Best exercise balls according to redditors

We found 90 Reddit comments discussing the best exercise balls. We ranked the 51 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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Top Reddit comments about Exercise Balls:

u/nerdbiddie · 15 pointsr/TwoXChromosomes

As someone who used to be a gym-rat and is now getting back into things as a grad student. Here is what I have to say:

Take it slowly. If you are intimidated by the gym, start working out at home. There are plenty of ways to work out at home and build up strength and flexibility. Get a yoga ball (I have this one in a medium but I am 5'6 so you'd probably want the smaller size: Start going for fast walks.

Once you get to the gym, take it light. Go at a time when it isn't super-busy so you can explore with no pressure. Generally gyms have treadmills, bikes and ellipticals. You don't have to be the fastest person on it with the highest resistance.
Don't be afraid to ask people at the gym for advice on how to use a machine. If someone is just getting off of something and you want to know, just ask them. Ask one of the people behind the desk.
Anyone who judges at a gym is an asshole. I've been in different physical shapes of my life and even when I was lean and fast, I NEVER judged a soul in there.

I JUST started weight-training with a friend of mine and we are the tall awkward girls who are weak as heck. We always have to get modifications for out workouts but hey, we are trying. There are people in that class who could probably lift either of us over their heads with minimal effort but guess what, they (for the most) part aren't judgey. (Minus the girl who totally gave us a weird look when we said that we couldn't do a pull-up. And then the trainer said she sucked at them too. =P)

Head over to /r/xxfitness.

u/shablamniel · 13 pointsr/ftm

Hey man, sounds like you're dealing with a lot. I've been in a similar place, and I have kind of a lot I'd like to say. It'll be really long, but if you'll bear with me, I hope it'll be helpful. I'll address your questions about weight loss and working out first, but I'd also like to talk about the mental health side of things, if that's not too presumptuous.

I've lost like 30-40lbs in the last year-ish, and I'd still like to lose a bit more and be in better shape generally before I start my medical transition. Any advice I'm about to give you is based solely on my experience; I don't claim any particular expertise, and I don't know much more about this than the most rudimentary science.

I don't really know anything about fasting (just not for me) so I can't help you there. At the end of the day, though, the most important thing for your weight loss is just consuming fewer calories than you expend. If it works best for you to accomplish that through fasting, and you do it safely, I suppose that's fine. I'm not a doctor though, and it's always a good idea to consult with one before making a major lifestyle change.

If you get your diet in check (note: I'm using diet as in the food you eat day to day, not a regimented plan that assumes an end point) you'll lose weight. That's the most important thing in weight loss. Exercise is, in some ways, extra credit.

However, with that said, if you want to make sure that a higher percentage of the weight you lose is fat and not muscle, working out is definitely a good idea. It's also just generally good for you, both physically and in terms of mental health. While dysphoria can sometimes make it hard for me to get started, working out is the only thing I've found that consistently helps alleviate dysphoria.

For a variety of reasons, I prefer to workout at home pretty much exclusively. For me, it was worthwhile to invest in a set of adjustable dumbbells kinda like these. I'm pre-T and not super strong, so two 25lb dumbbells allows me to get a pretty good workout on most lifts. Not bodybuilder stuff, by any means, but good for maintaining muscle and gaining some strength. I also bought a cheap exercise ball from Walmart (you know, one of these things) and used that like a bench + it lets you do some core work. I've expanded my home gym a lot since then, but those items were all I needed to get started.

For options that cost you $0, I rely heavily on workout videos posted to youtube for cardio and to switch up my weight routine. My personal favorite is a channel called Group HIIT because there's literally no talking in the videos. You just do your workout and then call it a day. They have lots of videos that are just bodyweight exercises, no equipment required. Other channels I like are Hasfit, and Fitness Blender but there are dozens of channels out there, and you can find the ones that fit your preferences and abilities. Also a quick note on these––I often get into a workout and realize it's a little bit more than I can handle. If that happens to you, that's okay! Just do the best you can with it, and try again another day. You'll be surprised with how quickly you can improve when you keep at it, especially within the first few weeks. Your nervous system will adapt super quick, and you'll be a lot more efficient and coordinated with your movements before you even start gaining muscle.

