Best communication skills books according to redditors

We found 267 Reddit comments discussing the best communication skills books. We ranked the 104 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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Top Reddit comments about Communication Skills:

u/Dai_Tensai · 46 pointsr/TwoXChromosomes

I recommend that you get and read it. It will help with this, and it also offers some useful pointers for communicating, generally. Very useful for a litigator. I also recommend which has only a small section on this but is invaluable as a handbook.


I suggest leveling whenever this happens. Express your objection, and the reason for it, and ask for an apology. Watch closely the reaction. If the person is speaking in good faith, talk it out. You are a professional advocate. They are a laymen. You will win; if by some chance you don't work out why, and adjust your technique accordingly. If they repent, forgive them. If at anytime they go rogue - resort to verbal attack, outright insult, false reasoning, etc - then stop talking it out and hammer them like you would an opponent who tried that in open court. Call them out on the insufficiency of their defense, state plainly the wrongdoing they have committed, and impose whatever sanctions are within your power to have imposed. Don't be ashamed to have your boyfriend pitch in if he's the one with more direct influence, which, in his home or at his family's appointment, he probably is.


Also, if you haven't passed the bar yet, then don't take being mistaken for a paralegal as an insult. You don't yet have a license that sets you apart from them and there are paralegals who differ from attorneys only in that they are unlicensed. Those would take a similar offense to you objecting to be compared to them.

u/JB_UK · 34 pointsr/videos

I agree, our news media share a common decline, with common causes, and often common bad guys. There's actually an excellent book about the decline in the British, American and Australian media, written by the guy who uncovered the tabloid phone hacking scandal, which is called Flat Earth News.

And the same guy, Nick Davies, also has a website with background documentation to the case studies presented in the book, for instance here about the building of mythology around Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

Edit: typo

u/Zeulodin · 19 pointsr/Romania

Roberto Bolano - The Savage Detectives - E genul de carte care nu te părăsește niciodată. Mă gândesc constant la ea, la mai bine de trei ani după ce am citit-o. E, într-o singură carte, o glorificare și în același timp o demistificare a stilului de viață boem.

Thomas Pynchon - Inherent Vice - Pynchon e printre autorii mei preferați, dar e un scriitor greu de citit de obicei, pentru că e dens, plin de referințe la orice de la jazz din anii 20 la fizică la teologie. Dar Inherent Vice nu e așa. E Pynchon-lite. E foarte digerabilă, ciudată, amuzantă și cool. Recomand foarte tare ca punct de intrare în Pynchon. S-a făcut și film.

Philip Roth - American Pastoral - Ca majoritatea romanelor americane bune, e despre moartea visului american. E scrisă foarte bine și o să te facă să fii nu de partea tinerilor radicali, ci a moșnegilor conservatori, ceea ce e impresionant în sine.

Nick Davies - Flat Earth News - Dacă ți se pare că presa a devenit foarte proastă în ultima vreme, nu ești doar tu. Tipul ăsta folosește presa tabloidă din UK și războiul din Irak ca să îți demonstreze cum și de ce asistăm la o degradare puternică a presei.

Jennifer Eggan - A Visit From The Goon Squad - Volum incredibil de mișto de povestiri legate între ele (protagonistul fiecărei povestiri e adesea un personaj secundar dintr-una precedentă) despre oamenii din jurul scenei punk, despre tinerețe, bătrânețe, despre sărăcie, bogăție. Acțiunea se petrece oriunde între ani 70 și viitorul apropiat.

Edit: Paul Murray - Skippy Dies - Are acțiunea plasată într-o școală catolică din Irlanda și urmărește un an din viața elevilor și a profesorilor de acolo. E o tragi-comedie genială care e atât de amuzantă în primele trei sferturi, că nu te aștepți niciodată să fie atât de tragică în ultima sa parte. Cea mai bună carte pe care am citit-o tot anul ăsta.

Spune-mi ce te-ar interesa mai mult, ca să îmi calibrez recomandările.

u/wasabicupcakes · 14 pointsr/jobs

Start with Secrets to Winning Office Politics.

I also like Dealing With People You Can't Stand.

Do not read these at work!

u/super_nice_shark · 14 pointsr/AskHR

Time to have a come-to-Jesus talk with this man. Brush up on your "crucial conversations" skills, let him know your expectations of him, that you support him, and see if he's interested in development opportunities. Basically - be a good leader. He'll either come around or he won't.

u/fgalv · 14 pointsr/technology

and read Nick Davies' Flat Earth News which is from 2009

u/irreleventuality · 12 pointsr/PepTalksWithPops

OK, kiddo, a couple of things here.

I can tell you're upset and feeling guilty, but take a minute to breathe deeply and relax. This is an extremely emotionally charged and heavy situation with great potential to go pear-shaped, yes, but this isn't insurmountable. You're not a terrible person for feeling this way because a) "I've had enough," is a legitimate reason to end a relationship, and b) you're trying very hard, almost too hard, to be respectful of his feelings.

First thing's first: Are you both OK, medically? A year without intimacy is a long time, and you don't really offer up any explanation for why. Are either of you sick or depressed? Have you just grown apart from him because he's not interested? Or, have you lost interest? The answer to this question will inform all your future decisions.

Second, what do you want here? Do you want to try to recover the relationship, or is it way too late? Recovery, of course, would start off with couple's therapy to identify what went wrong and how to better communicate with each other to prevent this happening in the future. If either of you are dealing with depression or other emotional trauma, individual therapy should also be considered. Medical issues should also be addressed as required.

You seem to indicate that you're all done, and it also seems like you've drifted away from him but he's still interested in you, so we'll proceed in that vein.

Have you been open and honest with your partner about how you're feeling? If not, this will be an even more difficult conversation because he'll feel blind-sided. If you are unsure of how to have a hard conversation like this, give Crucial Conversations a read. It can help you more safely navigate the murky waters of emotionally-charged conversations. A bit of individual therapy would not go amiss here, either. It will help you frame your ideas, temper your emotions and practice your words to help you prepare for the break-up. If you need help finding a free/low cost therapist and are in North America, dialing 2-1-1 will help you access community resources.

Practice your conversation, get used to saying what you will have to say. Pack your things and move your precious things to safety if you think there will be a chance for violence, and consider having a witness or two on hand just in case things get out of hand.

During your conversation, try to stay cool and collected. If he gets upset and starts accusing you of taking advantage of him, stay calm, tell him you can see why he would feel that way and assure him that was not your intent.

Remember: once you've responsibly broken it off with him, his emotions are not longer your concern, unless he's lashing out and making you feel unsafe (in which case, withdraw to safety or contact the police for help, whichever seems called for.)

Remember: you're not a bad person. People grow and change and relationships end. That doesn't mean either party was "bad" or "good." It just means the relationship has ended. Look at me: I'm Mormon. We believe marriage should be eternal. Forever. I'm divorced and remarried. Neither my ex or I would characterize the other as "evil." Don't get me wrong, I don't like my ex or want to spend any time near her if I don't have to, but I recognize that she's doing the best she can with what she's got and the two of us are just not compatible.

This will be hard, but I know you can do it, and I know you will do it responsibly. Regardless of what direction you choose, allow me to recommend seeing a good therapist before, during and after. Talking to a trained professional always helps.

I love you and am proud of you!



If I'm honest, a year without intimacy has probably gotten a little old for him, too. He may be ready for this to end as well.

u/zimzalabim · 11 pointsr/instructionaldesign

Read up on the following:

  • Bloom's taxonomy
  • Maslow's hierarchy of needs
  • User Interface design (UI)
  • User eXperience design (UX)
  • Educational psychology
  • Instructional Systems Design
  • Agile PM
  • Waterfall

    Get to grips with the following:
  • Authoring tools: Storyline, Captivate etc.
  • HTML5 (not necessary but helps)
  • MS Word (if you think you know enough teach yourself more!)

    A great book to read which outlines much of what you need to know is [Design for How People Learn by Julie Dirksen](design for how people learn (voices that matter) I give a copy of this book to all new IDs that I take on as it provides clear guides and excellent examples to illustrate the concepts.
u/PetitPoisMalefique · 10 pointsr/unitedkingdom

It's not journalism.

It's "news" websites, it is absolutely not journalism. It's not even "churnalism"[0], it is just page-click generation from things happening now.

Due to the infinite breadth of the web "news" can cover everything from the serious to the completely trivial. If we give this article more of our time and attention than an article on what is happening right now in Avdiivka then that that reflects badly on us, not the people providing such news-entertainment.

Real journalism is slow and expensive. We live in an age where spending a week or two getting to the bottom of a story is a wasted investment. By the time a the full story is uncovered everyone will have "moved on" and people won't pay it attention unless it is dramatically revealing somehow, which almost all of it will not be.

Journalism is seen as a wasted investment by papers and news media struggling to meet the bottom line.

Initially this led to churnalism, the process of barely re-writing stories from the wire before pushing out to live leading to a lack of critical eye and reporting PR puff pieces and heavily biased sources as "news". Now it has gone further and reporting twitter comments - even from effectively unknown people - is "news".

If Donald Trump tweets, then I considered that fair game for being news worthy. If someone random happens to say something a bit witty that the editor - I am not sure the correct term for someone who puts together these stories - it is not news and reprinting it as such is just pure entertainment. It is copying something witty for the sake of entertaining visitors and has absolutely no news worthiness. That it's put in both in text and then repeated as an embed is down to a combination of SEO and wanting to fill the page.

[0] Coined I think by Nick Davies in Flat Earth News, [2009]. Amazon links: UK US. A must read about the decline of British journalism which pre-dates the bulk of the phone hacking scandal, or at least the fallout from it and pre-dates the impact of twitter and social media on the news media.

u/hopkinsonf1 · 9 pointsr/formula1

Totally agreed. For what it's worth, this sounds like what Nick Davies called 'flat Earth news' - a story that gets repeated and repeated without anyone stopping to check the facts. If you're interested in how (pre-Trump, pre-Brexit) news is so vulnerable to falsehood, distortion and propaganda, it's well worth reading his book.

u/Sheft · 8 pointsr/TrueReddit

Anyone with a real interest in just how close the media is tied to PR firms should read Nick Davies's recent book Flat Earth News. You'll never trust journalists again:

u/Tangurena · 7 pointsr/AskReddit

There are a number of books that I think you ought to read to get a better understanding of office politics and how to cope/deal with them. All offices have politicking going on, and any company that claims otherwise is lying to you. Any time more than 2 people get together, there will be some sort of jostling for power and attention. When that happens at work, we call it "office politics".

Your library may have these, and if you get them, read them at home. Don't ever bring them into the office.

