2 pointsr/science

Came here to say this, thank you. I recently read How to Lie with Statistics and this would be a prime example of laziness on the researchers part.

Edit: Bitwise is correct, for all we know the researchers may not be the lazy ones, we wont know unless we pay for the complete article, but the journalist who titled the article definitely is (no surprise)

u/darkcrescendo1490 · 1 pointr/college

My Senior English teacher recommended us to read/skim through "How to Read Literature like a Professor" during the summer before classes start as to get "basic" understanding of literature and/or scholarly journals. I personally didn't read it as the English classes I've registered for were more seminar-lecture based, where the professor talked about everything we're supposed to know about what we've read and gauged our understanding through class discussions. However, I found the book to be helpful as a reference guide when I didn't know how to read/digest specific texts. (I remember seeing a PDF file of the book, but I'm not sure where it is at the moment.)


I think skimming the book and reading random articles (whether it be the NYT or Teen Vogue) can help you build your reading comprehension and thinking skills. Also, talk to your professors during office hours! There were moments where I didn't know what to make of the reading and went to office hours to talk about the confusion/concern I had about what I've read.


As for writing, my professors from my English and Writing classes recommended me to utilize the writing services (though that's when college starts). My Writing professor also made us read "They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing," which offered different perspectives on how we should look at academic writing. However, the price doesn't justify the content that's provided in the book. There's also "The Elements of Style," where my friends, professors, and relatives all swear that it's the holy grail for writing (I have never used it, but I guess it doesn't hurt to read/skim through the book).


If your school offers writing seminars/first-year writing course, then I suggest on taking those courses first before taking English classes since it may help you on conveying your thoughts/shaping your arguments for your audience. Also, as I said earlier, your professor (or TA) is going to be your best source as they can give you advice on where to improve. Hopefully, this answers your question!

u/arector502 · 1 pointr/nanowrimo

I found the book How to Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines helpful when it comes to symbolism. If you have time, you might want to skim through it.

u/EditDrunker · 1 pointr/writing

1.) Your courses will give you enough of a reading list to keep yourself busy; I wouldn't try to cram in too much more, at least not during the school year. I'd check out How to Read Literature Like a Professor if you find yourself struggling with your classes, and On Writing Well and Elements of Style if you're struggling with your essays.

2.) I wish I'd done something non-writing related. I had internships and work study positions and worked for the campus newspaper and all of that stuff so I almost got... burned out? on writing and books. It took a little while to recover.

3.) Marilynne Robinson's Housekeeping was great. I also had a class where the only book we read was Ulysses. I wouldn't have been able to make myself read that book without a semester long class, but I'm glad that I did. Now I never have to again.

4.) Learn how to skim your readings. If you've got a couple hundred pages of reading each week, there just aren't enough hours to do it all.

5.) See #2

6.) See #1. Also: go to office hours. I know professors can seem intimidating, but they don't want you to fail. Most of them are just sitting there during their office hours, twiddling their thumbs.

u/mythtaken · 1 pointr/suggestmeabook

Maybe try this one:
How to read literature like a professor

Setting yourself the goal to improve your skills is a great first step.

If you'll be working on your own, find a subject you like and read a LOT about it, at every reading level. Notice how the various authors present the subject. It can be really interesting to see how different people perceive the same thing.

Going back to school is also an option. A friend of mine went back to school and got a degree in LIberal Studies. Basically, it's a little bit of everything on the curriculum. Art, history, literature, science ... .

Another thought is to take up meditation. Training your mind, learning to focus, quieting the inner voice are all useful, no matter what you hope to achieve.

u/Mao1435 · 1 pointr/ACT

I mean there are basically two ways. One: improve your fundamentals. That's like the long-term strategy. Basically, read like crazy. New Yorker, the Atlantic, New York Times, non-fiction books, and what not. It's like if you don't even have the muscle to throw a three-pointer, then it's pretty much pointless to practice 3pts.