I hope that's helpful. If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to answer them (to the best of my ability), so don't hesitate to ask or PM.

If it's ok, I'd like to kinda talk about something you said in your post:

> I hate going out now. I can deal with myself when I'm alone, but going outside ANYWHERE makes me really hate myself knowing that people associate me with this body. It's hard to go to grocery stores . . .

So honestly, this sounds like something I could have written about three years ago. I came out in the midst of a really bad depressive episode, and quickly developed pretty serious agoraphobia. It's not something I really talk about much because it was such a tough period for me. I'm really sorry you're dealing with something similar.

I don't know you, and I don't know your situation, but I worry that this is something that could become pretty serious if left unchecked. As with all things anxiety, if you continue to avoid what you're anxious about it gains more and more power over you. If it's at all an option for you, I would encourage you to consider seeing a therapist or other mental health professional. This can be difficult stuff to work through, and I'd love for you to have the dedicated support of someone who knows what they're talking about.

As far as stuff you can do outside of therapy to combat that aversion to going out, it's really important to challenge those negative feelings. I totally get not wanting to be seen, especially doing something like jogging (I still have issues with that myself). So, instead of diving in head first, could you try saying "I'm going to go for a five minute walk outside"? Try doing that every few days, and when that starts to feel kind of okay, bump it up to ten minutes.

I know it sounds a little ridiculous, but seriously, life is too short for dysphoria to completely own you. It may seem tempting to just stay in your room and hide "until you lose 70lbs" or "until you pass" or "until you start T" or whatever benchmark is important to you. But you'll get to your goals so much faster, and live a life that's so much fuller if you don't put your life on hold until you reach some (relatively arbitrary) benchmark. Take it from someone who did the literal opposite of that and is still busting their ass to put their life back together.

I hope that doesn't come off too preachy, or self-important. I'm rooting for you, man, and if I can be helpful at all you know where to find me.

EDIT: fixed some typos

u/rao-blackwell-ized · 9 pointsr/gainit

If you can get a $20 fitness ball to use as a bench for DB bench presses and fly's, Body Beast would actually be a good program for you. It's designed for home users with dumbbells, pull up bar, and fitness ball.

u/Bluuuurr · 9 pointsr/Fitness

I have a yoga ball. I dont sit on it all day, but maybe 2-3 hours. It knd of forces you to sit in good position.

Something like this-

u/neekz0r · 7 pointsr/AskMen

>I will try when I stop moving around the country so much, thanks for the advice!

Meh. Start now. Look up how to do some body exercises. Get a stability ball; there are loads of great exercises you can do with those things (and they easily compress, so you can move it quite easily).

Here are some:

u/DarwinMoss · 6 pointsr/Overwatch

I like it a lot better than my foam ones because it actually has resistance that helps my hands and the weight makes it feel better to play with when you're not just using it to stretch.

u/Tiainspace · 5 pointsr/April2017Bumpers

Yes! And for my fellow tall ladies, you can buy BIG yoga balls that allow you to sit up properly. I bought the 75cm one and it has been solid: If I bought again I would have bought a slightly smaller one (65cm; I'm 6' tall).

u/tazUK · 3 pointsr/sysadmin

Not that guy, but I use an exercise ball like this at work for the first half of every day. Then I switch to a standard office chair.
I've been doing this for 4 years and it really helps me with lower back problems (scoliosis + multiple accident injuries), as it forces me to keep my lower spine area mobile.

u/morgansometimes · 3 pointsr/BabyBumps

This is the ball I'm going with. I read a few of the reviews, and one guy said this:

>If you are trying to pick the size for your ball, common sizing recommendations are:
>4'11" to 5'4" height: 55 cm ball
>5'4" to 5'11" height: 65 cm ball
>5'11" to 6' 7" height: 75 cm ball

I thought it was pretty helpful, and he wasn't the only one who said something along those lines! :)

u/HenryJonesJunior · 3 pointsr/bikewrench

Serfas TCPG - $30, fits both Presta and Schraeder, goes on and off of all valves fine (I've had other pumps get stuck on threaded presta valves and destroy tubes before), comes with adapters for other things (sports balls, exercise balls) so you only need the one pump for everything inflatable you have, and works generally great. I've honestly not wanted anything more since I got it, and in a year of using it a couple of times a week across four bikes, it's never failed me.