Corporate Confidential. HR is your enemy, not your friend. Gives a number of examples of what will destroy your career with companies, many of which you (and I) probably do without realizing the consequences.

The Passionate Programmer. The first edition of this book was called "my job went to India". While aimed at programmers, the points are to keep your mind and skills up to date as technology and business move too rapidly to let things get rusty.

To Be or Not to Be Intimidated.
Looking out for number one.
Million Dollar Habits. I feel that these 3 by Robert Ringer are very important. If you think his first book was about to intimidate others, you only read the press coverage. If you think his books are about real estate, then you only skimmed them. There are a lot of people in the world who will try to intimidate you into giving up what is yours, and he shows you what some of them are like, and what countermeasures you can use.

The Art of Deception. Bad title - it is about arguments, how to make them, win them and tell if you're hearing a bad one. Used to be called "rhetoric" when Plato and Aristotle taught the subject.

Snakes in Suits. There are some evil people out there. You'll work for some of them. You will be stabbed in the back by some of them.

Bullies, Tyrants, and Impossible People. One book on office politics and dealing with some of the worse sort.

The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense at Work. Some folks are very good with verbal manipulation, this book and the others in the series, cover how to deal with such people.

Winning with People. Most of the books this author writes are about managers and leadership. This book is more about people skills. It will be focused more at managers, but I think it is a good one.

The 48 Laws of Power. They have it. You want some. Light read with anecdotes. I like his other books as well.

Games At Work. Office politics.

It's All Politics. Yes it is.

Moral Politics. Liberals and conservatives, why do they think that way? You'll work with some of the opposite persuasion some day, so understanding where they come from is a reasonable idea. Most books on this subject are insulting and degrading, but I think this one is pretty much judgement-free.

> When I walk by him going to the bathroom, he will stop talking until I walk by.

Do the same. When they come to your desk, always brush them aside with "I'm sorry, I can't talk now, I'm busy working".

u/drakewolf24 · 7 pointsr/cscareerquestions

+1 for Corporate Confidential, it's a really good book.

I also recommend Secrets to Winning at Office Politics.

u/exotekmedia · 7 pointsr/instructionaldesign

There are plenty of "accidental IDs" and self-taught IDs on here (myself included). I have since obtained a bunch of ID related certificates and dedicated myself to this field, but I started as a "guy who knew a bunch of computer stuff and graphic software". I would start out picking up the basics: books and videos followed up with doing example projects on my own. Books:

Accidental Instructional Designer

Design for how people learn:

u/cn1ght · 6 pointsr/financialindependence
  1. helps with conversations on difficult topics. There may be a revised version by now.

  2. You are engaged to someone and are only now finding this out?

  3. He makes 6 figures and has credit card debt? He is probably not looking to FIRE.

  4. is a better place to ask.

  5. Intentionally left blank to make the list seem longer.

  6. If none of the above steps help then do not marry him.
u/wollstonecraftfan · 6 pointsr/JustNoSO

No therapy is probably going to make this harder. Have you looked into anti anxiety medication with your GP? Even if it's to get the edge off while you try to work things out?


Anyways, fellow depression/anxiety/lashes out when stressed sufferer here. There's a couple of things that have helped for me:

- Build alternative communication skills. One of my biggest problems was that I didn't know how to properly voice my issues with my SO or anybody else for that matter. My first method of action was being passive aggressive or snide. When I realized what I was doing, I jumped to the other extreme and bottled it all up. Can't ruin things if you're not saying anything, amiright?! But then that would just explode later and cause more problems. A book that helped me very much is Crucial Conversations. It speaks about the thinking fallacies people tend to have (choosing between being honest and being nice), common communication mistakes and a step by step plan on how you can bring hard topics to the table. I use these basics in normal conversations too, when the "stakes" aren't as high. Having an alternative method for me to switch to, instead of my old ones, really helped.

- Change your internal narrative. Another thing that has been absolutely exhausting to deal with is the constant internal monologue about not being good enough, nice enough, kind enough. I should, I need to, if I was a great person I would... If you constantly beat yourself down, you stay down and words have meaning and a certain weight on their own. If I keep telling myself that I suck and I was an idiot for doing xyz, that feeling will stay. I would strongly advice reading A Guide to Rational Living by Albert Ellis. It's a bit of an old book, but I felt like they guy described perfectly what goes on inside my head. By telling yourself that you did something "less than ideal" instead of "incredibly stupid" you kind of take the edge off the situation. I know it sounds stupid, but I've been trying to get into the habit of this and found that after a while I went from having a meltdown of "OMG HOW COULD I BE SUCH AN IDIOT, I WILL NEVER LEARN?!" to facepalming, sighing at myself and be very firm in doing better next time. The energy I save with that, that I would otherwise have wasted, is very useful for other things.

- Change your external narrative. Words have a meaning and interpretations. Sometimes we're raised with ways of phrasing things and don't even realize what exactly it is we're saying. I found that I had a tendency of trying to subconsciously manipulate those around me through language. Basically shoving my feelings onto someone else, so they would make me feel better. Obviously things like bullying are big, clear markers, but there's a lot more subtle ways that people do it and don't even realize. The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense by Suzette Elgin discusses how one would use language against others without being overly aggressive. It made me realize how people were actually manipulating me, but also how I was manipulating them. Have you ever used something like "Well, if you really loved me you would..." or "Even someone like you would understand...". Big communication nono's, but because they're not as aggressive like "You're a bitch" or "Get fucked", people tend to not notice them. By recognizing these patterns being used on you and you using themselves, you can stop using them but also learn tools on how to deal when someone uses them on you.

- Self reflect, self reflect, self reflect. Through my education I was forced to constantly look at my strong and weak points. I had to write assessments twice a year on what I did right and wrong, with proof. And believe me, if you either had an assessment that was all negative or all positive the teachers would have a talk with you about how well you were reflecting. Then after college I landed in a job where every year I had to do the exact darn thing. What had I learned this year? What did I improve since last year? What are my goals for next year? How do I plan to achieve those goals and why did I have those goals? What are reasonable, doable steps to not only achieve the goals, but to also improve some weaknesses? Again, and again, and again. It's hard to say you suck and can't do anything write and you don't have any good qualities when you're forced to look at yourself and point out what your good qualities are. You start usually with small or general things like "well... I'm always on time to work" or "well... I don't maim animals." While I learned this through circumstances, a friend recommended Acceptance: Time to Self-Reflect for Personal Growth by Dr. Olivia Miller as a good starting point. Where are you at now and where do you want to be next year around this time? How are you planning on getting there? What are small, reasonable steps to get there?

- Get to know yourself. Last tip I can give you is that YOU focus on YOU first. Do you have a clear self image of who you are? What do you want in life? What are your likes and dislikes? What would your ideal self and world be 2, 5, 10 years from now? Would you want to be a successful writer? Would you rather have traveled the globe? Or be a doctor, communication expert at a company, mother of 2 kids, have 2 dogs and a cat? People who don't have a clear outline of who they are, tend to be less secure and more often to lash out to others. Having a relationship with someone, while you don't like or know yourself tends to be a disaster. Because people will tend to try and get an identity or validation through the other person to feel good. Then when that other person does something away from the partner (like go on an outing with friends, talk to another person of the opposite gender or just not pick up the phone) the partner become insecure and might lash out because of it. This combines with the self reflecting, who ARE you? What do YOU want? Things like self confidence and high self esteem are nice and dandy, but they can't exist if you don't have a good idea of who you are. Start with looking at yourself first, before looking at your SO. Start small: what food do you like and dislike? What's your favorite color? Favorite way of eating an egg? Then build up the scale: Do you want a pet? Cat or a dog or something completely different? How many? Go higher again: Do you want kids? If so, why and how many? Would you like to be married? Why or why not? And higher again: What do you look for in a spouse? What would your ideal career look like? Until you've got a clear picture of who you are.

Obviously there's a lot of other stuff you can do, but I'd start with those five and go from there.

u/Remixer96 · 6 pointsr/AskReddit

The future direction of news and how it can be improved
Links in this section are RSS feeds

Jay Rosen is my favorite author on the subject:

u/aDDnTN · 6 pointsr/motorcycles

You are in England, right?

Go get a copy of Motorcycle Roadcraft: The Police Rider's Handbook

It is the most honest, frank, broad and informative guide to staying alive and in control on a motorcycle on the roads today that exists. It's the textbook for british empire motorcycle police.

I got a copy for xmas and the giver had to pay import tax and shipping from New Zealand, but they practically give these things away to locals. You can likely find the older edition in a bin or find someone happy to hand it down. for more info.

u/verkan · 5 pointsr/PowerBI

I found this useful>Big Book of Dashboard Design

u/myth84 · 5 pointsr/videos
u/cyberbotsaber · 5 pointsr/tableau

Tableau's own video tutorials are really good!

The Big Book of Dashboards ( gives a good idea of domain specific dashboards and best practices on dashboard creation.

u/fraidycat · 5 pointsr/relationship_advice

The only thing you can control is your own reaction to things. Ignoring him when he's giving you the silent treatment doesn't seem like the best approach, since that's what you're mad at him for doing. For tips on having difficult conversations, I really recommend the book Crucial Conversations. It's a quick read, and you seem like someone who would be able to apply its lessons to other areas of your life, too. Good luck!

u/HideousAndSeek · 5 pointsr/exchristian

I feel for you. I used to be in a relationship with an atheist and remember rehearsing during my drive home from work how I would break the news that I would be giving 10% of my earned income to the church because.. God. Thankfully I never had the courage to tell her and thankfully I started reading atheist books and dropped the superstition.


It's a tight situation for you - totally. It looks like you both have a few Crucial Conversations ahead of you.


I'm not sure how I feel about deconverting your wife... I would suggest using Street Epistemology if you do - but really it's about the shared vision for your family and your home and whether donating 10% to a church will help accomplish what you two are setting out to do.

u/SharpSightLabs · 5 pointsr/analytics

Cool, thanks for the details.

First, the good news:
You might already realize it, but this is a tremendous field to be in. The opportunity is absolutely massive. To put it simply, I’ll say that the world (companies, institutions, and soon, individuals) are currently generating more data than we can analyze. And year-over-year we’re generating data at a faster rate.

People who are excellent at analyzing data will have lots of high-salary, high-benefit opportunities (as it is, if you have the right skill set, it’s common to get contacted by Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon; these companies all need skilled analytics workers).

Now, the challenge:
Learning analytics is hard.

Game plan:

Short Term:

In the short term you should focus on data visualization and “visual communication.” This means, communicating with charts, graphs, and images in place of excessive words. I won’t go into the details, but the human mind is wired for visual inputs. We don’t process spreadsheets, tables, and prose that well. However, our brains are sort of wired for visual inputs. The phrase “a picture speaks a thousand words” is fairly accurate.