Second is to learn some reading skills. Annotations, skimming & scanning, etc. Personally I'm not a big fan of these, but they do come in handy if you don't have, like 5 months to incrementally improve your reading.

If you do have the time, I would recommend the following two books:

u/blitz79 · 1 pointr/atheism

Ugh, this should not be a pie chart.

u/ViewofDelft · 1 pointr/statistics

Surprisingly effective intro to probability

might be too informal for your purposes though...

u/lenwood · 1 pointr/statistics

I'm doing the same. Here are a couple of resources that you may find helpful.

u/liz11zard · 1 pointr/learnmath

As far as "best" I can't say. It also depends on what in statistics you want to learn, but I agree with /u/solkim that probability and stats go hand in hand and if you want a good grounding in statistics you will also need a good grounding in probability. Having said all of this, and as silly as it may sound, the Cartoon Guide to Statistics is actually quite good at helping to understand and learn statistics (and probability) concepts.

u/RedMeGold · 1 pointr/Temple

Not exactly an answer to your question, but I found the book, The Cartoon Guide to Statistics (authored by one of my Temple Statistics Professors, Woollcott Smith), to be both helpful and entertaining.

u/Mines_of_Moria · 1 pointr/marketing

Totally depends on your stat background. If it's minimal id do khan Academy. This is a good into book

What's your background?

u/ttelbarto · 1 pointr/datascience

Hi, There are so many resources out there I don't know where to start! I would work through some kind of beginner python book (recommendation below). Then maybe try Andrew Ng's Machine Learning Coursera course to get a taste of Machine Learning. Once you have completed both of those I would reassess what you would like to focus on. I will include some other books I would recommend below.

Beginner Python -

Machine Learning Coursera -

Python Machine Learning -

Statistics (intro) -

More stats (I haven't read this but gets recommended) -

u/CommanderShift · 1 pointr/statistics
u/Geckoboard · 1 pointr/Entrepreneur

I am a BIG believer in the need to make data-backed decisions as business owners and entrepreneurs. With this in mind I suggest the following:

A Field Guide to Lies and Statistics
By Daniel Levitin

Statistics Done Wrong: The Woefully Complete Guide
By Alex Reinhart

[How to Lie with Statistics]( - Darrell Huff)
By Darrell Huff

How Not to be Wrong: The Hidden Maths of Everyday Life
By Jordan Ellenberg

Naked Statistics
By Charles Wheelen

The Truthful Art: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communication
By Alberto Cairo

Bad Science
By Ben Goldacre

u/bbbeans · 1 pointr/statistics

Good to know! As far as a good book goes, depends on what sort of level you are looking for. This book looks like an interesting sort of introand seems to be well-reviewed , , although I haven't actually read it.

Statistics is a really useful subject!

u/some_random_kaluna · 1 pointr/history

So here's some of the textbooks I read (and still own) from my Asian History courses at college. All are worth reading over, but you'll also want teachers to help you, to talk with historians from China, and eventually just to go to China and see a lot of stuff for yourself.

The Cambridge Illustrated History of China, by Patricia Ebrey.

Chinese Civilization: A Sourcebook, edited by Patricia Ebrey.

Quotations from Mao Tse-Tung, written by the man himself.


Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, by Dai Sijie.

The Outlaws of the Marsh, by Shi Nai'An and Sidney Shapiro.

The Three Body Problem, by Cixin Liu and Ken Liu.

These are a relatively good start to help you get a grounding in China's history. Everyone in this thread has also given some good suggestions. And visit /r/askhistorians; they'll have some better sources you can check out.

u/a1studmuffin · 1 pointr/australia

This whole mess-up is a textbook "weapon of math destruction"... for anyone looking to learn more about how big data is making the wealth gap wider, this book is a great read.

u/TheBlackUnicorn · 1 pointr/AntiFacebook

>“There is a tendency to want to see AI as a neutral moral authority,” Riedl told BuzzFeed News. “However, we also know that human biases can creep into data sets and algorithms. Algorithms can be wrong, and there needs to be recourse.” Human biases can get coded into the AI, and uniformly applied across users of different backgrounds, in different countries with different cultures, and across wildly different contexts.