Negatives/Side Benefits: If you use it to inflate a 75cm exercise ball, you'll be able to fry an egg on its casing by the time you're done.

u/Embrace93 · 2 pointsr/bodyweightfitness
u/jarkyttaa · 2 pointsr/gamingsuggestions

This probably isn't exactly what you're looking for, but I had a pretty nice/expensive leather office chair for years and semi-recently (maybe ~2 years ago) ditched it for a $20 fitness ball and couldn't be happier. I was having some issues with lower back pain in addition to some circulation issues in my legs, and these issues persisted over several different office chairs that I tried out, and they cleared up immediately once I started using the ball instead. While you can't really fall asleep on it, I have found that I get less sore sitting on it than in a leather chair and it stores comfortably under my desk, which is a nice bonus. I don't really see myself ever switching back. For reference, I spend maybe 12-14 hours at my desk each day (I work from home and then use the same desk for non-work stuff) and have never had an issue with comfort with my exercise ball.

u/[deleted] · 2 pointsr/Fitness

doing this now since i'm tired of the packed gym around here with only 1 squat rack....

  • $345 - Power Cage from amazon with good reviews here
  • $248 - 300# olympic set with rubber layer from Sports Authority (in store with coupon)
  • $168 - Adjustible Bench from amazon here
  • $80 - Stall Mat x2 from Tractor Supply here
  • $22 - stability ball for shits here

    Total was $863 in my spare bedroom. At $62 per month at my local gym this will be paid off in 14 months.

    Although I may be looking for some kind of treadmill / elliptical for the girlfriend, I'm pretty happy with the price. If you put some effort into it you could find better deals on used equipment.
u/depraved_monkey · 2 pointsr/knives

Plot Twist: OP can palm an exercise ball

u/SpaghettiYetiConfett · 2 pointsr/gadgets

Put the second monitor on a lazy Susan on the edge of his desk so he can rotate the screen and watch Netflix in bed on his computer. Should only cost $2 and vastly increases quality of life :D

Other things:

-- Ties for wire management -

-- Rotating Power strip and duct tape to tape that shit to the underside of the desk (beer will be spilled at some point) -

-- Computer lock and cable to stop pesky thieves

-- LEDs that are daisy-chained and can be plugged into a USB

-- A USB hub for all his gadgets

-- Wireless bluetooth speaker (many uses outside of his normal computing)

-- Microsoft ergonomic keyboard 4000 - most comfortable keyboard ever -

-- Bluetooth touch mouse -

-- Exercise ball chair (also, with that weight limit... Lots of fun can be had doing.. Activities.. Of all sorts... Ahem..) -

-- Some sweet headphones -

-- A handheld wireless keyboard/mouse (not what you think, this is badass. I have one. He can use it for presentations and stuff too) -

-- Go to a pawn shop and get a third computer monitor (make sure his gfx card can handle it)

-- USB can cooler or 'hot plate' that keeps either your can of beer cool or your coffee warm

Anything with a link I own and definitely recommend.

u/smashdragon · 2 pointsr/neoliberal
  • You can make a serviceable standing desk by stacking a small table on top of a desk.

  • If you're using a computer, make sure the monitor is at eye level. Screen risers are good, but stack books under your monitor if you're slumming it

  • If you're writing on paper, having an angled work surface like a drafting table is better for your back, wrists and arms.