I agree that “storytelling” is necessary, but I sometimes dislike it because I think it confuses what we’re actually doing. Let me unpack that term a little: storytelling actually means 1. finding valuable insights, 2. communicating valuable insights.

In the early stages of your career, the easiest way to find insights and communicate them is with visualization. (note that machine learning is also awesome for finding insightful information; it will be extremely difficult to teach yourself ML though, so hold off on that until you can take a class and have a mentor at work.)

That said, here’s what you should focus on:

1. Master the “Big 3” visualizations, with all their variations
i. Bar Chart
ii. Line Chart
iii. Scatterplot

What’s important is not just being able to do them, but being able to create them fast, accurately, and knowing when to use them. 80%+ of all reporting can be done with these 3 charts and their variants.

2. Learn conceptually how each visualization functions as a tool: when to use them, why, how they are best implemented, etc.
Nathan Yao’s Data Points is pretty good for this
Stephen Few’s books are also informative, but I like his material less than Yao’s.

3. Upgrade your tools
If you want to really develop in this career path, you have to move beyond Excel. Excel is great for quick-and-dirty tasks, but for a true analytics professional, it’s not a primary tool. (It doesn’t scale well at all, it’s functionality is limited, it’s more error prone, difficult to automate.)

Here are my two favorite tools, which I highly recommend. These are the tools that I wish I knew when I started:

Tableau, R

i. Tableau
Great for rapidly creating lots of visualizations (simple charts and graphs, as well as some exotic ones).
Great for creating dashboards (you need to have Tableau Server for this). Dashboards can take some work off of your plate if you learn to automate the process and can convince your business partners to accept an online dashboard instead of a weekly/monthly/quarterly powerpoint.

Automation can be difficult.
Tableau is bad at data wrangling. I really dislike doing any sort of data cleaning, merging, transformation in Tableau. Tableau just isn’t great at those tasks.

ii. R
Pros: Free and highly functional for data analytics. It’s very functionality is centered around analyzing data.
Cons: The learning curve is a bit steep. It takes time.

4. Master Presentation Design
Because your deliverables are mostly PowerPoint presentations (PPTs), you should really learn slide design. Honestly, if you do this right, you’ll be ahead of most analysts; most presentations are not well designed.

i. Presentation Zen, by Garr Reynolds

ii. Clear and to the Point, by Stephen Kosslyn

In the medium to long term, you’ll need to learn “data wrangling” (gathering, combining, re-shaping data).
I’d highly recommend learning SQL and R’s “plyr” package.

If you’re serious about analytics, you should start reading my blog. I’m writing about how to learn analytics step-by-step, and I’ll eventually cover all of these above topics (data visualization, R, Tableau, data wrangling, presentation design).

Also, if you have specific questions, stop by the blog and contact me on the “Contact” page.

All the best,

u/orchidsandtea · 4 pointsr/femalefashionadvice

I swear, growing older is amazing (and that's the best-kept secret, because I had no idea how much better each year gets). You are fine, and as long as you're kind to yourself and remember your worth, you'll do just fine. You'll survive this and get the hell out, to a place where you can wear properly-fitted clothes without harassment. You'll grow more confident and better-informed.

I'm only 25, but I kid you not, every year since 21 has been a new high. There's been tough times (understatement), but fundamentally, I'm good and getting better. My mother says the 30s are where it really gets good, but that every decade she knows her strength more and likes herself better.

Hang in there. BTW, resources: Captain Awkward for life and relationships of all kinds, Ask A Manager for workplace issues, The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense for de-escalating things that would otherwise lead to conflict.

u/heslooooooo · 4 pointsr/unitedkingdom

If you're interested in this sort of thing you should definitely read Nick Davies Flat Earth News.

u/lugubriousmoron · 4 pointsr/instructionaldesign

I have recently gone through a ton of interviews for various ID positions and I will share my experience with you.

Some companies are going to be focused on your process for developing courses and curriculum from beginning to end. Being familiar with adult learning theories, ADDIE, Kirkpatrick Model, ect. will help you get into an entry level role if you can competently demonstrate your grasp of those subjects. You will also be asked to speak to your experience working with SMEs, project planning, how you see yourself functioning within a team, and how you pursue individual projects.

Other places are going to be more concerned with the technology itself. How many authoring tools can you use? Do you know HTML/CSS/Javascript? Are you good with Photoshop? Illustrator? After Effects? What experience do you having working with Learning Management Systems? What is your approach to data and analytics? Do you have experience using SCORM or XAPI? Can you show examples of work you've created across multiple modalities? You may even be asked to complete a short design assignment where you are given some branding material and asked to storyboard or outright create an entire course.

My opinion is that since you already have a degree in Psychology and professional experience as an event manager, you could easily parlay that knowledge and skill set into the theory and conceptual aspects of ID. There are plenty of great books you can read to supplement your degree like this and this. If you feel like you are lacking in the technology department then definitely go get experience using all the tools you can get your hands on. Employers wants to see real examples of real work, so the faster you can start building things the better. Not just courses but all the other things associated with ID like storyboards, job aids, and lesson plans.

Again just my opinion, but I believe ID is a field open to many types of professionals. It's just a matter of filling in the gaps where you may need it. I have a degree in English/Professional Writing and started off my career doing tech support. There have been positions where I've had the title of "Instructional Designer" and barely had a single course up in the LMS that was mine because I was focused on script writing, video production, and managing assessments. Just to give you a personal example of the different paths you can take.

If you have any more questions I'd be more than happy to help out in any way I can. Good luck!!!

u/[deleted] · 3 pointsr/sorceryofthespectacle

I'd like to say something good about it, but I can't, it's pure crackpottery, "meme magic" is the cultural analogue of creationism. Memetic Magic doesn't even respect the subject matter of memetics honestly: no outside sources are given, Richard Dawkins isn't even mentioned despite having coined the word "meme." There is next to no critical thought applied in the examination of claims given wholesale as unqualified, unexamined Truth.

If you're interested in memetics, start with Dawkins: at least The Selfish Gene, and preferably The Extended Phenotype, and The Blind Watchmaker. to get more of a perspective to his evolutionary point of view. I think that Dawkins' genetic reductionism is a valuable perspective, but a vastly incomplete account in itself.

Susan Blackmore's The Meme Machine is another good source.

Media Virus: Hidden Agendas In Popular Culture by Douglas Rushkoff is essential. Here is a section describing experimental and very weird memetic engineering that occurred in the early 90's on the internet.

Memetics is the extension of the paradigm of biological evolution to that of some aspects of conscious experience (interaction of ideas between minds,) an idea that goes back to Darwin. The concept of extension is essential to memetics, and is part of the reason why "The Extended Phenotype" is such a valuable read. An extension of evolutionary theory into the fields of epistemology and metaphysics is process philosophy, which is my current obsession.

Here's some of my own meme magic in the form of video clips that came together out of living conversations out of long periods of time until they felt "right." The goal is to convey feeling, and inspire the sense of unexplored connections.

u/batbdotb · 3 pointsr/GetMotivated

> This is generally true, but there's also the situation where you're just not very good at something and it's stressful and overwhelming to adapt.

First of all, I respect your discernment. Agree/disagree comments are fine, but when someone provides a conditional agree/disagree comment - it demonstrates a certain degree of intellectual prowess.

> if you're fat and go to work out for the first time, that's gonna be a bitch. Or if you're learning to be a computer programmer for the first time

Are there some people in those situations though, who are enthusiastic instead of stressed?

Of course there are. In any given situation, there are infinite meanings humans can create out of their experience; and emotions are shaped by meanings.

Am I saying this is always easy? No, but it is a learn-able skill and it can become easy.

Crucial Conversations has some good tips on how to take this seemingly abstract conversations and translate it into concrete habits you can implement.

u/stickinitinaz · 3 pointsr/cigars

I feel the book "The Gentle Art of Verbal Self Defense" is a great starting point. It has been reprinted, revised and spun off quite a few times. i have the 1980 printing, you may find This one more applicable.

Verbal Judo I believe /u/leatherheadff has taken the course on this.

I can tell you IMO emails and texts are one of the most dangerous forms of communications in the modern world. You lose intonation, inflection and body language which most experts and studies say is 60-95% of actual communication. It is also way to easy to shoot something off in the heat of a moment (My gmail has a ten second delay were I can cancel the sending if I have second thoughts) or while responding emotionally.

A quick trick for handling work emails is to ask yourself am I "reacting" or "responding". Delete any reactive content. Also, try to talk like spock or a computer and never leave in content that you are tempted to put an emoticon near. Very few emails should or need to be more then a couple of sentences. Always leave the address bar blank when composing an email and if you hesitate for more then a second before hitting send something most likely needs to be changed.

Sorry for wall of text, Adderall is in full effect.

u/rcuhljr · 3 pointsr/videos

That's honestly a fairly major part of one of the more popular business communication books of late. There's a big focus on the stories we tell ourselves about other peoples statements and actions. Namely that most people tend to fill in the blanks very pessimistically and always assume bad intentions.

Text communication is the worst for this, I had someone flip thier shit a week ago because they read my "No idea, here's my best idea of what's going on" as "You're a dumbass, the answer is right in front of you stop asking stupid questions."

u/Lunnes · 3 pointsr/motorcycles

Motorcycle Roadcraft is also a good book for street riding

u/IdyllMermaid · 3 pointsr/TheGirlSurvivalGuide

I recommend this writer, she has a series of books on how to deal verbally with difficult people and difficult situations. This one in particular is about the work place

u/Allydarvel · 3 pointsr/unitedkingdom

They would go after the lawyer and his family. There's a good book by a journalist on how the Mail operates It's actually very good on how all newspapers work. The Mail chapter is scary.

You can read about their lawsuits here and see the penalties for losing are higher than for winning. Also..not very many for a shitstirring paper?

u/alpoverland · 3 pointsr/soccer

Read a great book about that almost a decade ago that explained the process of degradation and the consequences which were already in full swing since the early 2000's. Where we are now did not come as a surprise and I highly recommend the book, written by an English fella. Always have a couple of chuckles whenever I stroll through r/worldnews while witnessing the "being on the right side of history" hive mind. There's always that comment along the lines of "if only the other side knew how much they're being brainwashed!".

u/pinkstapler · 3 pointsr/exmormon

What a cool example! Thanks for sharing.

is this the book?

u/spit-evil-olive-tips · 3 pointsr/SeattleWA

Today's non-Joe Rogan podcast recommendation:

Ezra Klein interviewing an internet linguist (the author of Because Internet)

u/T_at · 3 pointsr/MotoIRELAND

Watch a couple of YouTube motorbike crash videos, and try to understand what happened and whether it could have been avoided.