This is the Garbage-In-Garbage-Out problem. For more on this check out this book:

TL;DR of this article

  • It's going to take a long time for this to be of any use at all.

  • AI can totally be biased anyway.

  • Even worse, AI APPEARS to be neutral but is in fact biased by its human creators.

  • AI got us into this mess in the first place.

    I'd like to add an additional issue: The same powerful AI tools that Facebook may one day in the future have access to in order to clear up fake news on the platform will ALSO be used by the powerful nation-state actors that are trying to make fake news and bot posts go viral on Facebook.
u/itacirgabral · 1 pointr/brasil

>Em tese, de uma forma lógica e isenta. Analisaria de forma fria e calculista todos os aspectos positivos e negativos de cada candidato

Não confie tanto nos algoritmos, eles são feitos por humanos. Reproduzem o mesmo sistema de valores mas de forma 100% automática e sistemática. Eles parte de uma base de treinamento não ideal.

"Algoritmos são armas de destruição matemática"


Além do mais política está em outro plano, não é uma questão técnica de otimização. Por exemplo, o desmonte da educação é um projeto de poder e não um incidente de má gestão. Se o objetivo da classe dominante é explorar e extrair riqueza, o problema é o próprio sistema e não a arquitetura dele.


Queremos uma polícia que não seja corrupta?

ex-chefe de Polícia Civil do Rio de Janeiro Hélio Luz

u/puppy_and_puppy · 1 pointr/MensLib

Weird how I just finished the book Designing Data-Intensive Applications, and it ended with a section on ethics in computer science/big data that ties into this article really well. I'll add some of the sources from that section of the book here if people are curious. Cathy's book is in there, too.

u/Neltsun · 1 pointr/GiftIdeas

You can try an alternative like FIXD. They work in Canada.

Also, Weapons of Math Destruction is a great read for anyone who loves or works with large sets of data.

u/UnNymeria · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

I definitely was! I came straight out of my undergrad into teaching, so I wasn't that much older than my students! Part of it is just remembering that you have control over the room - and have colleagues/peers come watch you teach for helpful tips! I am really trying to improve as a teacher. This book has been a really helpful resource to me as well.

That's awesome that you want to go to grad school! What are you planning on studying?

u/countlphie · 1 pointr/bjj

there are a few instructors that regularly post here with good material on teaching but they tend to be short snippets of advice rather than a comprehensive resource on communication, progression, curriculum design, teaching methods, etc.

there's one instructor (sonicbh) who has some really advanced methods for teaching and creating feedback loops with students. it's clear he's done his research on teaching

if you're looking for resources, i recommend looking at teaching resources outside of the martial arts community. what good teachers do has little to do with what they're teaching. sonicbh recommended reading make it stick, which is really really good. also check out

podcasts like ted, finding mastery are good but you need to sift through a lot of material. even freakonomics and worklife by adam grant have some good material on productivity and designing environments to promote creativity and learning

u/tgeliot · 1 pointr/AskReddit

I suggest you check out the book What the Best College Teachers Do

u/stevewedig · 1 pointr/AskReddit

In this book the conclusion I remember is that the best college teachers show their students why the material is important, interesting, and where it fits with everything else. This leads to intrinsically motivated students, where focusing on grades leads to extrinsically motivated students.

u/whoooooooooooooosh · 1 pointr/RealEstate

It is, but I would maybe buy one of the earlier versions as it is like $5 shipped. Check them here

u/ScienceWasLove · 1 pointr/ScienceTeachers

I would suggest, following to a letter, the work of Harry Wong found in the book First Days of school. The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher (Book & DVD)

u/ajpos · 1 pointr/jobsecrets

Teaching is definitely fun, because you can see real results. A lot of my students last year could not correctly answer the "gotcha" style questions on the state standardized test, but every one, and I guarantee this, every one of them can tell you, given the choice of four poets, the correct writer of any poem by Dickinson, Frost, Whitman, or Shakespeare - based on the style alone. For final projects, we did things like "rewrite a Frost poem in the style of Whitman." Is it on the state test? No. But the unit covered a lot of things that were, and most importantly, it got them excited about learning and literature. In the middle grades, I think drilling the test questions just fosters a sense of apathy. ("Staying low on Bloom's" as you might call it in your classes!)