  • Exercise balls are a good alternative for desk chairs, they force you to adopt better posture and engage the balancing muscles in your back. Balance ball chars are also a thing that secure you in place, making it more convenient

  • bad posture is an unfortunate reality for desk-workers. I've had back troubles for years. The best way to deal with it is to strengthen and stretch the muscles in your back. Take frequent stretch breaks (every hour or so), and probably once a day do a routine of planks, pushups, squats and dips (that's what I do anyway)
u/tmweth22 · 2 pointsr/LAlist

No worries.

My advice:

invest in

Iron Gym Total Upper Body Workout Bar


TRX Training - Suspension Trainer Basic Kit + Door Anchor, Complete Full Body Workouts Kit for Home and on the Road


URBNFit Exercise Ball (55 CM) for Stability & Yoga - Workout Guide Incuded - Professional Quality (Pink)


A pair of 20 pound dumbbells.

My apartment doesn't have a gym either, so I just work out in my room with these. There are a ton of resources online for workout routines so Google and Reddit are your friend.

If you can't drop 150 on the straps, just buy the other 3 items. That'll get you started. And remember...

u/vvwwvwvwv · 2 pointsr/BPD

also for physical relief, I like using a stress ball like this, and just squeezing the daylights out of it lol

and a cute plush pillow like this...

you can punch the crap out of them but they bounce back!

u/SeafoodDuder · 2 pointsr/Advice

Do anything else that'll get your mind off it. Listen to music, use a stress ball, go for a walk, etc.

Check out /r/stopsmoking. :)

u/redemily25 · 2 pointsr/beyondthebump

I bought one at the insistence of my husband's cousin's wife because she said it was a lifesaver. Glad to know others have had similar experiences. It's inflated and hanging out until I need it! Btw, for anyone concerned about the ball attempting to roll out from under you while you're trying to use it, I got one that has a ring like this: Also comes with the added bonus of resistance bands for those who are looking to use it to get in shape PP!

u/polishandpowders · 2 pointsr/breakingmom

A lot of it, to be honest, I just live with. I know that's a shit answer, but it's truth. I did some physical rehab for the mobility (my right leg has a more limited range of movement). I use a cane on bad days because a lot of the pain is tied to that one leg. And I take painkillers frequently. But yeah, it doesn't always do it. I also ruptured a disc last year so I use a giant ball to alleviate some of that compounded pain and that helps a lot.

But really most of it is just knowing and respecting my limits, not overdoing it on bad days, etc.

u/fiskemannen · 2 pointsr/Fitness

Tuna is great for snacking and small meals. Works great in a salad (get some vitamins). On a sandwich (get proper, fibre-rich, very brown, bread) for some fibre withat protein. get a slab of tuna for some great steaks.

Barbeque? Tune steaks & salmon are delicious.

Salmon is easy to make- chuck it in the oven for 20mins, lovely. Splash a dash of sweet soy sauce on it.

Cod is my favourite, though. Lovely with freshly squeezed lemon, or put some salt & vinegar on if your english :)

A lot of the time, I'll throw some fish in the oven (salmon, cod) then get a wok really hot, chuck in vegetables and get them fried, then grab the fish, throw it in the wok and mix with the veg, season for great success.
Eat with rice.

Check this out:

The gaming sounds like it's your social & romantic life. Don't stop that, but consider standing while playing, or sitting on an exercise ball like this:
You'll be working out (core muscles, lower back) while enjoying yourself. Won't even notice it after you've used it a couple of times :)

u/agitatedandroid · 1 pointr/pcmasterrace

I'm sitting on a blue one of these as I type this. It's pretty durable. I've been sitting on it for 5 years now. Helped out my lower back pain.

u/JadinDeSade · 1 pointr/Fitness

Exercise Ball (Multiple Sizes) for Fitness, Stability, Balance & Yoga - Workout Guide & Quick Pump Included - Anti Burst Professional Quality Design (Red, 65CM)

u/yfront · 1 pointr/Strongman
u/EmeraldGirl · 1 pointr/AskReddit

If you have to sit, sit properly. I have a hard time sitting properly in a desk chair, so I sit on a exercise ball. It really has done a lot for my back pain.