When approaching junctions, pay close attention as drivers pulling out may not notice you. This is an interesting article explaining this.

As far as filtering to the front of traffic is concerned, don’t be in too much of a rush to do it. Stick in lane, essentially like a car, and get used to riding in traffic first.

On roads you’re familiar with, make sure you’re still riding within your ability to stop quickly if needed. Especially on twisty roads, be conscious of how far ahead you can see.

Pay attention to your lane position.

Importantly, ride at your own pace - don’t try to keep up with more experienced riders, however tempting it might be.

Oh yes, and one last thing, get yourself a copy of this - it has everything you need in an easy to read format.

u/elibonesginn · 3 pointsr/chemistry

Related: I really liked this book
The author bloviates a little too much, but the core themes are crucial. For anyone preparing a scientific presentation, I would recommend preparing as you normally do, then videotaping yourself. Then read the book and implement some of the points, and then videotape again and compare.

u/valfuindor · 3 pointsr/italy

In realtà ho visto degli inglesi che gesticolavano... sarà stata la birra, ma le mani non stavano granché ferme.

I gesti utilizzati per comunicare qualcosa, per altro, fanno parte di tante culture.

Ad esempio, mi regalarano il libro 70 Japanese gestures. Li usano moltissimo, al posto della comunicazione verbale. Anche con gli stranieri.

u/starrywonders · 3 pointsr/selfimprovement

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When the Stakes are High

u/42campaigns · 3 pointsr/marketing

If you ever want to present, you have to be good at it. I highly recommend Presentation Zen . There are a lot of other good books, but this is a great foundation.

u/whiskey_pants · 2 pointsr/sexover30

I've read a lot and sometimes they meld into my head over time (and it's been a few years for me on this topic) but I do think both of these are worth reading if you are stuck in a toxic mix of bad patterns of behavior:
Crucial Conversations --
Crucial Accountability

Likely that second one will help her STOP taking accountability for things that are NOT her problem and allow her to feel okay to back away when that is part of the issue.

u/throwaway5272 · 2 pointsr/Enough_Sanders_Spam

I finished Jia Tolentino's Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion yesterday and really just want to recommend it to everyone. Incisive essays that go in unexpected directions.

Then started Gretchen McCulloch's Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language and I'm enjoying it so far. Also looking at a few pages of this Yves Saint Laurent coffee table book each day because I'm a nerd.

Next, looking forward to Sady Doyle's Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers: Monstrosity, Patriarchy, and the Fear of Female Power.

u/taymacdougal · 2 pointsr/Entrepreneur

I'd recommend the book Crucial Conversations. Fantastic book on communication.

u/TheAuditor5 · 2 pointsr/unitedkingdom

Flat Earth news is a book all about this sort of 'churnalism'. Well worth a read.

u/Write-y_McGee · 2 pointsr/DestructiveReaders

> I just assumed that the reader cares who I am and what I think. It might sound silly, but that really was an eye-opener.

It doesn't sound silly at all!

In fact, this is probably the single most common mistake that people make -- in all forms of interaction with others. We assume that people want to know what we are thinking, what we are doing, what we have done, etc. It is pretty much the basic bias that we all have.

This is also why the simplest hook in non-fiction is to show the reader how they are impacted by what you are discussing.

Of course, I should make it clear that this not the only approach. People read biographies all the time, and so you can get them to care about other people -- provided those other people are interesting. Or, even, perhaps the other person has a problem they find interesting or care about.

For example, another good hook that might draw the reader into a story is:

"I escaped death today."

Even though I don't really care about you yet, I might care that you were about to die. Though it is a bit salacious, it is something that people are interested in (see: rubbernecking at a car accident, where people have no idea who the people involved were, but care deeply about what happened to them).

Anyway, the point is you must make the reader care about what you are going to talk about. Same as in fiction, there are many ways to do this, but it might still be done well.

Regarding the more specific points, arguments, I am happy to discuss these further too!

>objectively most of technology couldn't be directly tied to violent motivation

I was using violence in the less common definition:

"strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force."

I was also thinking about not just man v. man, but man v. nature, which I would maintain is the primary motivator for technological advancement.

The idea is that it is the survival instinct that provides for the 'curiosity' drive. However, the vast preponderance of 'curiosity' is linked to survival still.

Take your essay itself. By your own admission (if I am reading the story right), a major motivator for your thoughts was the idea that your survival was threatened, and could end at any given time. You then had to decide how you could live under such conditions, and this motivated the rest of the thought process. Thus, the 'curiosity' that you exhibited was inspired by a direct need to understand how one lives within a possible scenario.

Anyway, that is just my read on things.

>Yes, ultimately the simulation would be governed by the laws of physics but this places no direct limitations on computational complexity other than of course in regards to resource constraints which would impact performance, but not complexity. For example, a Turing machine can compute anything that is computable

theoretical Turing machine can compute anything, but a real world one cannot.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics ensures that this is the case, but you can also explain it with computation as well.

If there is a finite amount of energy in a system, then their is also a finite amount of information. I am thinking of Shannon entropy at this stage, which appears to be the most direct linkage between energy and information.

Given a finite resource, if one were to compute
anything, the computation would need to be reversible, as you could not afford to discard energy/information. Of course, a reversible computation requires three bits per computation (in terms of logic gates), and so this means that for every bit of information you wish to compute, you need three bits of information to compute it. (Here I am working from memory of The Feynman Lectures on Computation, which I read a while ago. I may have some details wrong, but the principle is the same).

The point here is thus, this: if we used all the energy (including mass energy) to store the computation, the simulation that results could only be approximately 1/3 as complex as the universe in which it is run, given the needs to run reversible computation.

Of course, you could get rid of the reversible requirement, but then this places a more fundamental limitation on the system, in terms of # of computations that could even be performed.

And, of course, reversible computation (at speeds less than infinitely slow) are also impossible, and so we run into the heat death problem anyway.

I think that is where I was coming from, when I said the simulation would, out of necessity, be simpler than the universe in which it was stored.

Anyway, I do hope that the all this is helpful. But even if it is not, at least it might be fun!

I would encourage you to keep writing stuff like this. This piece definitely shows that you have promise, you just need to practice the elements of writing non-fiction in a way that leverages the aspects of story telling to make it as engaging as possible.

I will be excited to see what else you write!


PS. I thought of some other books that I found useful, when I was first learning to write non-fiction.

Tell it Slant]( A book more generally about how to write non-fiction (not just science-based non-fiction). It is more about how to weave a story, and leverage many of the basic tricks of literature/language to your advantage.

Made to Stick]( A book on marketing, but one that shows us how important it is to keep a message simple and engaging, if we want people to remember the message. And if you are writing non-fiction, remembering the message/information, is often the goal.

Don't be such a scientist*]( If you want to concentrate on science/technology writing, you will eventually run into the problem where you are giving too much technical detail and caveats. This will bog down the writing. This book shows why this is a problem, and why (many times) you will have to accept saying things that are not 100% correct, in service of the story/message you are trying to get across. I know this sounds crazy, but I am a firm believer in this now. If you write something that is 100% correct, but boring, no one will read it. You might not have even written it. If you right something where the core message is correct, but the details are not necessarily supported strongly, but it is engaging, this is more useful. It is hard to do this justice, without going through the entirety of this book, so I would just encourage you to read it.

u/ebilgenius · 2 pointsr/bestof

Give Flat Earth News a read, it's not even about political news, just news in general. There are examples showing how everyone uses bad scientific conclusions and just poor reporting in general to make false conclusions to further a goal or just to make money.

Also if you like that you'd also like Propoganda by Edward Bernays.

u/Honest_Signalz · 2 pointsr/seduction

Yeah, and she also has a book called "It's the way you say it."

Otherwise get a voice coach if necessary, and practice practice practice. Once you get a better appreciation of how things work, learn to consciously implement what you've learned on a daily basis.

On a related note, when i was trying to improve my french accent I read out loud and watched a lot of tv and films in french so that i could mimic what they were saying to the point where the accent and mannerisms of that language became second nature.

u/Dowf · 2 pointsr/grammar

Besides reading, pick up a grammar guide and brush up on whatever you think needs work. I'm not sure I'm allowed to link to amazon on this sub, but I like McGraw-Hill's Handbook of English Grammar and Usage. As you mentioned, it can take a while to improve, but a regular program of reading and writing practice should stand you in good stead when it comes to syntax and grammar.

By the way, Strunk & White can be helpful but don't take their book for gospel truth. Language is flexible.


u/aeon-lakes · 2 pointsr/motorcycles

Here in New Zealand (road crash death rate about 9 / 100 000 per year for reference) I have a couple of close calls per year, riding about 10 000km per year. And by 'close call' I mean an occasion when hard braking, swerving or brisk acceleration is required to prevent a collision. And none close enough to cause more than a brief rise in heart rate either. That's way fewer than I had when commuting by bicycle BTW and close calls on the bicycle are generally scarier as well —Kiwi drivers hate bicycles on the road with a rabid passion and will force them into the kerb. A motorcyclist just might be a gang member and makes a bigger dent in the ute, so more caution is applied ...

Predicting that something stupid is about to happen and deliberately not being there when it does; or seeing dumb-arse stuff happen nearby is way more common. Probably a daily occurrence. Still working on the prediction skills, I'd like to get the close call rate down even lower.

You posted you did an MSF course, so that puts you in the US? Have a look at the MCRider channel on youtube —that has lots of tips on road strategy to help you predict what might happen and his videos are on your kind of roads. Other useful resources are 'The Science of Being Seen' and Roadcraft: The Police Rider's Handbook. Although the latter is a more 'drive on the left' and most applicable to UK/NZ type conditions, it does have useful tips on prediction and a system you can apply.

u/Steev182 · 2 pointsr/motorcycles

It's possible to ride in a way that protects yourself from the actions of others.

This book has been invaluable to me.

u/gaums · 2 pointsr/occult

Get these books:

Logic Deductive and Inductive

McGraw-Hill Handbook of English Grammar and Usage, 2nd Edition

Thank You For Arguing, Revised and Updated Edition.