I think the most jarring aspect of education is realizing that you cannot ever be the teacher you envisioned when you were in high-school or college. Everything I had planned to do as a "pre-teacher" would eventually (1) hurt my classroom management, (2) cater towards only one or two learning styles, or (3) end up being more "fun" than educational. It sucks, but in order to be a truly effective teacher, you have to look at what have been empirically proven to be good teaching techniques, even if they're something you hated doing as a student. You have to make new role models for yourself, like this guy, or this guy, and practice what they teach - even if it means working as many hours as they do (over 60).

If you are interested in educational policy, you should definitely give this book a gander. It basically takes every educational debate in the country, explains both sides, and gives examples of laws/precedents/statistics to support each side. Great stuff. In order to get my master's degree, I had to write an actual district/state/federal law and try to get it on the ballot. I used that book to make sure my case was air-tight!

Keep up the good work, the enthusiasm you're showing now is what makes great teachers. Many teachers get into the job because their parents did it, or because they thought education would be an easier major than math. Idealism leads to innovation.

u/Matrinka · 1 pointr/teaching

Harry Wong's book was my bible my first few years of teaching. I highly recommend it to anyone about to step in the classroom for the first time.

u/ashraf2403 · 1 pointr/teaching

I suggest this book. I just got my first job this past January and I had the book for a few months before I started I would have be sooo much better prepared.

The First Days of School

u/TechySpecky · 1 pointr/kindle

that's a good last point. I would like that.

yea it was a text-book for example.

But other books such as: is $18 on kindle.

u/ChillahWhale · 1 pointr/datascience

Check out Data Science for Business by Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett

u/KSledneck · 1 pointr/SQL

Im currently a DBA transitioning into a (somewhat) BA role. Its difficult to say what patterns to look for or books to read in regards to that position in the field of healthcare field. But bridging the gap between data and your new role this could be a good start. OH and be prepared to document more than ever have before.

u/dewgazi · 1 pointr/datascience

Big Data: A Revolution that will Transform how We Live, Work, and Think by Mayer-Schonberger and Cukier (

Data Science for Business: What you Need to Know about Data Mining and Data Analytic Thinking by Provost and Fawcett (

Data and Goliath by Schneier (

Cathy O'Neill's book is ok. It is worth reading, I thought it could have been better.

Dataclysm is great.

u/zzreflexzz · 1 pointr/BusinessIntelligence

Read this book Its a little deep, but I believe its a good start if you want to get into data science. Also, check out the Tableau and Alteryx tutorial videos.

u/leftnode · 1 pointr/PHP

Similar to what /u/Cyzzie said, you are looking for some business intelligence tools. I would start at the beginning and read a book like to get an idea of the concepts behind business intelligence, and then look into tools like Pentaho or Hadoop.

u/alzho12 · 1 pointr/datascience

Read this book, Data Science for Business. It sounds like you don't need to code, but need to be able to converse.

u/denvernomad · 1 pointr/BusinessIntelligence

Try this one. It's as good as any

u/notquark · 1 pointr/Teachers

For you to read, I would recommend, "Other people's children."

For your students I would recommend, "The skin I'm in."

u/purplewhiteblack · 1 pointr/politics

Ted Cruz has the lowest possible standard to be a natural born American citizen. His father was Cuban, his mother was Canadian(she emigrated to Canada from the United States, and may have renounced her US citizenship at the time). He was born in Canada. But his excuse was she was a US citizen at some point...
He's not the best candidate for many reasons. I would never vote for an evangelical. He has doesn't have much of a horse in the birthirism game. He's unelectable in many regards.