Edit: Make sure to keep your kitty's claws trimmed.

u/glucoseboy · 1 pointr/buildapc
u/moremittens · 1 pointr/AskReddit

Here's something you can try to make those hours at work count: get an exercise ball (like this one) and sit on it instead of using a chair. You will be using your core muscles to balance and incidentally burning up quite a few random calories.

u/notentirelyperfect · 1 pointr/loseit

I got [this one] ( The 75 cm(IMO) was the way to go for a desk job. I thought I had ordered a 65 cm, but am happy either I or Amazon was mistaken. It comes with a pump, and I haven't had to repump it since I got it a few months ago (don't use it all day every day, but try to use it for a couple hours a day).

u/flyingmountain · 1 pointr/Frugal

Exercise ball, $13.

Best possible thing to strengthen your core and improve posture while sitting.

u/the_saddest_trombone · 1 pointr/BabyBumps

I'm so sorry! I was on it the whole stretch too. My husband asked me last night when I wanted to try for a second and I cried because God, pregnancy sucks so hard.

I also had a bit of luck sitting on an exercise ball and sleeping on a wedge.

Nothing actually made it 'better' though. Fortunately all of it was better the second she was born. I was practically skipping through
the hospital...

u/DutchDooley · 1 pointr/sysadmin

GoFit 75CM exercise ball

Not sure about your neck and hands though?

u/unfilter · 1 pointr/bjj

they come in different sizes. the smaller ones are harder to balance on. so as a novice, i'd start with a 75cm one.

brand doesn't matter so much as long as it's anti-burst.

here's one for $20

u/RubSomeFunkOnIt · 1 pointr/Games

I often sit on a yoga ball. If you're interested in a cheap chair that won't destroy your back you can pick a good one up for less than $30. In fact, here is one available in a variety of sizes with a 2000 lb weight limit.

u/Mishiiee · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

This Balance Ball kit would so help me to actually start working out some. It's right around the $20 limit. And I've been eyeing it for a while now because I need to start getting more active.

This contest is awesome, and I wish that healthy things (food, equipment, etc) wasn't so darn pricey!

u/ihearthelicase · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

So I bought one of [these guys] ( sitting on it isn't difficult at all—unless you want it to be. You can hold your abs in to make it a bit more active and sometimes I rest my forearms on my desk and lift my feet up off of the floor. That give you a REALLY great workout. But honestly, I've noticed a difference just sitting on the thing without doing anything special. This ball in particular came with a workout DVD too in case you want to make the ball multipurpose. I've found that sitting on the ball works in two ways for me, it strengthens my core (my physical therapist told me a weak core is part of the problem with my back), and it's just more comfortable to sit on and takes stress off my back.

I'm 5'5-1/2 or 5'6 depending on who's measuring me lol and my desktop is 76cm high and I ended up going with the biggest size ball (75cm). The next size down (65cm) was alright, but I prefer to sit pretty high at my desk. From what I've read online (and what felt most comfortable to me) I make sure I can sit with good posture, bend my elbows to a 90 degree angle, and rest my forearms on the desk without raising my shoulders or doing anything funky to my posture/arms/legs.

Holy crap, that was long winded. I guess I'm just a huge advocate of these things since it has helped me tremendously (and for only 20 bucks!) Is any of that info helpful?

u/aztec04 · 1 pointr/ChronicPain

I am not sure if I will be able to perform the yoga pose right away but I can try the roller. I tried using gym ball for pelvic exercises and they helped a lot.

u/Stardustedskies · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

This thing is pretty cool, it works wonders on abs and if you have a bad back. First used one at physical therapy, I have wanted one ever since.

Thanks for the contest.

Edit: Wording...

u/captain_thrace · 0 pointsr/AskDocs

If you can get away with it in your office, try bringing one of these to sit on instead of your regular chair. It requires you to make lots of micro adjustments while you're sitting, and helps you be a little bit more active while you're sitting at work.