Start studying each one of them.
When you start studying, you will be practicing trivium.

u/katzider · 2 pointsr/Guadalajara también da clases de manejo táctico. De hecho ese compa es el que da cursos a la policía de Guadalajara y otras corporaciones en otros estados. Un libro que me gusta bastante para ese tipo de manejo es el que usan como libro de texto en UK. Se enfoca mucho en la psicología y manejo bajo presión. Está pa kindle aquí. Saludos.

u/elearningblends · 2 pointsr/instructionaldesign

My absolute favorite. Design for how people learn by Julie Dirksen. Explores motivational aspects of how we pay attention.

u/username_for_redit · 2 pointsr/MotoUK

Motorcycle roadcraft: the police rider's handbook

^ I think that book has all the answers.

u/Romowens · 2 pointsr/tableau

I did some research a few years ago and put together a 32 page word doc with interesting facts I found. Such as...


Why data visualization over text reports?

The human brain receives 8.75 megabits of data from the eye every second.

An average person comprehends 120 words per minute reading.

That is equivalent to 81.6 bits of data per second.

As you can see, human eyes are able to absorb and grasp information more easily through visuals and images than texts and numerical figures.



Also put a long list of different chart types with the usage and pros/cons of each. Then the last part was basically a thought process on how to design a dashboard that is helpful but not too busy or hard to use for the common customer. Stuff like not using too many types of fonts, make sure fonts are readable, limit using a large palette of colors, avoid distracting colors, verify your tooltips are helpful or remove them and other things like that. It also has a really good checklist I found somewhere with things like this...

What questions are you trying to answer?

· Does this visualization answer all of your questions?

· Is the purpose of the visualization clearly explained in its title or surrounding text?

· Can you understand the visualization in 30 seconds or less, without additional information?

· Does your visualization include a title? Is that title simple, informative, and eye-catching?

· Does your visualization include subtitles to guide your viewers?



I plagiarized a lot with this. But it started as a document for myself as I started down my data visualization career. Now it's used pretty extensively around my department. I really enjoyed this book and the insights that were shared in it.


u/frodotroublebaggins · 2 pointsr/suggestmeabook

If you're looking for a book about communicating better, I'd recommend Crucial Conversations.

u/Djinn-n-Juice · 2 pointsr/instructionaldesign

From my experience, it can actually make Instructional Design harder when you highly knowledgeable with the content. A big, vague suggestion: return to the objectives and try to cut any content that doesn't directly pertain to training those objectives.

It may also be useful to think about scenarios or examples, and using them more frequently. This can often make the content more easy to follow, and provide learners with more of a frame of reference. Even with the same amount of learning content, the right structure for the learning can make it an easier learning experience.

As an example, I'm working on healthcare training courses right now that started off as 20-page documents about processes, rules, etcetera. I've whittled that content down into narratives that can be covered in 5- to 8-minute lessons focused on an example employee's experiences. About every minute, learners answer one or two questions that directly tie back to the learning objectives. (Wish I could share the actual content, but I can't.)

If you are still new to the field, I would recommend reading Design for How People Learn, which covers some helpful strategies to get started, and is also an entertaining and quick read. This also makes it a good example of a great educational resource, and may give you some new ideas based on the approach used in the book!

I hope these ideas help a bit as you figure out how to get started!

u/lochiel · 2 pointsr/MensLib

It seems that if I express any negative emotion, people think I'm angry or scarey or both. It feels like I'm not allowed to have genuine feelings in case I accidentally express myself in a way others see as threatening. Which is really hard for me because I wear my emotions on my sleeve. And let's not get into the mixed messages or inconsistent standards.

What I have found that works are the methodology from the book Crucial Conversations.

  • Keep in mind that you can only change yourself.
  • Watch for when a conversation becomes critical; ie, be aware of your emotional state and constantly understand why it's changing.
  • Focus on your goal; ie don't let your emotions run away with you, instead stay focused on manage the situation.
  • Keep the conversation "safe" for others. Don't do or behave in a way that will discourage others from communicating.

    The book has a bunch of other advice about managing others' emotional state and keeping conversations unencumbered with drama, but those are the guidelines that I've found have worked well for me to manage my own emotional state.
u/tehzephyrsong · 2 pointsr/Pets

This isn't really the kind of thing you can do a slow transition with - to the cat, if you sometimes let him out and sometimes don't, you're just changing the rules every day, and that will only be more confusing and upsetting for him. You've got to just stop letting him out. He'll cry about it but he'll get over it within a few days. You might want to pick up a copy of The Fastidious Feline, for tips on re-training him to use a litterbox; I imagine that will be the most challenging part of the transition.

u/RCM94 · 2 pointsr/OutOfTheLoop

If you're interested in this kind of thing I just listened to this book and it goes into stuff like this.

u/CrimsonOwl1181 · 2 pointsr/OutOfTheLoop

I was just listening to an audiobook about this exact topic regarding punctuation and sentence structure and how it relates to the when people got on the internet ( relative to the age of the internet, not the people).

It's quite fascinating to see the perspective of an actual linguist about how we talk online and the way different people interpret every aspect of a message.

u/117L7 · 2 pointsr/RedditForGrownups

I recommend "Crucial Conversations" (Amazon). This is one of the books we used at work for management training.

u/itzrainingskittles · 2 pointsr/Advice

Hi there. I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder back in college (10 years ago), and I could tell it was much more than just shyness or introversion. I've always been a quiet awkward kid growing up, so I think genetics and my sheltered upbringing might've caused it.

Symptoms: when I'm with people I end up being all quiet and awkward, too. I tend to smile a lot and my mind goes blank or perhaps into a panic mode. It felt as if words were stuck behind a locked door and I could not reach for my true personality.

People and dates have said I seem a lot more confident chatting online and expressing myself, but in person I'm like a statue or limp doll. People asked me too many favors because I was afraid of saying no or standing up for myself. My voice was lost in one of those locked doors.

Getting Help: I've tried cognitive behavioral therapy and my doc also prescibed Lexapro but I only used it until 2011 (side effects include insomnia and other stuff..)

Recently, I've gone to see a therapist again (I havent gone in 5 years). She said it's very good that i'm self-aware, brave to open up and be vulnerable, and really motivated to change (secret: I get 3 free sessions before my insurance resets, so I was like, why not?)

I still do struggle with SAD, but my friends say I've improved much over the years.

I think what helped me the most is not the drug or the therapy, but the actual self-awareness and commitment to change. Not to change to please others, but to change so I could express myself better. To say the things I mean to say. To be eloquent and confident so that no one would misunderstand or mistreat me.

So I put myself in social situations. In college I joined a lot of clubs, met all kinds of people (albeit I would be the quiet one, but I made friends with other shy people!). Since my 20s, I've gone on many dates. A lot. Endured tons of rejections, but these experiences just taught me what to do and what not to do..

I listened to some good audiobooks..
It's the Way You Say It: Becoming Articulate, Well-spoken, and Clear

The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism

Nowadays I'm much more confident in my own skin. I found strategies on how to talk to strangers, coworkers, and often with friends, I'm the center of attention. But if you met me in high school or in my early college years, you'd probably think i'm the weird snobby wallflower.

Sometimes I still am. But hey, we're all works in progress, right? I just take things day by day, trying to improve myself with all the help available out there.

I guess in most things in life, it all starts with accepting yourself. Then determine what the problem is, see if there are solutions to fix it, and seek help from the experts. (side story: I almost broke a new watch, struggling the unlatch the deployment mechanism. Took me 45 mins and almost threw it out. Then I checked YouTube and the answer was in the very first video)

u/themusicalduck · 2 pointsr/MotoUK

It can be a bit tricky. There is a little more to think about and do for each manouevre that I wasn't doing before, and a few new things to think about that you aren't taught at all for the test (like in road positioning).

Basically they expect you to read Motorcycle Roadcraft and follow it to a tee.

How much experience do you have? If you've been riding for at least a year, I don't see why you couldn't do it.

u/apledger · 2 pointsr/instructionaldesign

What about field interest you? Elearning? Corporate training? High Tech? Higher Ed?

Look for job listings and ask yourself what it would take to meet the requirements (Check out the FAQ if you haven't already)

I would start by adapting my existing content into an online portfolio, learning some authoring tools (Storyline and Captivate are the big ones) and beginning to teach myself an ID-related skill I don't already possess.

To echo u/counttess, adult education is where the jobs are-- so you need to demonstrate your value to an organization that sees training solely in terms of ROI.

Oh, and start reading! Design for How People Learn might be a good starting point.

Good luck!

u/lasenorita · 2 pointsr/LearnJapanese

70 Japanese Gestures: No Language Communication would be a fun book to check out. It contains photos and brief descriptions of some of the most commonly used gestures. Here's an excerpt:
>11 | Wait a moment.
>「 Chotto matte
>Show the palm of one hand to the other person. It also means to wait there. Both hands are used at times.

>In the West, gestures meaning "wait" often involve raising your index finger. However, in Japan, showing the palm of one hand or both palms to the other person is the basic gesture. If the Western-style gesture for "wait" is made in Japan, the Japanese would think of it as "1," as in No. 1.

u/soulatwork · 2 pointsr/instructionaldesign

Have you read Presentation Zen? and/or its sequel Presentation Zen: Design? They really helped me focus on what I was putting into my slides, and how I designed my eLearning courses.

u/serinaxshyloh · 2 pointsr/mypartneristrans

Therapy - for both you and your partner, separately and as a couple (if you can manage it, I know that can be tough) - is my advice for a first step. It sounds like you're trying, but still struggling when you get reactions that you're not used to or prepared for. Communication is definitely a key thing and a good, trans-affirming therapist can be an incredibly helpful first step in overcoming that first hurdle. If you'd like something to help that's more immediately available, I recommend Crucial Conversations - it was incredibly helpful to me long before anything trans-related came up in my life.

Also, there's no need to compare your pain and struggles to hers. What she's going through is incredibly difficult, yes, but you shouldn't feel guilty for not understanding every part of it or having been through something similar. Belittling the experiences that made you who you are today will only make adjusting to all the changes in your lives that much more difficult. Her struggles are different from yours, and that's okay. You're both going to be going through a lot together as she begins her transition.

Be strong and sure in who you are and continue to choose to be there for your partner. That is extremely important in all of this. If the two of you love one another and are willing to put in the work, you can find a way through this rough patch. <3

u/shnooqichoons · 2 pointsr/britishproblems

Read Flat Earth News for an explanation.

u/malinny · 2 pointsr/autism

Jed Baker's social skills picture book is pretty nice for children with autism if you're looking for more of a "teaching" book

u/crescendodiminuendo · 2 pointsr/autism

The Social Skills Picture Book is a really good photographic guide to managing every day social situations too.

u/crankylinuxuser · 2 pointsr/linuxadmin

No, I don't. I work in that very place locally. And I like it.

Sure, we have problems. No place is immune to problems - but its how you deal with them, and how they're addressed.

We've all had Crucial Conversations training, and actually put it to use. We support a work-life balance for real, and not the bullshit claims that are said but never acted on.