Birthirism came up as Projection

John McCain was born in Panama, but the federal definition of A Native Born person includes those born to American parents. He was also born on US military property conveniently. It could be brought up that he was born in Panama, but any criticism about his birth doesn't hold up.

Obama was born in Hawaii to one American Parent. His birth announcement was in the newspaper. He was never some Manchurian candidate. He was an average president. He was George HW Bush with a (D) in front of his name. Any questions about his Birthplace have been thoroughly debunked. Trump even changed his mind about it when it was politically expedient even though that was the thing that thrust him into politics as a recognizable force. Trump is all American. I got no problems with his birth. But that is not even the point dude. Again your circling around into the Democrat vs Republican narrative. I'm not a democrat. Again, this isn't a team sport.

See that article. That article is HYPERBOLE.

The point was Obama was constantly criticized. His Wife was constantly criticized. They were compared to monkeys regularly. They were called "arrogant" "elitists" blah blah blah. It went on for 8 years. Trump still brings him up to bash him. Trump is no more criticized than any other president. Being criticized as a president is normal.

The problem is unlike presidents like Bush or Obama he doesn't seem to understand that his actions are under a microscope and he's acting really damn guilty. It was never proven that Nixon had anything to do with Watergate, but his actions to try to stop the scandal were worse than the crime. In Trump's case had he just left it alone the FBI would most likely of moved on by now. He's playing the game like someone that has something to hide. That doesn't mean that he does. That just means that's his current play style. I would rather have had Trump not talk about it publicly, and not acted on it, and let the nation move on. But he has a COMPULSION PROBLEM.

As far as the do know I was quoting your dear leader in most of those cases? I never heard Mitt Romney say he just "grabs women by the pussies". Not while he's married. Trump is the one lowering the bar here. The worse thing Mitt Romney said was he had "binders full of women", and about "47%". Both were things that seemed to be enough to take him down politically. My opinion of Romney? He's a good guy. He's rich and occasionally sticks his foot in his mouth, but in most other cases he's pretty decent. He's Rich and I don't hate him. There was a lot of criticism about the car elevator he had in his house. What most people don't know was that it was for his wife who was having walking problems after chemotherapy for her cancer.

If Mitt Romney would have ran against Hillary Clinton I would have voted Mitt Romney. In a lot of ways those two are similar, but Mitt Romney is a little better. But party politics are stupid as shit, and just because he ran and lost in the last election he didn't have the political capital to run again. Even though as a pedigree he was better than every single one of the Republican primary candidates.
I'm sure if he had sat out the 2012 election he would have won this election hands down. No political contender has ever won an election against an incumbent president involved in a war. But at least Romney had the balls to try. Teflon Don seems to be immune to gaffes even if his gaffes look like Godzilla in comparison to other opponents gaffes.

"I heard the Trump haters would vote for a dead racoon as long as it had a (D) after its name. "

A dead raccoon would be an improvement at this point. I can't see a dead raccoon waking up at 4 in the morning just to tweet insults at Rosie O'Donnell. The (D) next to his name is irrelevant. I'd prefer an independent dead racoon. What I would really like to know: who is this dead raccoon's running mate?

"Where did you spend your military service?"

I signed up for selective service. You're still required to do that. If they need me, they can have me. Though, I was never interested in that lifestyle. I have the luxury where it is optional. That could change, and could change soon given the NK situation. If I had joined the pay would have been great. Much better than what I get now. We have a volunteer military service now. Everyone in now is there because they want to be. Which is fantastic. I'm too old now. I'm not too interested in having bosses. It's better to be a boss than have a boss. My dad was in the Air Force. My brother is in the Air Force. It's a mixed bag of a job. It has pros and has cons. I don't have any pretenses or illusions about the military. Still, Vets should not use the honor of military service to subjugate non enlisted people. And it is also a bit hypocritical to condemn punching Nazis here and champion murdering Commies over in Vietnam. There isn't anything wrong with not serving, unless there is a draft. If there is a draft and your able to manage some way out then you better have a good excuse.

You're trying to lump me in with these groups. As I said. It's better that these things stay in comics and movies. It's sad that the Democrips and Rebloodlican's have devolved into gang warfare.
I love the freedom of PEACEFUL assembly, but don't you think what the two of us are doing is a whole lot better than what all those assholes are doing? Assembly is a right, and no right should ever be taken away. I have to say however, these assholes look like idiots running around waving Nazi and Confederate LOSER flags, or Antifa dressing all in black and wearing masks? You could stand outside doing all this shit in the middle of summer, or you can stay at home in the nice air conditioning and communicate on a forum.

u/lukesimm · 1 pointr/Music

I knew what book this was the moment I read this headline. (To those asking: This is the greatest stats book ever: I failed Stats in my second year, went to my professor, who wouldn't help me out. I picked up this book in desperation, read it, instantly went "WOW." I will permanently have Fugazi stuck in my head now though. Also: I aced my stats text. The moment a lower year friend of mine complained about the stats lecturer, I gave him my copy. Never went to a class again, passed his test.

u/kanak · 1 pointr/statistics

I'm in a similar situation (requiring to be proficient in statistics), and here's what I'm doing.

  1. Started with a really basic book that told me more about the ideas than the math. I used Andy Field's Statistics with SPSS book because it was recommended somewhere on reddit. The book definitely skims on the maths, but it gives you a good idea about the different tests and concepts.

  2. Following Berkeley's Statistics Major/Minor route. Specifically:

    a. Stats 133 - Computing with Data: A course on using R, SQL, and other technologies useful in statistics.

    b. Stats 102 - Intro to Statistics I found multiple versions of this course, but I'm going to pick this one because it uses this interesting book which emphasizes case studies

    c. Stats 135 - Concepts of Statistics : More advanced treatment of the same concepts from 102.

    d. If you want to brush up on probability, you should look at Stats 101 and Stats 134.

    e. After this level, they have a series of electives, such as Stochastic Processes (Stats 150), Linear Modelling Lab (151A and 151B), Sampling Surveys Lab (152), Time Series Lab (153), Game Theory (155), and seminars.

    The classes don't have videos or audios, but they have syllabuses, lecture notes and assignments. So far I've found them to be more than sufficient.
u/LadySkywalker · 1 pointr/fatpeoplestories

Hey now, I've got a masters in applied linguistics. Anyone can do it!. If you're super super super stuck check out this book by Andy Field. He is very good and literally goes step by step by step. Unless of course you're doing the actual math by hand. In which case you just need to go slow and check you're work twice over.

EDIT: Read: I believe in you.

u/rbwildcard · 1 pointr/teaching

I haven't read it, but my guide teacher recommends this one: Very useful for understanding a culture of poverty (if that applies to your students).

u/dzhou10 · 1 pointr/GMAT

that sounds good. Yeah, Magoosh is a really popular suggestion - what are your thoughts on the manhattan complete guide set? It sounds like a lot of people used that too, so I'm wondering if I should be trying to squuze in both or just one or the other.

These are the ones that I'm talking about

u/timbergling · 1 pointr/MBA

Currently going through the Manhattan series which I can't recommend enough which also comes with six practice CAT exams. Plan 3-5 practice exams including the two free ones from before the actual exam.

IMO the OG guide isn't enough if you need to re-learn/practice subject matter. The Manhattan guide is also SUPER helpful when it comes to test taking strategy.

u/Javierbaez · 1 pointr/GMAT

Selling OG 3 book bundle, complete Manhattan 10 book guide set, and log ins for both (expires January 2020) for $80 shipped. Links below are what I bought exactly.

u/TarmacFFS · 1 pointr/reactiongifs

This doesn't present like a well-researched or well-executed engagement campaign, though. I've run a multi-touch product team and I've worked very closely with places like Re-Sci and this is not that.

This is someone who was promoted to their level of incompetence playing business by trying to do what everyone else does. They run the experiment, get the stats they need to make their point, and then use it to justify some new poorly thought-out initiative.