This is one of the few jobs that I like showing up day to day. There's shit we can't dismiss because its external to us - but even up to the CEO all support us.

u/tizz66 · 2 pointsr/AskReddit

Flat Earth News by Nick Davis. Seriously, once you've read this book you will never look at news in the same way again. I've turned into a cynical bastard about everything I read. I think I preferred living in ignorance.

But still, read it.

Also, Bad Science by Ben Goldacre.

u/6040 · 2 pointsr/intj

The book Crucial Conversations teaches you how to navigate situations just like this.

u/Frammered · 2 pointsr/selfimprovement

On top of the comments here these two books help breakdown mental and physical components of public speaking and how to overcome almost any obstacle:

u/Gimli_the_White · 2 pointsr/consulting

Presentation Zen is an exceptional book for getting a better philosophy of making slides.

However I will warn you - the author makes a great argument why your slides should augment your presentation, not contain it. If you need a self-contained package of the presentation to leave behind, create a PDF. If you accept and adopt this approach, you will find yourself often getting frustrated with other team members who don't get it and keep whining that your slides don't have the words on them.

u/sastarbucks · 2 pointsr/offbeat

People really need to read Flat Earth News, this stuff has been going on for years.

u/anticosti · 2 pointsr/booksuggestions

This is a little bit off-topic but there is Flat Earth News by Nick Davies for general media bias which touches on state censure and propaganda, there's also Trust me I'm lying by Ryan Holiday which is mainly about PR.

u/acfox13 · 1 pointr/news

Trauma, stress, toxic culture, broken trust, lack of basic respect and dignity for fellow human beings. When citizens do not have physical or psychological safety, we end up in survival mode. We need both to heal from trauma, be innovative, creative, and thrive. We can no longer ignore emotional abuse, emotional neglect, verbal abuse, financial abuse, physical abuse, physical neglect. We keep harming each other and then wonder why there are issues. Time to acknowledge the cycles of abuse in our families, communities, and institutions. To wake up from the FOG of denial, stop sugarcoating realty, and face the facts - we are traumatized and need to help each other out, build each other up, support each other. It’s not a competition. We all have to look at ourselves, search out our biases, listen to different perspectives, find our blind spots, deal with our baggage, and heal together. Look for mutually beneficial solutions to our issues. Learn to have Crucial Conversations with each other. We are wired for connection, we need to get back to basics.

u/oxala75 · 1 pointr/instructionaldesign

My pleasure! As an aside, Julie Dirksen is plain awesome in many arenas of L&D/workplace performance.

As I said, we (well, ADL) are working on more instructional designer-focused materials. Coming soon!

u/Not-Now-John · 1 pointr/EverythingScience

Communicating science can be just as important, and much more difficult than the science itself. You have to capture your audience's attention, avoid jargon as much as possible, and tell a compelling story. There are some great books out there about the subject. Connection is my personal favourite, but Escape from the Ivory Tower, Don't be such a Scientist, and Am I Making Myself Clear are all good reads as well.

u/cheap_dates · 1 pointr/careerguidance

I had to learn about Office Politics the Hard Way myself. ; (

A few of my ALL TIME favorites. Some go back a few years but helped me immensely:

u/shagreddit · 1 pointr/AskReddit

You can get the audio book for wither one at, I used to have the same problem and the key for me was being organized with my thoughts and knowing what to say next. The jitters I found were a sign of panic and frustration, it all went away when i became more adept at articulating my point without using profanity or being redundant. Things like that made me feel like I was losing an argument or what have you.

u/mostly_kittens · 1 pointr/ProjectEnrichment

Your slides should be aids to your presentation, they shouldn't be the presentation.

I would recommend reading Presentation Zen (and his website:

u/Trynemjoel · 1 pointr/mac

Sure, the new iWork suite has removed quite a few features that was otherwise available in the old version. But it might only be temporarily.

The new version is rewritten to revisit and enhance the suite of tools going forward, but it has made it necessary for Apple to not include all features at first launch. That's why the old version was not overwritten when the new version first launched and presented as an update in the App Store.

Much wanted features like Apple Script support was only recently reintroduced, and details like the one you mention here might also come in a later update.

Until then, consider using the old Keynote(it still works on Mavericks) if you can't do without this feature. Personally I do not fancy these "bullet reveals" during presentations and would encourage you to try out some new styles of presentation to keep an interest in the lecture. The best lectures are usually built on a solid written and rehearsed and slides that are build to enhance it even further.

Some book recommendations to that end:

u/AFX_Has_No_Meme · 1 pointr/explainlikeimfive

> But how can we be manipulated so easily?

Read this, then read this, and then read this. None of these books can be condensed in to an ELI5 answer, and the third book has some dated examples (although they are just as relevant as ever), but they are well worth your time and have the answers you seek.

u/FrontpageWatch · 1 pointr/longtail

>Hello Reddit!
>My name is Randy Olson. I was a scientist, I became a filmmaker, now I’m back working with scientists and environmentalists, helping them strengthen the narrative elements of their communication efforts using the narrative tools I present in my 3 books. My first book, “Don’t Be Such A Scientist” (Island Press, 2009) outlined the problems faced in the communication of science to the public. My recent book “Houston, We Have A Narrative” (University of Chicago Press, 2015) provides solutions via the tools I have developed — especially the ABT Template (And, But, Therefore) that I derived from Hollywood screenwriting techniques. Now I am about to embark on “the action plan” of the book which is putting the tools to work through my Story Circles Narrative Training. We are running Story Circles with a wide range of institutions from NASA, USDA, US Fish and Wildlife Service and National Park Service to universities including Yale Forestry School, UCLA Institute of the Environment, Tufts University and entering the biotech world with Genentech. Story Circles is a new approach to communications training built around 10 one hour sessions that are more “workout” than lecture. It takes time, but is fun, powerful and applicable to everyone. I’m eager to share the details of the training and the powerful ABT Template that we have labeled “The DNA of Story.” Looking forward to this AMA!
>I’ll be back at 1 pm EST (10 am PST, 6 pm UTC) to answer your questions, ask me anything!

u/nudelete · 1 pointr/Nudelete

>Hello Reddit!
>My name is Randy Olson. I was a scientist, I became a filmmaker, now I’m back working with scientists and environmentalists, helping them strengthen the narrative elements of their communication efforts using the narrative tools I present in my 3 books. My first book, “Don’t Be Such A Scientist” (Island Press, 2009) outlined the problems faced in the communication of science to the public. My recent book “Houston, We Have A Narrative” (University of Chicago Press, 2015) provides solutions via the tools I have developed — especially the ABT Template (And, But, Therefore) that I derived from Hollywood screenwriting techniques. Now I am about to embark on “the action plan” of the book which is putting the tools to work through my Story Circles Narrative Training. We are running Story Circles with a wide range of institutions from NASA, USDA, US Fish and Wildlife Service and National Park Service to universities including Yale Forestry School, UCLA Institute of the Environment, Tufts University and entering the biotech world with Genentech. Story Circles is a new approach to communications training built around 10 one hour sessions that are more “workout” than lecture. It takes time, but is fun, powerful and applicable to everyone. I’m eager to share the details of the training and the powerful ABT Template that we have labeled “The DNA of Story.” Looking forward to this AMA!
>I’ll be back at 1 pm EST (10 am PST, 6 pm UTC) to answer your questions, ask me anything!

u/razorbeamz · 1 pointr/japanlife

What is the best source for English language books?

I'm looking for this book which is significantly cheaper on US Amazon (about half the price even with shipping), but if I'm going to have to wait that long for shipping from the US then I might as well see if there's anywhere else in Japan that I can get it faster.

u/KeScoBo · 1 pointr/explainlikeimfive

I agree that her position is wrong, and that it's dangerous, but calling people dingbats is not a good way to convince them (or others) that you're right. Don't be so unlikable.

u/anye123 · 1 pointr/AskReddit

The BBC is/used to be a reliable source. See 'Flat Earth News' for more on this topic.

u/AnOddOtter · 1 pointr/IWantToLearn

I'm ashamed to say I own this book but haven't read it yet. Anyway, It's the Way You Say It came highly recommended to me for this subject.

u/dundir · 1 pointr/linuxquestions

Wow, I honestly didn't expect that to be such touchy subject.

You may find some benefit from this book.

Regarding your response:
My complaints as you put it, are in your mind. I have no significant attachment regarding the outcome of that reference. I used it as an example of a problem insofar as sustainability and waste are concerned.

Your comment regarding a victim complex i'll let pass with this reply: I said many consider that culture, of note is that I never included myself in that grouping and again what would be the point of a discussion if I was included. There wouldn't be any point.

This post has been centered around a singular problem. The level of tacit knowledge to perform basic tasks is too high in linux (in mine, and others opinion) and growing from that discussion has been an unfortunate focus on an attitude issue or culture if you will.
"A projection", as you say, is simply an issue being all in your head (i.e. skewed perception), but others have recognized this very issue being a problem and thus this particular characterization is without merit.

I wouldn't call standing my ground, and calling out bad behavior as being sensitive, though I can see how some might see it that way.
As for ego, I don't have much of that, which I think is a good thing as it allows flexibility in finding solutions others would miss. I do appreciate people staying on topic during a discussion though.

I am familiar with the book. Its a nice piece of philosophy but there are significant issues with its use as a communication tool.

Positive beliefs can have a profound impact on people which is generally considered good, but assuming others will use that same belief to interpret communication is a poor assumption. Its only valid so long as everyone holds that belief, not everyone does, and some say they do when they don't.

A better approach is being specific, and respectful. It goes without saying that going off on tangent when one feels their beliefs are threatened is bad behavior.

Also, I feel I have to correct a notion you put forth about the tree branch in your post. Ambiguous communication isn't one meaning, or the other, its both and then its left up to the person receiving the communication to decide which meaning is correct based on context and what they know of the person.

When one assumes only a single meaning applies, when there is another that is equally valid, it is flawed logic and any subsequent response based upon such a premise is incorrect and not valid.

Additionally, while we are on the subject of flawed logic, fallacy arguments really have no place in intelligent discussion.

You seem intelligent, and so I'm assuming your aware of its uses in manipulating the direction of a conversation. It comes at great risk for one very important fact that is often overlooked.

That fact is that people don't like being manipulated, and it is not uncommon for there to be extreme negative sentiment towards the source once people realize its happened.

A perfect example would be, "how many people do you know like Michael Moore films?"

Best guess not many, his movies quickly lose their allure as one picks up on the subtle tactics used in the films to manipulate the viewer towards that viewpoint.

All that aside, if you have something to discuss that is germane to the topic at hand, please feel free.

u/counttess · 1 pointr/instructionaldesign

People have already gave some great suggestions. A couple of books you may like:

u/lutesolo · 1 pointr/tableau

I'm no expert (there are a lot of the books on the topic and I've read exactly one half of one of them), but I've been enjoying my time with 'The Big Book of Dashboards' by Wexler, Shaffer, and Cotgreave. They do in-depth analysis on dashboards, breaking down each piece and talking about what makes the dashboard great, and how you might be able to improve it.

I don't know that it's the best book on the market, but it has been pretty much exactly my speed as an intermediate/advanced Tableau dev who struggles with design elements more than technical elements.

u/Onisake · 1 pointr/scrum

Ahhhh. I see. That's helpful.

When it comes to leadership (and training leaders) Toyota sets the bar. But they've also built a complete system and culture around it. This is something I try to do at every place I've been, people are our most important resource. As Scrum Masters we should be doing everything possible to instill this into the industry. we should take the time to invest in our people to ensure we have strong leaders at all levels of the organization. A culture that actively encourages and reinforces skill growth is more likely to attract and retain top talent.

To get you started, I'd recommend reading Crucial Conversations. Leadership requires you to have a good understanding of both people and process. understanding people is slightly more important, as process understanding can be delegated to/shared with the team. It's generally much easier to learn process than people skills. Still, as a Scrum Master you should consider yourself part process engineer.

Anyway, the focus of the book is to help you understand and dig into the 'why' when it comes to conflict. It also gives you some techniques to try.

To help you accelerate your learning, you should consider the differences between managing a team, leading a team, and coaching a team. After that you should begin to understand the different ways people learn. This will not only help your own learning, but allow you to more easily teach/coach a team.

A few techniques that might help you out:

provide answers in the form of a question instead of a statement. Don't provide solutions, instead consider how to 'incept' the idea into the team. By figuring it out themselves it reinforces their learning and progress. When they are struggling, you should explain the concept but allow them to put it into practice. Everything should be driven by the team, you're just a catalyst that makes it easier.

Scrum helps you out a lot in this regard, as many of the by-the-book processes break things in specific ways(It's probably more correct to say there are common problems in the industry that we see at most organizations, they generally break the same way). As you become more experienced you can make recommendations that will highlight specific problem areas in the next sprint. This will prime the next retrospective towards a specific topic/area. This becomes easier as you get a better understanding of process and workflow.

One of the items in your job description is to remove impediments. Keep in mind that this includes morale. a team (member) with low morale will be less engaged, and that means lower productivity.

u/Francis_the_Goat · 1 pointr/socialskills

I highly recommend the books Crucial Conversations and Crucial Accountability.

I've always had a really hard time holding people accountable and communicating in an effective way. Both of these books have amazing step by step strategies for handling all sorts of crucial moments. They address the exact issues you are struggling with.

u/JunglistMassive · 1 pointr/northernireland

Every News outlet as a predetermined agenda and self censors on that basis; to believe in the shiny beacon of "freedom of the press" is deeply naive. "Freedom of Expression" in the press is kept under check in a narrowly defined agenda to suit their corporate interests and political agendas. I would highly recommend reading Nick Davis Flat Earth News. The Narrative being pushed now is that freedom of the press is under attack is a sham; that disappeared a long time ago.

u/epyionn · 1 pointr/BettermentBookClub

Crucial conversations

Any review i give isnt as good as the reviews. Check it out

u/Tuwonwon · 1 pointr/LearnJapanese

I have this book. Pretty interesting, and it uses a rating system for politeness in addition to brief cultural explanations.

u/calicocookiedough · 1 pointr/cats

He started doing it because of the UTI. Now it's just a bad habit (if you're sure that he's healthy again). He learned to associate the litter box with pain since it hurt every time he peed. Please, please, please read this book and try what it suggests. Super thorough and easy to understand. Also, is he neutered?

u/2_blave · 1 pointr/OkCupid

I'm not going to apologize for the rant that follows, because you are one of the most opinionated posters on this sub who acts like their opinion is always right, regardless of evidence that may indicate otherwise.

Start paying attention to things that happen outside of your bubble and take in information that is presented to you in the spirit of discussion. Note that when you state an unequivocal opinion on the internet, people are generally going to call you out on your bullshit, and you should fucking expect to have to defend yourself. Otherwise, you can just stop fucking responding and/or stop posting holier-than-thou bullshit.

>I don't think reading scientific studies actually teaches you how to act in a given situation

[Because I don't mind providing evidence to back up my opinions.] ( This is how some people use science to inform their actions in given situations.

u/muucavwon · 1 pointr/exmormon

I'm so sorry for what you're going through. When my marriage was on the skids due to the church (there was a little bit of sexual frustration in the mix as well) I was so depressed and anxious. It sucks balls. I didn't think I could have a worse two years than my mission. But we made it through and we're doing better than ever.

My mantra: I will become a great communicator.

I will work on communicating my needs and understanding my wife's needs. If this leads to divorce, that will be for the best because we are not able to fulfill each other's needs. If we stay together, it will be for the best because we are both fulfilling each other's needs. Divorce vs staying together will be the result of good communication.

This is my favorite intro to assertive communication and I'd also suggest picking up a copy of Crucial Conversations.

You can get through this and get to a more healthy relationship that includes sexual fulfillment. Internet strangers are rooting for you!

u/berf · 1 pointr/PhilosophyofScience

I disagree completely.

I teach statistics, so I have even more of a problem than what you're up against. Most people hate statistics (real statistical inference, not memorizing batting averages).

Most people can't relate to what you are calling the scientific method and don't want to. And nothing you can do will cram it down their throats. Scientists who want to communicate science to the public need to read Don't Be Such a Scientist by Randy Olson, which says that most scientistics don't have a clue how to talk to ordinary people, which is (part of?) why they can't get their message across.

Let's take a concrete example. Suppose you had a cancer that has a very low survival probability (you've been given six months to live, and expect it to be horrible quality of life, lots of chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy and lots of pain). And there is a randomized clinical trial of a new treatment currently enrolling subjects. You decide to give it a shot. What have you got to lose? How do you feel about the randomization? Wouldn't you rather be assured of your chance at a miracle cure?

Explaining why the randomization is essential is very hard. The only textbook I know that deals with this in any depth is the first two chapters of Freedman, Pisani and Purves and they refuse to deal with any of the psychological issues and everyday reasoning of ordinary people. They just say if you don't have randomization, then it isn't really "controlled" and isn't really "scientific" but they would need a whole book (or several books) rather than just a couple of chapters in a "statistics for poets" book to really deal with the subject.

The real answer has to go over the history of clinical trials showing that without randomized controls, they can and do give wrong answers. And that getting a false positive in a clinical trial is a disaster because a bogus treatment becomes established and crowds out possibilities of real treatment until the bogosity gradually comes to light the hard way (years or decades of so so results). Clinical trials are much sharper tools than just the general consensus of the scientific comunity which follows trends, jumps on bandwagons, chases the money, and it sensitive to advertising and charisma of "thought leaders". But all of this is very hard to understand.

If ordinary people really believed in the "scientific method" our politics, culture, economy, and religion would be very different. That in itself explains much of the resistance.

Even certified scientists (PhD, academic position, grants, long vita, etc.) are people too and do not apply the "scientific method" when they don't have to. Not in their daily lives, and not even in science except where it is absolutely required.

I have a joke that many scientists think P < 0.05 means "Statistics has proved that every idea I have is correct." Almost no one thinks it means "A straw man has been duly knocked down. There must be some signal in our data. It is not all noise." Or
"The smaller of the two statistical models being compared fits the data as well as the larger one."
[Edit: oops! make that does not fit.] Yet these bloodless, lifeless phrasings are all the hypothesis test really says.

So if even scientists don't understand the scientific method (and if you are a hard liner about what the scientific method is, you can see violations in every paper in every journal), what is the point of teaching it to the general public?

A much richer and much more complicated view of the subject is in order. [Edit: IMHO]

u/zeptimius · 1 pointr/TrueAskReddit

A good book about this is Flat Earth News, which details how and why the media have changed in the last couple of decades. I found it very insightful.

The gist of it is that because most media are owned by media conglomerates, fewer reporters are paid less to produce more, which has inevitably led to a lack of fact-checking, copy-pasting press releases from whoever sends them in, and no time or money for investigative journalism.

Some media maintain a high standard of journalistic excellence, such as the New Yorker and the Guardian, but the industry as a whole has changed dramatically.

The best point the author makes is that journalism has traded in objectivity (finding out what's true and reporting it, a time-consuming, tedious task) and neutrality (reporting the controversy and letting both parties have their say, without taking sides, an easy task that requires no knowledge of the point being debated).

The more extreme politicians and activists are wise to this and use it to their advantage. The government shutdown is a good example: in the past, the GOP would have been cut down by the media for sabotaging the country just to postpone a law that passed through Congress, was signed into law, and passed a constitutionality test in the courts. Now, the shutdown is presented as a "game of chicken" in which both sides are on equal footing.

It's also a logical consequence that you can get a lot of made-up bullshit reported as truth by the media. This has been proved time and again.

u/LeftistRedneck · 1 pointr/AskMen
u/k_space · 1 pointr/exmormon

I am glad that you finally got through to your parents, and I agree with the positive comments that are already here. So as not to just repeat what other people have been saying, let me just add one or two things that I hope will be helpful for you in the long run.

And it actually has less to do with Mormonism than you might think. It sounds like you had some issues that built up for many years and they finally boiled over and turned ugly. It's easy to justify saying some blunt, rude, and aggressive things afterward with a false dichotomy: it was either that or suffer in silence. Maybe you could see this as a starting point: instead of bottling up, you let it out. Now, look into some strategies for letting it out in a more effective way. Think carefully about what "victory" means to you and your relationship with your parents, and have specific goals in mind when you talk to them. It sounds like your parents don't have certain important communication skills, and you may not have them either as a result. That isn't your fault. However, your adult life is just beginning, and you have plenty of time to be so much better than they are.

The book that helped me pick up all the skills my parents lacked is called crucial conversations. I wish you the best of luck as you move forward with your life.

u/MapleBlood · 1 pointr/MotoUK

I would add Roadcraft as well.

u/sard · 1 pointr/unitedkingdom

I don't know why you're being downvoted. It's a pointless story released solely to make up for him fucking about in Las Vegas. The mindset that blindly publishes this crap is the same one that blindly published all the WMD bollocks being put out by US and UK governments prior to the Iraq war. 'Only publishing what they told me to gov' is not a defence.