I've had Reddit as a client. Reddit is a clusterfuck. We took our Reddit contact to LIV to entertain them while at a conference in Miami a couple years back and she spent the entire night trying to convince us - and anyone else who would listen - to find her cocaine. It was embarrassing. Complete waste of a table and a night. I've never worked with them since.

u/cavedave · 0 pointsr/MachineLearning

This isnt a job posting. I am posting this for a discussion raised from a website I have no connection with.

Firstly these are interesting ideas and seem ideal for blockchain based business models.

Secondly I think the Question at the end about whether these suit men or women is a good one

Thirdly on a weapons of Math destruction level what does it mean to do jobs effecting peoples lives that involve only maths and not meeting the people?

I posted this to start a discussion about the particular ideas and the concept of interaction free jobs and I'd like to hear your opinion

u/systemlord · 0 pointsr/Landlord

$6 will get this book delivered to your door. And it has every single answer you seek.

Make sure you read up on your local laws (google your state + landlord tenant laws). Do NOT go into this business without being properly educated and prepared, that's a recipe for disaster.

u/jwsa456 · 0 pointsr/GMAT

I really don't think you need to practice with a marker and notepad, but if you really want to



u/NoBrittanyNoo · 0 pointsr/Eve

So suitonia's stats are now better than "the most vibrant summer in the past 5 years" stats? Numbers can tell any story you want. Bottom line is we, all of us, don't have all the numbers just what's available on various 3rd party tools and the info CCP provides allows us to see. Every conclusion based on partial numbers is not the truth - and let's not kid ourselves; numbers can say whatever we want them to say and follow any narrative. Make up your own mind, not based on anyone's swiss cheese statistics.

I'll leave this right here:

u/goans314 · -1 pointsr/politics

read Jesse Ventura's new book Democrips and Rebloodlicans

u/Foux · -3 pointsr/SocialEngineering

>A steep learning curve is one where you gain proficiency over a short number of trials. That means the curve is steep.

Congratulations, you've lost all credibility as an analyst by using a technical term to mean the exact opposite of what you were trying to say. Learn the technical jargon before you fuck up mean and median in front of your boss. A Cartoon Guide to Statistics does an amazing job of explaining most of the terms and formulas. If you don't want the book, watch Khan Academy's Statistics Course on YouTube.

Next, if you have Microsoft Excel, enable the Solver and Analysis ToolPak. This will allow you to perform all of the analyses performed in the book/videos. OpenOffice has a similar toolpak.

As long as you know how to perform an ANOVA or solve for a p variance, everything else should be industry specific models/applications and no one will realistically expect for you to know how that company's particular processes work.

u/TheQueenJongEel · -5 pointsr/news

They're not using the term unironically, they're using it Peter Dale Scottly ...

The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on U.S

"Peter Dale Scott has written many books about the Deep State at work in the U.S. government. Scott depicts American society as structurally and inherently schizophrenic... It all makes for compelling reading." 5 stars

Someone thinks they're in charge of the country and its clearly not just Trump.
What label would you suggest for the continuity that has carried the US from 911, Afghanistan and Iraq WMD through Libya into Syria today and much much more?

u/thisaccountmaybemine · -9 pointsr/newzealand

I disagree - we need transparent and honest systems. If we're going to use racial / gender discrimination, we shouldn't be able to hide behind 'big data'.

> Mr Murray denied it was racial profiling and said immigrants' gender, age and the type of visa they whītiki would all be fed into the data sets.

If you don't think this guy is either a liar or an idiot, I recommend reading Weapons of Math Destruction (or reading about it).

u/fuckoffplsthankyou · -12 pointsr/EnoughLibertarianSpam

You are right, it's actually Democrips and ReBloodicans.

However "republocrat", as I am sure you do understand, is a term that underlines the complete lack of difference between a republican or a democrat. Also, that term was used to encompass both Republicans and Democrats. I understand tho, you would rather appear to be stupid and pretend that you didn't know what I was talking about, instead you have shown that you don't have the intelligence of a 13 year old.

Is that really going over your head?