I think you'll enjoy this book

and this website

u/kai1793 · 1 pointr/specialed

At one of our P.A. Days were were highly recommended this:

It has pictures of the right way and the wrong way on a variety of things. Kind of quick social stories about things like interrupting, asking someone to play, taking turns, keeping calm etc. This is for school-aged kids. There is another one for high school and up.

I haven't bought it yet, but I've been eyeing it. I'm an E.A. and buy entirely too many things for my kids. I don't make nearly what teachers do, lol.

u/this_is_your_dad · 1 pointr/LifeProTips

All you need to know is in this book. It has changed my relationship with everyone.

Crucial Conversations

u/TripoverDick · 0 pointsr/greatawakening

Here you are, read it for yourself. You seem more intelligent than 99% of your own brain cells.
Media Virus! Hidden Agendas in Popular Culture Paperback – February 6, 1996
The most virulent viruses today are composed of information. In this information-driven age, the easiest way to manipulate the culture is through the media. A hip and caustically humorous McLuhan for the '90s, culture watcher Douglas Rushkoff now offers a fascinating expose of media manipulation in today's age of instant information.

u/h2sbacteria · 0 pointsr/worldnews

My citation is to a book:

And the quote is about a study done by an academic in a university and published.

And the book talks about global media.

The fact that you're upvoted more than my comment just shows how much people want to believe rather than research.

Here's a review of the book:

Author and journalist Nick Davies has written one of the best exposés of the media. The book started when he saw that the government's lies about Iraqi WMD became widely accepted as true because too many in his profession spread them uncritically. As he writes, journalism without checking is like a body without an immune system.

Commercial forces are the main obstacle to truth-telling journalism. The owners cut costs by cutting staff and local news suppliers, by running cheap stories, choosing safe facts and ideas, avoiding upsetting the powerful, giving both sides of the story (unless it's the official story), giving the readers what they want to believe, and going with moral panics.

He cites a Cardiff University study of four quality papers which found that 60% of their home news stories were wholly from wire agencies, mainly the Press Association, or PR material, 20% partially so, 8% from unknown sources, and just 12% generated by reporters. The Press Association reports only what is said, it has no time to check whether it is true. There are now more PR people, 47,800, than journalists, 45,000.

News websites run by media firms recycle 50% of their stories from the two international wire agencies, Associated Press and Reuters; those run by internet firms recycle 85% of their stories from those two. On a typical day, Google News offered 14,000' stories - actually retelling just 24 events.<br /> <br /> The government has 1,500 press officers, issues 20,000 press releases a year, and also spends millions more of our money on PR firms. The Foreign Office spends £600 million a year onpublic diplomacy'. The CIA spent $265 million on information operations' in 1978 alone, more than the world's three biggest news agencies together. It focuses its efforts on the New York Times, CBS, Newsweek and Time.<br /> <br /> Davies notes the non-stories - bin Laden before 9/11, 80% of world's people living below the poverty line, poverty and inequality surging since the 1980s, wars in the Ivory Coast, Liberia, Congo and Nepal, the global water shortage, and the vast expansion of tax havens (a third of the world's GDP goes through them).<br /> <br /> He notes how the scare about heroin, which is not a poison, led to the rise of the black market and the consequentwar' on drugs, which now costs the USA $49 billion a year. In Britain, every pound the state spends on prohibition stimulates £4 worth of crime. Again, the nuclear power scare is based on lies: Chernobyl killed just 56 people (World Health Organisation figure), not the six million that Greenpeace's Russian representative claimed.

Finally, Davies shows how Rupert Murdoch and Andrew Neil destroyed the Sunday Times and its Insight team, how the Observer suppressed stories that disproved the government's claims about WMD and how Paul Dacre rules the Daily Mail through fear.

u/ZybexAkhenaton · 0 pointsr/worldnews

Not only that but also a bit of churnalism into the mixture: basically the media copies what comes in from other media, wire stories and from press releases (by the government) without undertaking any research or checking due to pressures of time and cost. Then a sort of consensus is formed in the media and in the public opinion: wikileaks is the bad guy who endangers lives. It's not really any sort of censorship, it's more the way the media network works which allows for governments and public relation firms to easily inject stories into the press that get bounced around the news (like an echo chamber). I recommend anyone interested to read this excellent book: Flat Earth News

u/rebkos · -1 pointsr/RWBY

&gt; There was a real and tangible concern that you were one of many americans who simply does not like the military. It's hardly uncommon on the internet, and in similar conversations I've had people flat out tell me that the military is a waste of time and shouldn't be used as a defintion of leadership because they are anti-war.

This pretty much tells me I should drop this conversation entirely with you because you are not being intellectually honest. You are choosing to argue from a preemptive strike perspective with zero tangible evidence, while simply adding shock value of "IF YOU DISAGREE WITH ME YOU HATE AMERICA." But as with so many internet discussions... Duty calls....

&gt; &gt; and while I was never personally able to serve in the military due to medical reasons

&gt; Me too. Fuck allergies.

You stated previously you were in ROTC. Did you drop out? Were you in Junior ROTC? By your own statements I am lead to believe you are either a liar or someone otherwise actively misrepresenting themselves in order to cite military leadership doctrine. This is an unacceptable, inappropriate, and overall dishonorable.

&gt; Then I suspect I'm much younger than you and also less well versed because of it.

I would tend to agree with that assessment...

&gt; &gt; I'm getting redundant at this point, but being an "actual leader" is not required to have anything to do with being the one in charge.

&gt; It does in this context because Ruby is the one who was put in charge. She is, in effect, a commissioned officer, because she didn't step up to the task of leadership, she was assigned it. Also, she's not on a sports team, she's in a paramilitary organization/profession of arms. The most immediately annalogous and therefore most appropriate model for that leadership would be an officer.

&gt; &gt; Any Airman can be a leader and can positively influence those around him or her to accomplish the mission.

&gt; But not every Airman is assigned to be leader. Ruby is the designated leader of team Ruby, not the first person to step up to bat in an unorganized setting.

Being an officer or being assigned does not inherently make you a leader, it simply gives you responsibility. How you handle that responsibility is what is relevant. I am arguing leadership theory and what traits make someone a good leader or a bad leader. I am not arguing specifics regarding policy or procedure. I am also not arguing that Ruby is some how the Mary Sue of leadership. What I am arguing is that Ruby exhibits many excellent natural leadership traits.

&gt; &gt; Leaders are not created by the chain of command. Leaders are merely given authority by the chain of command.

&gt; Your right, they're created by training. But Ruby is already trained.

You are wrong. You are hands down, unequivocally, wrong. For someone to be a good leader they do not need any training at all. There are many elements (e.g., charisma, empathy, and attention to detail) that are inherent traits in some individual that make them naturally fall into the role of leader. Can training improve leaders? Absolutely. Should any leader stop learning and go "yep, I have become the greatest leader ever, there is no where to go from here"? Of course not. However leadership, and the potential for leadership can be an innate ability. Further citing the Air University manual: You were chosen to be an officer because you have the
potential qualities of a leader, just as an athlete is “signed” by a big league team and the aviation cadet is selected for flying training because they have certain innate abilities.

Furthermore, Ruby left Signal early and did not finish her training there. If anything she is actively untrained and being forced to learn on the job. Additionally, we have no reason to believe that anyone receives any degree of leadership training at these schools, or what that training consists of. Is "Crucial Conversations" on the Signal reading list? Or is Signal more focused on physical training and combat theory? We know Atlas takes a more militaristic approach with its academies, but what reason do we have to believe Signal does as well?

&gt; &gt; and setting of standards.

&gt; Weiss's entire problem with Ruby were that she was demotivating because her standards were so low. Being late for class on the first day, sleeping in class on the first day, doodling instead of paying attention to the teacher, whispering instead of paying attention to the teacher, the list of ways in which Ruby has low personal standards for herself goes on and on, and Weiss strongly rejected all of them. She was incredibly demotivated by Ruby's "standards" as a leader. Is that good leadership?

Indeed. And when Ozpin pointed out her flaws to her, she immediately recognized that she needed to change and appreciated that she had failed in an aspect of leadership. Again, she is not the Mary Sue of leadership. What makes her stand out as a good leader is the same thing that makes Weiss stand out in her own way; when confronted with a weakness that was detrimental to the team dynamic (poor standard setting and poor followership respectively), they accepted their flaws and worked to try to better themselves for the success of the team.

&gt; This isn't leading from the front, it's being reckless and unaccountable. Ruby has severe accountability issues, she's missing and isolated from her team with them having little to no idea where she is for the majority of the time they do, anything.

This is probably one of the few points I will agree with you on. Ruby's desire to ensure that she is on the front lines often comes into conflict with leading larger groups. However, had Ruby's reaction been to sit down, shut up, and do what the adult said, that would not be a demonstration of exemplary leadership skills either.

&gt; &gt; If we want to take an Air Force approach, Leadership is "the art of influencing and directing people in a way that will win their obedience, confidence, respect, and loyal cooperation, in achieving a common objective."

&gt; And it what way does Ruby exemplify this? On the first day, one of her teammates tried to have her removed from being leader beause of how little confidence she had in her. Blake is constantly being "disloyal". She ran away from the team, twice, and Ruby never did a damn thing to address that. It's Weiss who questions Blake at the end of Volume 1 AND the beginning of volume 2 about her anti-social behaviour, not Ruby. Her teammates aren't inspired by her, they literally call her a kid behind her back in Mt. glen. They don't respect her, because they don't even vote for her to be in the doubles round. Two of them have been decidely unloyal, as a result of her failures as a leader.

She has not won the team's full confidence by Mountain Glenn in Volume 2. Based on their personal history, she's won it from Yang by episode 8 in Volume 1 (the moment where Yang is watching her lead everyone away from the ruins). However, she is quickly winning them over through her regular actions, so by the end of Volume 3 she has won. When Yang is concerned because she can't get in touch with Ruby, Blake reminds her "she's our leader, she can take care of herself" which is more than enough to reassure Yang. When Ruby declares that she is going off to find Pyrrha and Jaune, Weiss immediately joins her; Weiss wants to be by her side. When Ruby declares she has a plan, Weiss says "you always do" and follows unquestioningly. Gone is the demanding Ice Queen who insists she knows better, she's with Ruby 100%.

&gt; You could argue that Pyrrha is a leader on her team because she exemplifies good leadership qualities despite not being the on in charge. You can say that about Weiss and even Ren to a certain extent.

I could and I would. Pyrrha is a leader on her team. Weiss is a leader on her team. Pyrrha and Weiss both help their team leads recognize flaws and grow from them. As stated before, you are not required to be the one in charge to be a good leader. "Learning to follow is the beginning of leadership."